Here we describe a method for high-resolution time-lapse multiphoton imaging of brain tumor cells before and after invasive surgical intervention (e.g., biopsy) within the same living animal. This method allows studying the impact of these invasive surgical procedures on tumor cells' migratory, invasive, and proliferative behavior at a single cell level.
Biopsies are standard of care for cancer treatment and are clinically beneficial as they allow solid tumor diagnosis, prognosis, and personalized treatment determination. However, perturbation of the tumor architecture by biopsy and other invasive procedures has been associated with undesired effects on tumor progression, which need to be studied in depth to further improve the clinical benefit of these procedures. Conventional static approaches, which only provide a snapshot of the tumor, are limited in their ability to reveal the impact of biopsy on tumor cell behavior such as migration, a process closely related to tumor malignancy. In particular, tumor cell migration is the key in highly aggressive brain tumors, where local tumor dissemination makes total tumor resection virtually impossible. The development of multiphoton imaging and chronic imaging windows allows scientists to study this dynamic process in living animals over time. Here, we describe a method for the high-resolution longitudinal imaging of brain tumor cells before and after a biopsy in the same living animal. This approach makes it possible to study the impact of this procedure on tumor cell behavior (migration, invasion, and proliferation). Furthermore, we discuss the advantages and limitations of this technique, as well as the ability of this methodology to study changes in the cancer cell behavior for other surgical interventions, including tumor resection or the implantation of chemotherapy wafers.
Standard of care for most solid tumors includes tissue biopsy for diagnosis, prognosis, and personalized treatment determination1,2. Overall, these procedures give clinical benefit, but recent evidence indicates that biopsy and other more invasive procedures, such as tumor resection, can also negatively influence tumor progression3,4,5,6. While these procedures remain indispensable in-patient care and their benefits overcome their negative effects, it is necessary to fully understand the mechanisms behind these negative effects in order to maximize the patients' safety and the positive influences of these procedures and make them even more clinically beneficial.
Biopsy-mediated undesired effects on tumor progression are triggered by systemic alterations and changes in the tumor microenvironment in response to tissue disruption4,5. Thus, it is necessary to study this process in live animals. However, the subtle consequences of these minimally invasive procedures can often be disguised by large variations between individuals. Conventional methods based on immunohistochemistry or transcriptional expression analysis may overlook these effects or require large numbers of animals to identify them. Moreover, these static approaches lack the ability to identify changes in tumor cell behavior such as migration and invasion, dynamic processes that correlate with tumor malignancy. These tumor cell features are of particular importance for highly aggressive brain tumors, such as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), where the local spreading of tumor cells limits surgical resection and decreases patient survival7. To fully understand how biopsies affect the behavior of GBM cells, a longitudinal approach that allows visualization of these cells in the physiological context of living organisms is needed.
The recent development of high-resolution intravital imaging in combination with surgically implanted chronic imaging windows allows scientists to study the dynamic behavior of tumor cells in living mice over multiple days8,9. Using this powerful approach, we can study how tumor cells' proliferative, migratory, and infiltrative behavior changes over several days in response to a biopsy in the same mouse. Compared to other techniques that allow multi-day monitoring of tumors in live mice, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)10, positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT)11, or bioluminescent imaging12, this approach uniquely offers the possibility of studying the tumor cell behavior at single cell level and unraveling subtle changes occurring within the tumor.
Here, we describe a detailed method to perform biopsy-like injury and pre- and postbiopsy longitudinal intravital imaging in the brain of tumor-bearing mice. This method can potentially be applied to study other surgical interventions, such as partial tumor resection or the implantation of chemotherapy wafers.
All experiments were carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Animal Welfare Committee of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Netherlands. The experimental protocols used in this manuscript were approved by the Centrale Commissie Dierproeven (CCD) and the Instantie voor Dierenwelzijn (IvD).
