Defensive behavioral responses are contingent upon threat intensity, proximity, and context of exposure. Based on these factors, we developed a classical conditioning paradigm that elicits clear transitions between conditioned freezing and flight behavior within individual subjects. This model is crucial for the understanding the pathologies involved in anxiety, panic, and post-traumatic stress disorders.
Fear- and anxiety-related behaviors significantly contribute to an organism’s survival. However, exaggerated defensive responses to perceived threat are characteristic of various anxiety disorders, which are the most prevalent form of mental illness in the United States. Discovering the neurobiological mechanisms responsible for defensive behaviors will aid in the development of novel therapeutic interventions. Pavlovian fear conditioning is a widely used laboratory paradigm to study fear-related learning and memory. A major limitation of traditional Pavlovian fear conditioning paradigms is that freezing is the only defensive behavior monitored. We recently developed a modified Pavlovian fear conditioning paradigm that allows us to study both conditioned freezing and flight (also known as escape) behavior within individual subjects. This model employs higher intensity footshocks and a greater number of pairings between the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus. Additionally, this conditioned flight paradigm utilizes serial presentation of pure tone and white noise auditory stimuli as the conditioned stimulus. Following conditioning in this paradigm, mice exhibit freezing behavior in response to the tone stimulus, and flight responses during the white noise. This conditioning model can be applied to the study of rapid and flexible transitions between behavioral responses necessary for survival.
Fear is an evolutionarily conserved adaptive response to an immediate threat1,2. While organisms possess innate defensive responses to a threat, learned associations are crucial to elicit appropriate defensive responses to stimuli predictive of danger3. Dysregulation in brain circuits controlling defensive responses is likely to contribute to maladaptive reactions associated with multiple debilitating anxiety disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder4, and specific phobias5,6. The prevalence rate in the United States for anxiety disorders is 19.1% for adults and 31.9% in adolescents7,8. The burden of these illnesses is extremely high on the daily routine of individuals and negatively impacts their quality of life.
Over the last several decades, Pavlovian fear conditioning has served as a powerful model system to gain tremendous insight into the neural mechanisms underlying fear-related learning and memory9,10,11. Pavlovian fear conditioning entails pairing a conditioned stimulus (CS, such as an auditory stimulus) with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US; for example, an electrical footshock)12. Because freezing is the dominant behavior evoked and measured in standard Pavlovian conditioning paradigms, the neural control mechanisms of active forms of defensive behavior such as escape/flight responses remain largely unexplored. Previous studies show that different forms of defensive behavior, such as flight, are evoked depending upon the threat intensity, proximity and context13,14. Studying how the brain controls different types of defensive behavior may significantly contribute to the understanding of the neuronal processes that are dysregulated in fear and anxiety disorders.
To address this critical need, we developed a modified Pavlovian conditioning paradigm that elicits flight and escape jumps, in addition to freezing15. In this paradigm, mice are conditioned with a serial compound stimulus (SCS) consisting of a pure tone followed by white noise. Following two days of pairing the SCS with a strong electrical footshock, mice exhibit freezing in response to the tone component and flight during the white noise. Behavioral switches between conditioned freezing and flight behavior are rapid and consistent. Interestingly, mice exhibit flight behavior only when the white noise CS is presented in the same context as a previously delivered footshock (the conditioning context) but not in a neutral context. Instead, freezing responses dominate in this the neutral context, with significantly greater levels of freezing in response to the white noise compared to the tone. This is consistent with the role of context in modulating defensive response intensity and with the regulatory role of contextual information in fear-related learning and memory found in traditional threat conditioning paradigms16,17. This model allows for direct, within-subject comparisons of multiple defensive behaviors in a context-specific manner.
The following steps/procedures were conducted in accordance with institutional guidelines after approval from the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee of Tulane University.
1. Preparation of mice
2. Preparation of study materials
3. Preparation of computer program and video tracking
4. Behavioral experiment
5. Quantification of behavior
6. Statistical analysis
As described in the diagram (Figure 1A), the session starts with pre-exposure (Day 1), followed by fear conditioning (Days 2 and 3), and then either extinction or retrieval (Day 4).
Presentations of the SCS in the pre-exposure (Day 1) session did not elicit flight or freezing response in the mice (Figure 2A-2B). Behavioral analysis during conditioning (Days 2 and 3) revealed that the tone component of the SCS significantly enhanced freezing compared to freezing during the pre-SCS (Figure 2B,2E). Flight scores changed significantly across sessions (Day 1 to Day 3, n = 20; Figure 2A). Mice showed higher speed and more jumps, and thus greater flight scores, to the white noise cue compared to tone (Figure 2C-2D). Mice showed a clear transition of defensive behavior–exhibiting lower flight scores during the tone followed by higher flight scores during white noise (Figure 2F) and vice-versa for freezing responses (Figure 2G).
