

Published: November 05, 2020




微管细胞学研究的一个重要方面是在体外重组实验中对微管行为的研究。它们允许分析微管的内在特性,如动力学,以及它们与微管相关蛋白质(MAPs)的相互作用。”图布林代码”是一个新兴的概念,指向不同的图布林同位素同位素和各种翻译后修改 (PTM) 作为微管属性和功能的调节器。要探索图布林密码的分子机制,必须使用具有特定同位素和PTM的纯化图布林进行体外重组实验。







在目前的协议中,我们描述了一种方法,它使用成熟和广泛使用的聚合去聚化方法作为蓝图,从细胞系或小鼠脑组织24产生不同程度的修饰图布林。在此过程中,图布林在可溶性(4 °C的图布林二毛钱)和聚合形式(在瓜诺辛 5′-三磷酸 [GTP] 存在的情况下在 30 °C 处的微管)之间循环。每种形式都通过连续的离心步骤分离:在冷(4 °C)旋转后,图布林调光器将留在超自然体中,而微管将在30°C下喷出。 此外,在高管氨酸-N,N+-bis(2-乙醇离子酸)(PIPES)浓度下进行一个聚合步骤,允许从微管中去除微管相关蛋白质,从而从最终纯化的图布林中去除。从 HeLa S3 细胞中纯化为悬浮或粘附培养物的 Tubulin 几乎没有任何图布林 PTM,并已用于最近的体外重组实验25,26,27,28.我们进一步调整了从单只小鼠大脑中净化图布林的方法,可用于大量小鼠模型,这些模型具有图布林异种类型和PTM的变化。


我们在这里描述的方法有两个主要优点:(一) 它允许在相对较短的时间内生产足够大量的图布林, (ii) 它产生高品质, 纯图布林, 与特定的图布林异型组成或PTM.在本手稿的相关视频中,我们重点介绍了此程序中涉及的一些关键步骤。


根据欧洲共同体的建议(2010/63/UE),对这项研究进行动物护理和使用。实验程序是居里CEEA-IC#118(国家管理局授权号04395.03)根据国际准则特别批准的。 1. 为图布林净化准备试剂 注:所有用于图布林净化的缓冲剂应含有钾盐,而不是钠盐30。 准备 1 L 的完整介质:杜尔贝科的改良鹰介质 (DMEM), 10% 胎儿牛血清 (FBS, 100 mL), …

Representative Results

该方法的主要目标是生产出质量高、装配能力强的图布林,其数量足以对纯化成分进行反复的体外实验。从这种管蛋白组装的微管可用于重组测定,基于全内部反射荧光(TIRF)显微镜技术与动态或稳定的微管,在实验测试微管动力学,与MAP或分子电机的相互作用,并强制发电的电机25。它们还可用于微管-MAP共聚检测和固态NMR光谱28。 在整?…


这里描述的方法提供了一个平台,从细胞线和单个鼠标大脑中快速产生高质量、具有组装能力的中量图布林。它是基于黄金标准协议的图布林纯化牛脑用于该领域多年16,17。该方法的一个特别优点是使用 HeLa S3 细胞的悬浮培养物,一旦建立,就会产生大量的细胞,同时几乎不需要动手时间。这使得该协议在任何细胞生物学实验室中都相对容易执行,而?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作得到了ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02、LabEx单元’n’Scale ANR-11-LBX-0038和收敛Q-life ANR-17-CONV-0005研究所的支持。CJ由居里研究所支持,法国国家研究机构(ANR)授予ANR-12-BSV2-0007和ANR-17-CE13-0021, 国家癌症学院(INCA)赠款2014-PL BIO-11-ICR-1,以及雷彻切医学基金会(FRM)赠款DEQ20170336756。MMM由Vaincre老年痴呆症基金会赠款FR-16055p支持,并得到法国阿尔茨海默氏症赠款AAP SM 2019 n+2023的支持。JAS 得到了欧盟”地平线 2020″研究和创新计划的支持,该计划由玛丽·斯考多夫斯卡-库里赠款协议第 675737 号和 FRM 赠款 FDT201904008210 提供。SB 得到了 FRM 赠款 FDT201805005465 的支持。




