JoVE Science Education
Organic Chemistry II
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JoVE Science Education Organic Chemistry II
Infrared Spectroscopy
  • 00:04Genel Bakış
  • 01:31Principles of IR Spectroscopy
  • 04:20Characterization of Organic Compounds by ATR-IR Spectroscopy
  • 05:37Data Analysis
  • 06:26Applications
  • 07:43Özet




Genel Bakış

资料来源: 加州大学欧文分校化学系 Vy 先生和陈先生

这项实验将演示红外 (IR) 光谱学 (也称为振动光谱学) 的使用, 以阐明一个未知化合物的身份识别的功能组 (s) 目前。红外光谱将使用衰减全反射 (ATR) 取样技术, 并在一个整洁的未知样品的红外光谱仪。


两个原子之间的共价键可以被认为是具有质量的两个对象, m1m2与弹簧连接。自然, 这种键的拉伸和压缩具有一定的振动频率。此频率由公式 1给出, 其中Image 1 k是弹簧的力常数, c是光速, µ是减少的质量 (公式 2)。频率通常以 wavenumbers 表示, 以相反的厘米 (cm-1) 表达。

Equation 1

Equation 2

公式 1中, 频率与弹簧的强度成正比, 与物体的质量成反比。因此, 由于氢是一个轻原子, 因此, c h、N h 和 o h 键的拉伸频率比 c-c 和 c o 键高。双和三重键可以被认为是更强的弹簧, 所以一个 c o 双键有一个更高的拉伸频率比一个 c o 单键。红外线是电磁辐射, 波长从 700 nm 到1毫米不等, 这与相对的键强度一致。当一个分子吸收红外光的频率等于共价键的固有振动频率时, 辐射产生的能量会增加键振动的振幅。如果电 (吸引电子的倾向) 在共价键中的两个原子是非常不同的, 电荷分离发生, 结果在一个偶极矩。例如, 在一个 C O 双键 (羰基) 中, 电子比碳原子花费更多的时间在氧原子上, 因为氧比碳更具负电。因此, 有一个净偶极矩, 导致在氧气部分负电荷和部分正电荷碳。另一方面, 对称炔烃没有一个净偶极矩, 因为两个单独的偶极矩在两边相互抵消。当键拉伸或压缩时, 红外吸收的强度与偶极矩的变化成正比。因此, 一个羰基的拉伸将在 IR 中显示一个强波段, 对称的内部炔烃将显示一个小的, 如果不是隐形的, 用于拉伸 c-c 三重键的带 (图 1)。表 1显示了一些特征的吸收频率。图 2显示了 Hantzsch 酯的红外光谱。请注意, 对于羰基基团, 在3343厘米-1处的峰值为 n-H 单键, 峰值为1695厘米-1 。在这个实验中, 使用 atr 取样技术, 其中红外光反射的样品与 atr 晶体多次接触。通常使用高折射率的材料, 如锗和硒化锌。这种方法使人能够直接检查固体或液体分析, 无需进一步的准备。

Figure 1

图1。图中显示了 cO 双和 cC 三键拉伸和在偶极矩中产生的变化.

Table 1


Figure 2

图2。Hantzsch 酯的红外光谱。


打开红外线光谱仪, 让它预热。 从讲师处获取一个未知的样本, 并记录该样本的字母和外观。 收集背景光谱。 使用金属刮刀, 将少量的样品放在探头下面。 旋转探头直到它锁定到位。 记录未知样品的红外光谱。 如有必要, 重复, 以获得良好的质量频谱。 记录所呈现的功能组的吸收频率。 用丙酮清洗探头。 关掉光谱仪 分析得到的频谱。图 3显示了未知示例的可能候选项。说明未知样本的可能识别。 图 3。显示未知的可能标识的图。


Table 2: Appearance and observed IR frequencies of the compounds listed in Figure 3.

Compound Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Appearance clear liquid white solid clear liquid clear liquid clear liquid clear liquid yellow liquid white solid white solid clear liquid
Observed frequencies (cm-1) 1691,

Applications and Summary

In this experiment, we have demonstrated how to identify an unknown sample based on its characteristic IR spectrum. Different functional groups give different stretching frequencies, which allow the identification of the functional groups present.

As shown in this experiment, IR spectroscopy is a useful tool for the organic chemist to identify and characterize a molecule. In addition to organic chemistry, IR spectroscopy has useful applications in other areas. In the pharmaceutical industry, this technique is used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of drugs. In food science, IR spectroscopy is used to study fats and oils. Lastly, IR spectroscopy is used to measure the composition of greenhouse gases, i.e., CO2, CO, CH4, and N2O in efforts to understand global climate changes.


Infrared, or IR, spectroscopy is a technique used to characterize covalent bonds.