To test for the effect of threat proximity and context on conditioned flight, mice were split into two groups: one group underwent extinction training in the conditioning context (Figure 3A-3B), and another group was tested for fear memory recall by exposing them to the SCS in a neutral context (Figure 3C-3D). Mice subjected to the 16 trials of extinction training showed rapid extinction of conditioned flight (n = 12). Flight scores during the first block of four trials were higher during white noise as compared to the tone (Figure 3A). Flight behavior was no longer elicited by either cue at the end of the extinction session. There was an overall decrease in tone-induced freezing and an increase in white noise-mediated freezing during the extinction session. Freezing for the first block of four trials was significantly higher to the tone compared to the white noise (Figure 3B). This suggests imminence of the threat is vital for the flight response.
The flight response was diminished in a context-dependent manner. Exposure to the white noise in the neutral context did not elicit flight (n = 8). Instead, white noise presentations in the neutral context elicited freezing responses which were higher than those elicited by the tone (Figure 3C-3D). This demonstrates the importance of context in modulating defensive responding.
Figure 1: Study design to assess freezing and flight paradigm.
A) Diagram of the behavioral sessions. B) Diagram detailing the composition of the serial compound stimulus (SCS), as well as the timing of the US. C) Context A – served as a neutral context, and used during pre-exposure and recall sessions. D) Context B – used for fear conditioning. This figure has been modified from Fadok et al. 2017. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Conditioned flight response.
A) Comparison of average trial-wise flight scores (n = 20) following presentation of the tone and white noise across Days 1-3. A significant change in the flight scores across sessions has been noted (Day 1 to Day 3; two-way repeated measures ANOVA, cue × trial interaction, F (13, 266) = 5.795; P<0.0001). Post-hoc Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test reveals a significant difference between tone and white noise induced flight scores at fear conditioning Day 1 (trial 4, P < 0.05) and Day 2 (trials 2-5, P < 0.001). B) Comparison of average trial-wise % freezing during the tone and white noise periods across Days 1-3. Note a statistically significant change in % freezing across the sessions (Day 1 to Day 3, n = 20; two-way repeated-measures ANOVA, cue × trial interaction, F (13, 266) = 20.81; P < 0.001; Figure 2B). Post-hoc Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test reveals a significant difference between tone and white noise induced freezing at fear conditioning Day 1 (trial 4 and 5, P < 0.001) and Day 2 (all trials, P < 0.001). C) Comparison of number of jump escape responses during the pre-SCS, tone, white noise, and shock periods on Day 3. One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's multiple comparisons test showed that escape jumps were significantly higher during white noise and shock as compared to tone period (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). D) Comparison of flight scores during the presentation of tone and white noise on Day 3. Note a significantly higher flight scores on Day 3 during white noise period (P < 0.001, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test). E) Comparison of % freezing during the pre-SCS, tone, and white noise on Day 3. Freezing behavior on Day 3 reveals significant effect of tone and white noise (one-way repeated-measures ANOVA, F = 56.82, P<0.01). Bonferroni's multiple comparisons test showed that presentation of tone significantly increases % freezing vs pre-SCS duration (P < 0.01), whereas % freezing was significantly reduced as compared pre-SCS and tone durations (both P < 0.001). The representative trial-wise data shows transitions of flight (F) and freezing (G) behavior following the presentation of tone and white noise in the mouse on Day 3. The represented values are means ± SEM. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P <0.001. Pre-exp, Pre-exposure. Panels A-E are modified from Fadok et al., 2017. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Extinction and recall following flight conditioning (Day 4).
A) Comparison of flight scores during extinction training showed rapid extinction of conditioned flight (n = 12; 16 trials, two-way repeated-measures ANOVA, cue × trial interaction, F(15,165) = 3.05, P < 0.01). Flight scores from first block of four trials (trial 1-4) of extinction observed significantly higher for white noise as compared to the tone (P < 0.05, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test). B) Comparison of freezing showed a statistically significant effect on freezing (%) following white noise (n = 12; 16 trials, two-way repeated-measures ANOVA, cue × trial interaction, F(15,165) = 3.55, P < 0.01). The freezing for the first block of four trials (trial 1-4) during extinction found to be significantly lower during white noise period as compared to the tone (Paired t-test, P < 0.01). C) Changes in the context significantly affect the flight scores (n = 8; 4 trials, two-way repeated-measures ANOVA, cue × trial interaction, F(1,7) = 27.44, P < 0.01). Flight scores significantly reduced during white noise as compared to the tone period in the neutral context (two-tailed paired t-test, P < 0.01) D). Freezing responses across trials during retrieval were also significant (n = 8, 4 trials, two-way repeated-measures ANOVA, effect of cue F(1,7) = 27.67, P < 0.01). Exposure of WN in neutral context significantly increased the freezing responses as compared to the tone (two-tailed paired t-test, P < 0.001). The represented values are means ± SEM. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P <0.001. Panels A-D are modified from Fadok et al. 2017. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The described sound and shock parameters are important elements of this protocol. It is critical, therefore, to test the shock amplitude and sound pressure level before starting the experiments. Fear conditioning studies typically use 70-80 dB sound pressure levels and 0.1-1 mA shock intensity18; thus, the described parameters are within the bounds of traditional fear conditioning paradigms. In a previous CS-only (no footshock) control experiment, we did not observe flight or freezing responses in the mice, indicating that the auditory stimuli are not aversive when presented as described15. Increasing the dB level of the white noise above 80 dB may induce innate aversion. However, noise stimuli presented at 75 dB do not elicit stress in the form of suppressed behavioral activity in mice19.