1. Tumor cell implantation and cranial imaging window preparation
2. Intravital imaging
NOTE: The time interval between the tumor cell injection and the first intravital imaging session is dependent on the type of tumor cell line used. For the experiments shown in this protocol, 1x 105 GL261 cells were injected and imaged 10 days later.
3. Biopsy-like injury and CIW replacement
4. Repeated imaging
5. Image analysis
To assess the impact of biopsy on brain tumor cell behavior, we performed the procedure described in this protocol. Glioma—GL261 cells—expressing a nuclear fluorescent protein (H2B-Dendra2) were injected in the brain of C57BL/6 mice, and a chronic CIW was implanted. Time-lapse intravital imaging was performed on the same animal pre- and post-biopsy-like injury to the tumor (Figure 1A,B). The migration of individual tumor cells was determined by tracking the migration path over time in different xy planes of the z-stack (Figure 1C) and plotted as a percentage of migratory cells pre- and postbiopsy (Figure 1F). The tumor cell proliferation rate was quantified based on H2B-tagged Dendra2 condensation upon mitosis (Figure 1D) and plotted as a percentage of dividing cells pre- and postbiopsy (Figure 1E). We compared the distribution of migration velocity before and after biopsy in the same tumor and found that the number of migratory cells (velocity > 4 µm/h) increased after the intervention, with an associated decrease in the number of slow-/nonmigratory cells (velocity < 4 µm/h) (Figure 2A). On average per tumor, we observed a 1.75 (SD = 0.16)-fold increase in the percentage of migratory cells when a biopsy-like injury was performed, compared to control mice that were not biopsied (Figure 2B). We monitored tumor cell behavior for another week and found that, although the percentage of migratory tumor cells eventually decreased in both the control and the biopsied mice, the biopsied mice still exhibited a higher migratory capacity than the control mice (Figure 2C). The analysis of tumor cell proliferative behavior over time showed a 1.52 (SD = 0.26)-fold increase in the number of mitotic events upon biopsy, relative to nonbiopsied control mice (Figure 2D).
To test whether the observed effects of biopsy on tumor cell proliferative and migratory behavior was an artifact due to CIW replacement surgery (required to perform a biopsy-like injury), we monitored tumor cell behavior in a group of mice that underwent CIW replacement without a biopsy. In this group, we did not observe any induction of migration or proliferation of tumor cells, indicating that the boost in tumor cell proliferation and migration rates were specifically triggered by biopsy-like injury (Figure 3A, B).
Stable photo-convertibility of the fluorescent protein Dendra2 allows for studying tumor cell infiltration over several days. Upon exposure to ultraviolet/blue light, Dendra2 is irreversibly switched from green to red. Using this property, a square region of the tumor was illuminated and ~200 Dendra2-expressing tumor cells were photo-marked before biopsy (Figure 4). One day after the biopsy, we relocalized the photo-switched region and measured the volume of tumor cells that had infiltrated into the surrounding tumor tissue. We found that the infiltration area was 1.72 (SD = 0.41) times larger in tumors after a biopsy-like injury compared to nonbiopsied control tumors (Figure 4). Although this approach only provides information on tumor cell bulk infiltrative behavior and not on a single cell level, it is less time-consuming than the time-lapse imaging approach and can be the method of choice for research questions focused exclusively on studying infiltrative behavior.
