Adaptive immunity is controlled by dynamic ‘immunological synapses’ formed between T cells and antigen presenting cells. This protocol describes methods for investigating endothelial cells both as understudied physiologic APCs and as a novel type of ‘planar cellular APC model’.
Adaptive immunity is regulated by dynamic interactions between T cells and antigen presenting cells ('APCs') referred to as 'immunological synapses'. Within these intimate cell-cell interfaces discrete sub-cellular clusters of MHC/Ag-TCR, F-actin, adhesion and signaling molecules form and remodel rapidly. These dynamics are thought to be critical determinants of both the efficiency and quality of the immune responses that develop and therefore of protective versus pathologic immunity. Current understanding of immunological synapses with physiologic APCs is limited by the inadequacy of the obtainable imaging resolution. Though artificial substrate models (e.g., planar lipid bilayers) offer excellent resolution and have been extremely valuable tools, they are inherently non-physiologic and oversimplified. Vascular and lymphatic endothelial cells have emerged as an important peripheral tissue (or stromal) compartment of 'semi-professional APCs'. These APCs (which express most of the molecular machinery of professional APCs) have the unique feature of forming virtually planar cell surface and are readily transfectable (e.g., with fluorescent protein reporters). Herein a basic approach to implement endothelial cells as a novel and physiologic 'planar cellular APC model' for improved imaging and interrogation of fundamental antigenic signaling processes will be described.
T lymphocytes are a branch of the adaptive immune system characterized by the ability to efficiently recognize peptide antigen (Ag) bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules through their T cell receptors (TCRs) 1. Naïve lymphocytes constitutively migrate and scan 'professional Ag presenting cells' (APCs; e.g., dendritic cells) within lymph nodes, while memory/effector T cells need to effectively survey an extremely wide range of APCs and potential target cells within peripheral tissues.
In the min following initial recognition of cognate Ag on an APC, lymphocytes arrest their migration and begin to form a specialized intimate cell-cell interface termed 'immunological synapse' (IS). Sustained (i.e., 30-60 min) IS contacts are required to amplify and sustain signaling 2-7. Emerging studies identify that within the IS, it is the continuous formation and rapid remodeling of discrete sub-cellular signaling micro-clusters (i.e., containing MHC/Ag-TCR, F-actin, adhesion and signaling molecules) that determine the strength and quality of resulting immune responses 2-7. However, dynamic details and regulatory mechanism of this process are incompletely understood 8,9. This stems largely from technical challenges associated with irregular topologies of APC surfaces and poorly controlled orientation of the cell-cell interaction planes, issues that profoundly limit the requisite spatiotemporal imaging approaches 8-10 (Figure1A).
Figure 1. A Physiologic Planar Cell APC Model for Imaging Immunological Synapse Dynamics. The schematic illustrates traditional imaging of immunological synapse between a T cell and a professional APC (A) and T cell and a traditional planar lipid bilayer APC model (B) in comparison to this novel endothelial planar APC model (C). Professional APCs provide physiologic immunological synapses but offer poorly oriented cell-cell interface (i.e., with respect to the optimal x-y imaging plane; resolution ~0.2 μm), which dramatically compromises spatial (z imaging plane resolution ~1 μm) and temporal (i.e., due to the need to repeatedly scan through all z imaging planes) resolution of imaging. Bilayer models have a planar topology that provides optimal spatiotemporal imaging resolution, but are also highly simplified, non-physiological and rigid. This endothelial cell model combines the planar topology of lipid bilayers with the physiologic substrate of a classic APC to deliver optimal spatial and temporal imaging resolution in a physiologic setting. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Previous work has partially circumvented these obstacles by developing planar substrate models (i.e., lipid bilayers and antibody-coated surfaces) that provide optimal spatiotemporal resolution (i.e., via fixing the T cell activation surface into a single plan that is parallel to the optimal x-y imaging plane) 11-15 (Figure 1B). These models have facilitated important insights into the subcellular/molecular dynamics that control antigenic signaling in T cells, including the discovery of dynamic actin/TCR signaling micro-clusters 7,11-14. However, such models are inherently oversimplified, as well as rigid (precluding the development/study of 3-dimensional topological features) (Figure 1B). Therefore, it remains uncertain how to relate such findings to physiologic cell-cell immune surveillance.