The auditory stimuli that comprise the SCS must be carefully selected. In our previous study, we determined that single-CS conditioning with white noise induces higher flight scores than conditioning with a pure tone15. This illustrates the importance of stimulus salience in this protocol20. However, a recent study showed that conditioning with a reversal of the SCS sequence (white noise-tone) results in flight to the tone and freezing to the white noise21. These data endorse that the learned temporal relationship of the cues is also an important factor.
Because cage changes are a potential source of stress, it is recommended to start conditioning at least 2 days after the most recent cage change. To further minimize the impact of stress in the mice undergoing study, appropriate care should be taken to reduce the olfactory cues remaining from previous subjects, including the smell of feces and urine. Therefore, cleaning the chamber before and after each mouse is crucial. To avoid other potential sources of disturbance, it is best to conduct this protocol in a room separated from any other ongoing experiments. Mice should exhibit very low baseline freezing15. To test the experimental conditions, each laboratory should conduct a pilot experiment to test baseline freezing in each context.
Other than the C57BL/6J and other transgenic lines used by Fadok et al. (2017)15, this method should be suitable for adaptation to other strains of mice and rats20,21. Recent data (Borkar et al. 2020)22 suggest that both male and female mice show comparable flight responses, therefore the paradigm is suitable for both sexes. As mentioned in step 2.1.2, in response to high intensity shocks, mice jump very high, thus carefully select the height of the chamber to prevent the mice from escaping the context. It is also important to ensure the consistent and accurate timing of cues and shock stimuli. Both AC and DC shocks are effective; however, when using DC shocks, it may be necessary to increase footshock intensity to reach similar flight scores as that of AC shocks. Because DC shocks have a less detrimental effect on electrophysiological recordings, use of DC shock is recommended for studies that require electrophysiology data. It is important to note that decreasing the intensity of the footshock may decrease the intensity of the flight response.
As denoted in the protocol, flight scores are calculated by normalizing speed data during tone and white noise by dividing them with individual trial pre-SCS speed values. However, if a mouse exhibits extremely high levels of freezing during the pre-SCS, the resultant flight scores may be very high, thus increasing data variability. This can be circumvented by using a different baseline measurement, such as average speed data from the 3 min baseline period at the beginning of the session or using the average speed of overall pre-SCS (average of 5 trials), instead of individual trial Pre-SCS values.
Flexible and rapid behavioral adaptation to threat is crucial for survival. Most classical fear conditioning protocols use conditions that induce freezing as a sole determinant of fear learning. The benefit of this protocol is that it allows for study of complex defensive state transitions within subjects. Previously, this model was used to discover that behavioral transitions are processed by local recurrent inhibitory circuits in the central amygdala15,23. This paradigm also enabled researchers to elucidate cortico-thalamic circuits for the selection of defensive behavior21. These studies demonstrate that this method will facilitate studies investigating neural circuit control of rapid transitions between defensive behaviors within a subject. This has potential applications for developing a better understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of anxiety, panic disorder, or PTSD24,25.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by the Louisiana Board of Regents through the Board of Regents support fund (LEQSF(2018-21)-RD-A-17) and the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01MH122561. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Neutral context | Plexiglass cylinder 30 X 30 cm | ||
Fear conditioning box | Med Associates, Inc. | VFC-008 | 25 X 30 X 35 cm dimentions |
Audio generator | Med Associates, Inc. | ANL-926 | |
Shocker | Med Associates Inc. | ENV-414S | Stainless steel grid |
Speaker | Med Associates, Inc. | ENV-224AM | Suitable for pure tone and white noise |
C57/BL6J mice | Jackson laboratory, USA | 664 | Aged 3-5 month |
Cineplex software (Editor/ studio) | Plexon | CinePlex Studio v3.8.0 | For video tracking and behavioral scoring analysis |
MedPC software V | Med Associates, Inc. | SOF-736 | |
Neuroexplorer | Plexon | Used to extract the freezing data scored in PlexonEditor | |
GraphPad Prism 8 | GraphPad Software, Inc. | Version 8 | Statistical analysis software |