Figure 1: Experimental setup for longitudinal intravital imaging of the biopsy effect on tumor cell behavior. (A) Diagram showing the design of the ring and the magnetic holder. (B) Schematic representation of the experimental workflow. Tumor cells are injected into the brains of mice and a CIW is established. Upon tumor development, a first (prebiopsy) time-lapse imaging session is performed. The next day, the biopsy and CIW replacement are implemented. The day after imaging (postbiopsy), a second time-lapse imaging session is performed. For long-term effects, subsequent imaging sessions can be done. (C) Images show representative snapshots of a time-lapse movie where GL261 H2B-Dendra2 tumor cells were tracked. Red lines depict individual tumor cell tracks. The scale bar = 50 µm. (D) Representative in vivo time-lapse images displaying dividing cells in GL261 H2B-Dendra2 tumors. Different stages of mitosis are indicated: prophase (P), prometaphase (Pm), metaphase (M), anaphase (A), and telophase (T). The scale bar = 50 µm. Graphs indicate the percentage of (E) migratory and (F) dividing cells pre- and postbiopsy. Each dot indicates the percentage of migratory cells in all the positions measured in an individual animal. The data are shown as mean ± S.E.M. of six mice (**P < 0.01, paired t-test). This figure has been modified from Alieva et al.4. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Representative results showing the impact of biopsy on tumor cell migration and proliferation rates. (A) Waterfall plots showing the change in cell velocity distribution relative to basal migration in individual mice. The data are shown as mean ± S.E.M. of five mice. (B) The number of migratory cells in control (blue) and biopsied (red) animals normalized to the number of migratory cells preintervention (n = 6 mice, ***P < 0.0001, Student's t-test). (C) Tumor cell behavior was tracked over several days. Shown are the normalized (relative to preintervention) number of migratory cells in individual mice over time (n > 4 mice per condition, ***P < 0.0001, two-way ANOVA). (D) The normalized number of dividing cells in control (blue) and biopsied (red) animals. Per individual animal, the values postintervention were normalized to the values preintervention (n = 5 mice, **P < 0.01, Student's t-test). This figure has been modified from Alieva et al.4. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: CIW replacement has no effect on tumor cell behavior. Longitudinal intravital imaging shows that the replacement of the CIW without biopsy has no effect on migration and proliferation rates. (A) The increase in the number of migratory cells for the indicated conditions. Every symbol represents the mean of an individual mouse, and n≥ 4 mice. (B) The increase in the number of proliferating cells for the indicated conditions. Every symbol represents the mean of an individual mouse (n≥ 4 mice, **P < 0.01,***P < 0.001, ns = nonsignificant, one-way ANOVA with Newman-Keuls post hoc test). This figure has been modified from Alieva et al.4. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Diagram showing the experimental setup and representative results obtained with Dendra2 photo-switching. To monitor tumor cell infiltration upon biopsy, Dendra2-expressing tumor cells are photo-switched in a square region by UV/blue light illumination and imaged, 1 day before the biopsy. One day after the biopsy, the photo-switched region is relocalized and reimaged. Shown are representative Dendra2 images of tumor cell infiltration, corrected using channel subtraction. The white dotted line represents the infiltration area. The scale bar = 50 µm. The graph shows the increased photo-switched area plotted for biopsied (red) and control (blue) mice. Every dot represents the mean value of an individual mouse (n≥ 5 mice, *P < 0.05, Student's t-test). This figure has been modified from Alieva et al.4. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Here we describe a method to study changes in tumor cell behavior at single cell level in response to invasive surgical procedures, such as a biopsy, in the brain of a living animal. The combination of longitudinal multiphoton imaging with the surgical implantation of a chronic CIW enables the quantification of tumor cell migration, invasion, and proliferation before and after biopsy in the same animal4. Compared to other approaches used for tumor multiday monitoring, such as bioluminescent imaging12, MRI10, or PET/CT11, this method uniquely visualizes tumors on a single cell level and, thus, provides insight in cellular behavior underlying tumor progression.