Though still understudied, vascular and lymphatic endothelial cells are emerging as a large (i.e., greater in numbers than all professional APCs, by ~1,000-fold) peripheral compartment of 'semi-professional' APCs 16-18. These cells express MHC-I-, MHC-II- and a multitude of co-stimulator molecules (e.g., CD40, LFA3, ICOSL, 4-1BB, OX40L, TL1A, PD-L1; but not CD80 and CD86) and are strategically positioned at the blood-tissue interface where they serve specialized sentinel functions 16-18. Previous studies demonstrated that endothelial cells can effectively re-stimulate effector/memory, but not naïve, T cells 19-25. Thus, endothelial cells are likely to play unique APC roles in effector phase of adaptive immune responses within the peripheral tissues, such as local influence on T cell activation, differentiation, memory and tolerance 16,17,26. Critically, when grown in vitro, endothelial cells form virtually planar cell surfaces and are readily transfectable (e.g., with fluorescent protein reporters). These features are ideal for high spatiotemporal resolution imaging of topological dynamics during cell-cell interactions 19,27. Thus endothelial cells might serve as a physiologic 'planar cellular APC' model distinctly suited for the study of the subcellular/molecular remodeling mechanisms that drive antigen recognition and regulate responses (Figure 1C) 19,20.
Previously established complementary imaging techniques (including transfection of endothelia cells with fluorescent protein makers of the plasma membrane and cytosol) for studying the details of leukocyte-endothelial interaction during adhesion and transendothelial migration 27, showed that leukocytes actively probe the surface of the endothelium by dynamic insertion and retraction of sub-micron-scale, actin-rich cylindrical protrusions (~200-1,000 nm in diameter and depth) termed invadosome-like protrusions (i.e., 'ILPs') 27,28. These imaging approaches have been further expanded along with the creation of protocols to take advantage of endothelial APC function to develop the first methods for high spatiotemporal resolution imaging of the T cell-endothelial immunological synapse as reported 19,20 and further describe herein. A central finding derived from this novel planar cellular APC model is that T cell ILPs function both in promoting initial Ag detection and in sustaining subsequent signaling. Indeed, arrays of multiple ILPs (that were stabilized and accrued in response to initial calcium flux) show enrichment in TCR and molecules suggestive of active signaling such PKC-Q, ZAP-70, phosphotyrosine and HS1. Therefore, ILPs seem to represent a three-dimensional physiologic equivalent to the TCR-signaling microclusters seen in planar bilayer models. This approach, thus, sensitively reveals/reports molecular and architectural (and implied biomechanical) dynamics not otherwise detectable.
The method described herein should be useful to bridging the gap between professional APC and artificial APC substrate models in order to enhance our ability to interrogate basic mechanisms of adaptive immune responses. While here the focus is on the activation of CD4+ Th1-type effector/memory cell, this basic approach can be readily modified to study a wide range of T cell types and Ags, as discussed below.
All experiments described in this protocol are conducted with primary human T cells and commercially available primary human endothelial cells (dermal or lung microvascular ECs).Any research protocol involving human subjects must be approved by an institutional review board and written informed consent must be provided from each blood donor. Experiments conducted using this protocol were approved by the IRB of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
1. Preparing Human CD4+ Th1 Effector/Memory T Cells
2. Starting Primary Human Endothelial Cell Culture
3. General Splitting and Expansion of Endothelial Cells
4. Endothelial Cell Transfection
NOTE: Primary endothelial cells are refractory to transfection by most common chemical and electroporation methods. The nuclear transfection-based method described below allows for relatively high transfection efficiency (~50-70%). An effective alternative method is use of infection by appropriate viral vectors (see comments in Materials Table).