Molecules with certain types of covalent bonds can absorb IR radiation, causing the bonds to vibrate. An IR spectrophotometer can measure which frequencies are absorbed. This is generally represented with a spectrum of percent IR radiation transmitted through the sample at a given frequency in wavenumbers. In this type of spectrum, the peaks are inverted, as they represent a decrease in transmitted light at that frequency.

The absorbed frequencies depend on the identity and electronic environment of the bonds, giving each molecule a characteristic spectrum. However, each type of bond will absorb IR radiation within a specific frequency range, and will have a common peak shape and absorption strength. Peaks can therefore be assigned to specific bonds, allowing identification of an unknown compound from the IR spectrum.

This video will illustrate the characterization of an unknown organic compound with IR spectroscopy and will introduce a few other applications of IR spectroscopy in organic chemistry.

A covalent bond between two atoms can be modeled as a spring connecting two bodies with masses m1 and m2. This “spring” has a resonance frequency, which, in this case, is the frequency of light corresponding to the quantum of energy needed to excite an oscillation in the bond at that same frequency, but with even greater amplitude.

The resonance frequency of a bond depends on the bond strength and length, the identity of the involved atoms, and the environment. For instance, a conjugated bond will vibrate in a different frequency range than a non-conjugated bond.

The resonance frequency also depends on the vibrational mode, which is the oscillation pattern of the atoms within a molecule. The most common vibrational modes observed by IR spectroscopy are stretching and bending. Linear molecules have 3N minus 5 vibrational modes, where N is the number of atoms, and non-linear molecules have 3N minus 6 vibrational modes.

IR spectrophotometry is primarily performed by shining a broad-spectrum light source through an interferometer, which blocks all but a few wavelengths of light at any given time, onto the sample. An IR detector measures the light intensities for each interferometer setting. Once data has been collected over the desired frequency range, it is processed into a recognizable spectrum by Fourier transform.

The sample can be gaseous, liquid, or solid, depending on the construction of the instrument. For a standard detector, gases and liquids are placed in a cell with IR-transparent windows, and solids are suspended in oil or pressed into a transparent pellet with potassium bromide. The IR light is then directed through the sample to the detector.

An alternate method for solid and liquid samples is attenuated total reflectance, or ATR. In this method, the pure sample is placed in contact with a crystal surface. IR light is then reflected off the underside of the crystal into a detector, with the absorbed frequencies reflecting more weakly. The sample doesn’t need to be processed first, as the light does not travel through it.

Now that you understand the principles of IR spectroscopy, let’s go through a procedure for identifying an unknown organic compound using the ATR sampling technique on an FTIR instrument.

To begin the characterization procedure, turn on the FTIR spectrometer and allow the lamp to warm up to operating temperature.

Ensure that the ATR crystal is clean. Then, with no sample in place, use the spectrometer software to record a background spectrum.

Next, obtain a solid sample of an unknown organic compound and note its appearance. Using a clean metal spatula, carefully place the sample on the crystal surface. Alternatively, for liquid samples, a pipette is used to transfer samples to crystal surface.

Carefully screw down the probe until it locks into place to fix the sample against the crystal surface.

Then, collect at least one IR spectrum of the unknown sample. After data collection has finished and the background has been subtracted, use the analysis tools in the software to identify the wavenumbers of the peaks.

When finished with the spectrometer, remove the sample and clean the probe with acetone. Save the spectra, close the software, and turn off the spectrometer.

In this experiment, the unknown sample may be one of ten organic compounds, each with five characteristic IR peaks. Based on the phase and visual appearance of the unknown, 8 of the possibilities may be eliminated.

The spectrum from the unknown compound shows a wide peak near the 3,300 wavenumber region, indicative of either an -OH or -NH stretching absorption. The peaks to right indicate the presence of carbon-carbon double bonds and carbon oxygen bonds. Of the two remaining compounds, only one has an -OH group so the compound is phenol.

IR spectrophotometry is a widely used characterization tool in biology and chemistry. Let’s look at a few examples.

In this procedure, FTIR spectroscopy performed with the ATR method was used to obtain IR absorbance images of tissue by introducing a microscopy component into the instrument. Each pixel in the image had a corresponding IR spectrum, allowing determination of the molecular composition of the tissue with excellent spatial resolution. The tissue image could also be displayed at different frequencies to visualize the distribution of molecule types throughout the tissue.

The molecular vibrations of peptide groups in a protein are affected by protein conformational changes. By monitoring a protein sample with step-scan FTIR, which has a temporal resolution on the order of tens of nanoseconds, protein dynamics can be monitored via the changes in their absorbance spectra. The data can be presented as individual spectra or as 3D plots of intensity, frequency, and time for peak identification and further analysis.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to IR spectroscopy. You should now be familiar with the underlying principles of IR spectroscopy, the procedure for IR spectroscopy of organic compounds, and a few examples of how IR spectroscopy is used in organic chemistry. Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Infrared Spectroscopy. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).