To successfully perform this method, several procedures should be mastered. The most critical steps of this protocol are CIW implantation and replacement. The technical complexity of these steps requires precision and surgical skills that can be acquired with steady training. Complications during CIW surgery, such as bleeding which may cover the brain surface, may prove challenging for subsequent imaging. A lack of sterile tools or environment, as well as the failure to completely seal the brain surface, may cause an infection on the brain surface (white liquid under the coverslip), which will make imaging problematic and strongly compromise the resulting interpretation. Another common issue of this protocol is animal movement during the time-lapse imaging. While any xyz shift can be corrected after the experiment, it is recommended to correct the coordinate of each position before each time-point to prevent any loss of information. Tissue deformation is an additional problem found when imaging on an inverted microscope. Brain tissue suffers from compression when the mouse is placed in supine position. Depending on the degree of tissue deformation, tumor cell tracking may lead to an erroneous quantification of cell displacement. To prevent this, a software for rigid and elastic deformation may be used14.
While this procedure offers a broad application for studying changes in tumor behavior, certain limitations should be considered. This method allows scientists to image up to a depth of 1.6 mm (with the use of an optical parametric oscillator); however, this means that imaging is restricted to superficial brain cortex areas15. Thus, some brain tumors located in deep brain structures, including diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas located in the brainstem region, cannot be studied in their original brain environment with this protocol. Another limitation of this protocol is the volume of the tumor that can be imaged. Although total tumor volume scanning is desired to obtain maximal information, often, tumor size and the speed of migratory cells can be limiting factors. For each tumor type, an optimal time-lapse for imaging has to be considered. If the time frame between images is too long, it may be difficult to track the tumor cells. The use of a resonant scanner can highly decrease scanning time, allowing the imaging of a bigger tumor16. Finally, the manual image analysis of this protocol can be very time-consuming, so instead, programs for automated 3D tracking can be used. However, the outcome of tracking should always be visually supervised since algorithms for automated cell tracking are rarely designed to recapitulate exactly the migration of the cells of interest.
Slight adaptations of the protocol described here can enable an even wider range of applications. Instead of performing biopsies, other (surgical) interventions may be implemented, such as partial tumor resection or the delivery of chemotherapy wafers. The addition of compounds through a surgically implanted microtube may be combined with this protocol to pharmacologically target specific molecules of interest. We expect that this model will be useful in studies aiming to analyze the impact of a certain intervention on tumor cell behavior. The possibility of performing repeated measures in the same animal not only provides more accurate data on changes occurring in the tumor but also greatly reduces the number of experimental animals needed per study.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors thank Anko de Graaff and the Hubrecht Imaging Center for their imaging support and Ellen Wehrens and Hannah Johnson for proofreading and editing the manuscript.
25g x 16 mm hypodermic needles | BD Microlance | 300600 | |
701 RN 10uL SYR W/O NEEDLE | Hamilton | 7635-01 | |
Absorbable gelatin sponge | Pfizer | Gelfoam | |
Coverslips round 6 mm | VWR international | 631-0168 | |
Cyanoacrylate glue | Pattex | Pattex Ultra gel | |
Dental cement | Vertex Dental | Vertex Self-Curing | |
Drill | Dremel | Dremel 3000 (dental drill may be more convenient) + 105 Engraving Cutter | |
Fine curved Tweezers | Dumont | AGT508 | |
Hypnorm | VetaPharma Ltd | Hypnorm (Fentanyl citrate 0,315 mg/ml+ Fluanison 10 mg/ml) | |
Midazolam | Actavis | Midazolam Actavis 5mg/ml | |
Opthalmic ointment | Kela Veterinaria | Duodrops veter kela 10 m | |
Quintessential Stereotaxic Injector (QSI) | Stoelting | 53311 | |
Silicone Oil | Sigma Aldrich | 181838 | |
Stereotaxic frame | Stoelting | Lab standard stereotaxic, rat and mouse | |
Surgical stereo microscope | Olympus | ||
Temgesic (0.3 mg/ml) | BD Pharmaceuticals | 283732 | |
Vannas Tübingen Spring Scissors | Harvard Apparatus | 72-8508 | |
Xylocaine (Lidocaine 1% + Epinephrine 1:100,000) Local anesthetic | Astrazeneca | Xylocaine (Lidocaine 1% + Epinephrine 1:100,000) |