Encyclopedia of Experiments
Kanser Araştırmaları
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Encyclopedia of Experiments Kanser Araştırmaları
Intra-uterine Cancer Cell Injection: A Technique to Deliver Cancer Cells for Establishing Intra-peritoneal Ovarian Cancer Mouse Model

Intra-uterine Cancer Cell Injection: A Technique to Deliver Cancer Cells for Establishing Intra-peritoneal Ovarian Cancer Mouse Model


To begin this procedure, anesthetize a 7 to 8 week old athymic nude mouse with 2% isoflurane. Then, verify that it is completely anesthetized by pinching its footpad. Next, place the animal on its right side on a sterile gauze pad with its head away from the experimenter. Apply ointment to both eyes to prevent dryness while under anesthesia.

Afterward, quickly insert the animal's head in a nose cone system connected to an isoflurane vaporizer. Disinfect the right side of the abdomen using alcohol pads followed by iodine. Then, place the sterile surgical drape over it. Using sterile surgical scissors and forceps, make a 1 to 2 centimeter skin incision on the lower left quadrant of the mouse.

After that, lift the muscle and make an incision in order to reach the peritoneum. Subsequently, dissect the oblique muscle to expose the abdominal cavity. Then, locate the left uterine horn. Using a sterile hemostat, clamp both the anterior and posterior sides of the horn.

Place the anterior clamp right below the fallopian tube and the posterior clamp right above the cervix. At this point, have the second experimenter inject the cell suspension by placing the cells containing needle at a 45-degree angle perpendicular to the horn. Then, slowly inject 50 microliters of cell suspension into the lumen of the uterine horn. Next, release the anterior clamp followed by the posterior clamp.

After that, place the uterine horn back in the abdominal cavity. Close the peritoneum using a synthetic absorbable suture. Then, close the skin using a tissue adhesive.

When finished, remove the mouse from the nose cone and place it back in its cage. Make sure the animal is awake and active before leaving it unattended. Provide ibuprofen in the drinking water for the first 48 hours after surgery.

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