5. Live Cell Imaging and Analysis
6. Fixed-cell Imaging and Analysis
A novel imaging approach using endothelial cells and combining the resolution advantages of the planar lipid bilayers model with the physiologic complexity and deformability of professional APCs was developed (Figure 1). Figure 2 provides examples of typical migration, calcium flux and topological dynamics observed with this approach. In the absence of SAg on endothelium, SAg-specific CD4+ Th1 lymphocytes rapidly spread, polarize and laterally migrate over the endothelial surface (Figure 2A) without fluxing calcium (not shown). Within ~5-10 min these lymphocyte initiate transmigration across the endothelium. In the presence of SAg loading onto endothelium, lymphocytes spread symmetrically with a 'fried egg' topology, initiate sustained (i.e., for 30-60 min) intracellular calcium flux (Figure 2B; Movie 1) during which time they exhibit little or no migration (Figure 2C).
Figure 2. Live-Cell Analysis of T cell Activation and Migration and Immunological Synapse Topology of Endothelial APCs. (A) Panels show an example of time-series imaging of T cell migration on endothelium in the absence of SAg. Upper Panel shows DIC images. The initial position of the migrating T cell is indicated by the red dotted line. Lower Panel shows invaginations formed on the endothelium by of the migration T cell. Arrows indicate formation of transient rings (~0.5-1 μm diameter) of membrane-YFP fluorescence formed as a result of T cell generation of 'invadosome-like protrusions' (ILPs) against the endothelial APC surface (see D). (B) Shows an example of a similar series in the presence of SAg-loaded endothelium (left; See also corresponding Movie 1) and quantitative trace of the dynamic changes in calcium levels (right). Arrows indicates initial ILPs formation that correlates with the initiation of calcium flux (i) and subsequent stabilization of multiple ILPs that correlates with high calcium flux (ii). (C) Experiments as in A and B were subjected to cell tracking analysis. DIC images on left show representative T cell migration paths over the duration of 10 min (red traces). Graph on right shows the calculated migration velocities in the absence and presence of SAg. (D) Dynamic analysis of immunological synapse topology (modified from 19). Schematic (i) illustrates a sensitive endothelial cell/APC 'topology reporter system' consisting of membrane-targeted-YFP and soluble cytosolic RFP. Actin-mediated ILP that protrude into the endothelial cell surface generate cylinder-shaped invaginations (a type of cellular foot-print, termed a 'podo-print') giving rise to sharply bent membrane that appear as rings of membrane-YFP fluorescence (i.e., the walls of the cylinder viewed en face). Cytosol displacement and exclusion at these loci appear as dark circles of cytosolic RFP. DIC and fluorescence images in (ii) show an example of such analysis in the presence of SAg (See also corresponding Movie 2). A single initial podo-print/ILP develops into an array of >20 stabilized ILPs over 15 min. Blue box at 15 min (iii) illustrates a high-resolution view of a single podo-print/ILP whereby a ring of membrane-YFP overlaps with a region of excluded cytosolic RFP. Dashed line (iv) shows a quantitative line scan analysis of fluorescence intensities. Scale bars = 5 μm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
As previously established, lymphocytes actively probe the surface of the endothelium by extending actin and HS1 (a cortactin homologue)-enriched and WASp- and src-dependent protrusions termed 'invadosome-like protrusions; (ILPs; each ~0.5-1 μm in depth in diameter) 27,28. Transfection of membrane-targeted fluorescence protein (FP) has been demonstrated to provide highly sensitive reporters for subcellular topological dynamics at cell-cell surfaces. In this way, it has been shown that bright rings of fluorescent membrane-FP are indicative of membrane bending during T cell-endothelial interaction as a result of T cell ILPs protrusions. It is shown here, and in previous studies 19,20, that whereas small clusters of ILPs form and turnover rapidly (i.e., lifetimes of ~10-30 sec) during lateral migration of T cells on endothelium in the absence of SAg (Figure 2A), they become highly stabilized (i.e., lifetimes of ~30 min) and accumulate into dense arrays in the presence of SAg (Figure 2B). Moreover, analysis of the ILPs and calcium initiation kinetics ('Offset time') show that ILPs precede calcium signaling, suggesting they aid in the MHC-II/Ag recognition process (Figure 2Bii). Additionally, stabilized ILPs arrays form commensurate with maximal calcium flux (Figure 2Bii). The idea that the rings of membrane fluorescence correspond to T cell protrusions driving discrete invagination spots in endothelial APCs, is confirmed by the demonstration that these rings in all cases correlate spatially and kinetically with zones of displaced/excluded cytoplasm (as reported by soluble DsRed; Figure 2D and Movie 2).
