

Published: September 14, 2019




星形细胞是神经回路的重要组成部分。它们将整个中枢神经系统 (CNS) 分片,并参与各种功能,包括神经递质清除、组子调节、突触调节、神经元代谢支持和血流调节。星形细胞是一个复杂的细胞,具有索马,几个主要分支,和许多精细的过程,接触神经皮内不同的细胞元素。为了评估星形细胞的形态,有必要有一个可靠和可重复的方法来可视化其结构。我们报告一种可靠的方案,在成年小鼠的轻度固定脑组织中使用荧光路西法黄色(LY)染料对星形细胞进行细胞内电泳。该方法具有几个特征,可用于表征星形细胞形态。它允许对单个星形细胞进行三维重建,这有利于对其结构的不同方面进行形态分析。免疫组织化学与LY电泳也可用于了解星形细胞与神经系统不同成分的相互作用,并评估标记的星形细胞中蛋白质的表达。该协议可以在各种中枢神经系统疾病小鼠模型中实现,用光显微镜严格检查星形细胞形态。LY风泳提供了一种评估星形细胞结构的实验方法,特别是在损伤或疾病的情况下,这些细胞被建议经历显著的形态变化。






这项研究中的动物实验是按照美国国家卫生指南,在实验室动物的护理和使用,并批准校长的动物研究委员会在洛杉矶加州大学。所有实验中都使用了混合性别的成年小鼠(6-8周大)。 1. 解决方案准备 人工脑脊液(ACSF)溶液 在每个实验前制备新鲜的 ACSF 溶液(135 mM NaCl、5 mM KCl、1 mM MgCl 2、14.7 mM NaHCO3、11mM D-葡萄糖、1.25 mM Na2HPO<su…

Representative Results

这项研究中报告的数据来自每个实验中4只小鼠的7-12个细胞。在适当情况下,在图形面板中报告平均数据。 为了评估星形细胞形态,我们使用LY染料进行细胞内风泳,以填充CA1层辐射中的星形细胞,如图1总结。图2描绘了一个代表性的星形细胞及其精细的形态结构。使用 488 nm 激光线(步长 0.3 μm 和 3.0±3.5 倍数字变焦)在共聚焦激光扫描显微…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


作者感谢索托女士、余博士和Octeau博士对文本的指导以及评论。NS060677 支持此工作。


10% Buffered Formalin Phosphate Fisher SF 100-20 An identical alternative can be used
Acrodisc Syringe Filters with Supor Membrane Pall 4692 An identical alternative can be used
Ag/AgCl ground pellet WPI EP2 A similar alternative can be used
Alexa Fluor 546 goat anti-chicken IgG (H+L) Thermo Scientific A-11040 A similar alternative can be used
Alexa Fluor 647 goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) Thermo Scientific A27040 A similar alternative can be used
Anti Aquaporin-4 antibody Novus Biologicals NBP1-87679 A similar alternative can be used
Anti GFAP antibody Abcam ab4674 A similar alternative can be used
Borosilicate glass pipettes with filament World precision instruments 1B150F-4
C57BL/6NTac mice Taconic Stock B6 A similar alternative can be used
Calcium Chloride Sigma 21108 An identical alternative can be used
Confocal laser-scanning microscope Olympus FV1000MPE A similar alternative can be used
D-glucose Sigma G7528 An identical alternative can be used
Disodium Phosphate Sigma 255793 An identical alternative can be used
Electrode puller- Model P-97 Sutter P-97 A similar alternative can be used
Fluoromount-G Southern Biotech 0100-01 An identical alternative can be used
Heparin sodium injection (1,000 USP per mL) Sagent Pharmaceuticals 400-10 An identical alternative can be used
Imaris software (Version 7.6.5) Bitplane Inc. A similar alternative can be used
Isofluorane Henry Schein Animal Health 29404 An identical alternative can be used
Lidocaine Hydrochloride Injectable (2%) Clipper 1050035 An identical alternative can be used
Lucifer Yellow CH dilithium salt Sigma L0259
Lucifer Yellow CH dipotassium salt Sigma L0144
Magnesium Chloride Sigma M8266 An identical alternative can be used
Microscope Cover Glass Thermo Scientific 24X60-1 An identical alternative can be used
Microscope Slides Fisher 12-544-2 An identical alternative can be used
Normal Goat Serum Vector Laboratories S-1000 An identical alternative can be used
Objective lens (40x) Olympus LUMPLFLN 40XW A similar alternative can be used
Objective lens (60x) Olympus PlanAPO 60X A similar alternative can be used
PBS tablets, 100 mL VWR VWRVE404 An identical alternative can be used
Pipette micromanipulator- Model ROE-200 Sutter MP-285 / ROE-200 / MPC-200 A similar alternative can be used
Potassium Chloride Sigma P3911 An identical alternative can be used
Sodium Bicarbonate Sigma S5761 An identical alternative can be used
Sodium Chloride Sigma S5886 An identical alternative can be used
Stimulator- Model Omnical 2010 World precision instruments Omnical 2010 A similar alternative can be used
Triton X 100 Sigma T8787 An identical alternative can be used
Vibratome- Model #3000 Pelco 100-S A similar alternative can be used


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