1 M MgCl2  Sigma #M1028
1-L cell culture vessels Techne F7610  Used for spinner cultures. Never stir the empty spinner bottles. When spinner bottles are in the cell culture incubator, always keep the lateral valves of spinner bottles slightly open to facilitate the equilibration of media with incubator’s atmosphere. After use, fill the spinner bottles immediately with tap water to avoid drying of remaining cells on the bottle walls. Wash the bottles with deionised water, add app 200 ml of deionised water and autoclave. Under a sterile cell culture hood remove the water and allow the bottles to dry completely, still under the hood, for several hours. Never use detergents for cleaning the spinner bottles because any trace amounts of the detergent can be deleterious to the cells.
1.5- and 2-ml tubes
14-ml round-bottom tubes
15-cm-diameter sterile culture dishes
15-ml screw-cap tubes
2-mercaptoethanol  Sigma  #M3148 2-mercaptoethanol is toxic and should be used under the hood.
4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl fluoride  Sigma  #A8456
40% Acrylamide  Bio-Rad  #161-0140
5-, 10- 20-ml syringes
5-ml, 10-ml, 25-ml sterile pipettes
50-ml screw-cap tubes
Ammonium persulfate (APS) Sigma #A3678
Anti-alpha-tubulin antibody, 12G10  Developed by J. Frankel and M. Nelson, obtained from the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, developed under the auspices of the NICHD, and maintained by the University of Iowa dilution: 1/500
Anti-glutamylated tubulin antibody, GT335  AdipoGen  #AG-20B-0020 dilution: 1/20,000
Aprotinin  Sigma  #A1153
Balance (0.1 – 10 g)
Beckman 1-l polypropylene bottles  For collecting spinner cultures
Beckman Avanti J-26 XP centrifuge For collecting spinner cultures
Biological stirrer  Techne MCS-104L  Installed in the cell culture incubator (for spinner cultures), 25 rpm for Hela S3 and HEK 293 cells
Bis N,N’-Methylene-Bis-Acrylamide  Bio-Rad  #161-0201
Blender IKA Ultra-Turrax®  For lysing brain tissue, use 5-mm probe, with the machine set at power 6 or 7. Blend the brain tissue 2-3 times for 15 s on ice.
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) Sigma  #A7906
Bromophenol blue  Sigma  #1.08122
Carboxypeptidase A (CPA) Sigma #C9268 Concentration: 1.7 U/µl
Cell culture hood
Cell culture incubator set at 37°C, 5% CO2
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)  Sigma  #D8418 DMSO can enhance cell and skin permeability of other compounds. Avoid contact and use skin and eye protection.
DMEM medium  Life Technologies  #41965062
DTT, DL-Dithiothreitol  Sigma  #D9779
EDTA Euromedex #EU0007-C
EGTA Sigma  #E3889
Ethanol absolute  Fisher Chemical  #E/0650DF/15
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) Sigma  #F7524
French pressure cell press  Thermo electron corporation  #FA-078A with a #FA-032 cell; for lysing big amounts of cells. Set at medium ratio, and the gauge pressure of 1,000 psi (corresponds to 3,000 psi inside the disruption chamber).
Glycerol  VWR Chemicals  #24388.295
Glycine Sigma #G8898
GTP  Sigma  #G8877
Heating block  Stuart  #SBH130D
Hela cells  ATCC® CCL-2™
Hela S3 cells  ATCC ATCC® CCL-2.2™
Hydrochloric acid (HCl ) VWR #20252.290
Inverted microscope  With fluorescence if cell transfection is to be verified
Isopropanol  VWR  #20842.298
jetPEI Polyplus  #101
JLA-8.1000 rotor  For collecting spinner cultures
KOH  Sigma  #P1767 KOH is corrosive and causes burns; use eye and skin protection.
L-Glutamine  Life Technologies  #25030123
Laboratory centrifuge for 50-ml tubes Sigma 4-16 K 
Leupeptin  Sigma #L2884
Liquid nitrogen 
Micro-pipettes p2.5, p10, p20, p100, p200 and p1000 and corresponding tips
Micropestles Eppendorf #0030 120.973
Mouse brain tissue  Animal care and use for this study were performed in accordance with the recommendations of the European Community (2010/63/UE). Experimental procedures were specifically approved by the ethics committee of the Institut Curie CEEA-IC #118 (authorization no. 04395.03 given by National Authority) in compliance with the international guidelines.
Needles 18G X 1 ½” (1.2 X 38 mm Terumo #18G
Needles 20G X 1 ½” (0.9 X 38 mm Terumo #20G
Needles 21G X 4 ¾” (0.8 X 120 mm B.Braun #466 5643
PBS  Life Technologies  #14190169
Penicillin-Streptomycin  Life Technologies  #15140130
Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) Sigma  #P7626 PMSF powder is hazardous. Use skin and eye protection when preparing PMSF solutions.
PIPES  Sigma  #P6757
Rotors Beckman 70.1 Ti; TLA-100.3; and TLA 55
SDS-PAGE electrophoresis equipment  Bio-Rad  #1658001FC
SDS, Sodium dodecyl sulphate  VWR  #442444H For preparing Laemmeli buffer 
SDS, Sodium dodecyl sulphate  Sigma  #L5750 For preparing 'TUB' SDS-PAGE gels
Sonicator  Branson #101-148-070 Used for lysing cells grown as adherent cultures. Use 6.5 mm diameter probe, set the sonicator at “Output control” 1, “Duty cycle” 10% and time depending on the cell type used.
Tabletop centrifuge for 1.5 ml tubes Eppendorf 5417R 
TEMED, N, N, N′, N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine  Sigma #9281
Trichostatin A (TSA) Sigma #T8552
Triton X-100  Sigma  #T9284
Trizma base (Tris) Sigma  #T1503
Trypsin  Life Technologies #15090046
Ultracentrifuge rotors  TLA-55, TLA-100.3 and 70.1 Ti rotors Set at 4°C or 30°C based on the need of the experiment 
Ultracentrifuge tubes  Beckman #357448  for using with TLA-55 rotor
Ultracentrifuge tubes  Beckman #349622 for using with TLA-100.3 rotor
Ultracentrifuge tubes  Beckman #355631  for using with 70.1 Ti rotor
Ultracentrifuges Beckman Optima L80-XP (or equivalent) and Optima MAX-XP (or equivalent) Set at 4°C or 30°C based on the need of the experiment 
Vortex mixer
Water bath equipped with floaters or tube holders Set at 30°C 


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Bodakuntla, S., Jijumon, A., Janke, C., Magiera, M. M. Purification of Tubulin with Controlled Posttranslational Modifications and Isotypes from Limited Sources by Polymerization-Depolymerization Cycles. J. Vis. Exp. (165), e61826, doi:10.3791/61826 (2020).

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