Figure 3 provides examples of fixed endpoint confocal imaging studies. After 10 min of co-incubation in the presence of SAg, ISs formed between T cells and endothelial APCs were imaged by fixation, immuno-fluorescence staining and confocal microscopy. These studies provide analysis of the subcellular distribution dynamics of critical molecules and signaling activities within ISs in particular relation to ILPs. Specifically, cytoskeletal/cytoskeletal regulator (actin, HS1; Figure 3A), antigen presentation/recognition (CD3/MHC-II; Figure 3B) adhesion (ICAM-1, LFA-1, talin; Figure 3C), and antigenic signaling (PKC-Q; Figure 3D) are seen to be co-enriched in podo-prints/ILP. Digital reconstruction of confocal serial-section z-stacks provides complementary evidence to those shown in Figure 2D that the T cell-endothelial endothelial IS has a discrete 3-dimension architecture punctuated by T cell ILP protruding in the APC surface (Figure 3Aii, Ci, iii, D). (Figure 3Civ).
Figure 3. Fixed-Sample Analysis of Molecular Distribution Dynamics in T cell-Endothelial Cell Immunological Synapses. Lymphocytes were incubated on SAg-loaded endothelium for 30 min and fixed and stained. In indicated panels endothelial cell were pre-transfected to express membrane-YFP or -DsRed. (A) Representative imaging show actin (i) and HS1 (a cortactin homologue; ii) co-enriched at the periphery of the immunological synapse in micro-clusters that correlate with the center of endothelial fluorescent rings of membrane-YFP (i.e., 'podo-prints'; See Figure 2D) confirming that T cell ILPs are responsible for appearance of podo-prints. A side view (ii. 90° Projection) illustrates that ILPs represent 3-dimensional protrusion in the z imaging plane (modified from 19). (B) Representative enrichment of T cell TCR (i) and endothelial MHC-II (ii) within the immunological synapse, show discrete subcellular partitioning to the ILP/podo-prints. (C) (i) Representative co-enrichment of ICAM-1 and LFA-1 in podo-prints and ILP, respectively of the IS. (i) Shows a 3-D digital reconstruction of confocal sections of the IS rotated 60° (upper panels) and 90° (orthogonal view; lower panels). (ii) Shows a zoomed view of the IS en face. (iii) Shows an orthogonal cross-sectional view of the boxed region in (ii) (modified from 19). (iv) Representative co-enrichment of talin (an integtin/actin linker protein) and actin in IS ILPs. (D) Representative co-enrichment of the TCR signaling molecule PKC-Q with actin in IS ILPs. Each panel shows an en face view (lower left portion) and two distinct orthogonal views (90° Projection). The far left and right panels use are replicates of their, respective neighboring panels, projected using a rainbow fluorescence intensity scale (modified from 19). Scale bars = 5 μm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Movie 1: Live-Cell Dynamic Imaging of T cell Calcium Signaling and Immunological Synapse Topology. Time-lapse live-cell imaging of Fura2-loaded CD4+ Th1 lymphocyte interacting with endothelium expressing membrane-YFP and loaded with SAg, corresponding to Figure 2B. Left panel shows intracellular calcium levels (rainbow: cool colors, low calcium; warm colors high calcium) in T cell. Right panel shown membrane-YFP fluorescence on the surface of the endothelial APC. Lymphocytes are seen to initiate spreading and ILP formation (as seen via fluorescent rings in mem-YFP channel; i.e., 'podo-prints'; See Figure 2Bi), followed by induction of a sustained (30-60 min) intracellular calcium flux, which occurs commensurate with formation of peripheral arrays of ILPs/podo-prints analogous to TCR/actin 'signaling micro-clustered' that are seen in planar bilayer APC models (See Figure 2Bii). The interval between frames is 20 sec. Please click here to view this video.
Movie 2: Live-Cell Dynamic Imaging of Immunological Synapse Topology via Fluorescent Reporters in Endothelial APCs. Time-lapse live-cell imaging of CD4+ Th1 lymphocyte (DIC, left) interacting with endothelium co-expressing membrane-YFP (green) and soluble cytosolic DsRed (red) and loaded with SAg, corresponding to Figure 2D. Right panel shows merge of DIC, membrane and cytoplasm signaling. The combined signals of membrane and cytoplasmic fluorescence sensitively report formation and remodeling of multiple ~0.2-1 μm-scale surface invaginations (podo-prints) that result from arrays T cell probing with ILP protrusions. Please click here to view this video.
Overall, this protocol describes methods for investigating endothelial cells as i) understudied physiologic APCs and ii) as a novel type of 'planar cellular APC model'. With respect to the former, it has become increasingly appreciated that non-hematopoietic peripheral (or 'stromal') APCs play critical, non-redundant roles (i.e., compared to hematopoietic APCs) in shaping adaptive immune responses 16-18. Among such 'semi-professional' APCs, vascular and lymphatic endothelial cells (which vastly outnumber professional APCs) are among the best appreciated 16-18. However, the details of signaling events and their coupled immunological synapses remain largely uninvestigated. The methods described herein provide a basis for advancing understanding in this emerging area. For example, applying these approaches to the study of ISs formed on endothelial from different tissue that are known to exhibit distinct adaptive immunological function (e.g., liver and lymphatic endothelia) may be particularly instructive.
Significantly, this method helps to bridge the gap between professional APCs and artificial APC substrate models in order to enhance the ability to interrogate basic mechanisms of adaptive immune responses. Whereas planar APC substrates (i.e., lipid bilayers, antibody-coated glass) provide optimal imaging (which has lead to many critical insights 7,11-14), such models are inherently limited. Alternatively, details of physiologic cell-cell scanning dynamics have thus far been profoundly obscured by orientation-related imaging issues 8-10. The imaging capabilities provided in the current approach overcome this obstacle to uniquely reveal otherwise undetectable three-dimensional subcellular architecture and rapid remodeling of a physiologic APC-T cell interface. These offer potential for new understanding of antigenic signaling.
For example, the appreciation that T cells form ILPs enriched with TCR, actin and signaling molecules (e.g., Figure 2D, Figure 3), suggest that these likely represent the physiologic 3-dimensional counter parts to the planar TCR signaling micro-clusters observed on artificial APC substrates 6,7,12-14,29-31. This implies that under physiologic settings, lymphocytes may employ ILPs as discrete subcellular '3D-reaction volumes' with 'signalosome'-like properties that amplify and sustain signaling by concentrating important molecules/activities 32,33. Additionally, the presence of significant biomechanical inputs (i.e., cell-cell force application) at sights if ILP protrusion against the APC can be inferred from the imaging. This is nontrivial as mechanical forces are increasingly viewed as critical facilitators of antigenic signaling, while precisely how such forces are manifested remains unclear 14,34-37.
The overall relevance of this model as a reasonable surrogate for professional APCs is supported by our direct demonstration that similar ILP arrays could be seen in synapses formed on ECs and DCs (and to a lesser extent B cells) when analogous imaging approaches were employed (e.g., use of the same fluorescence makers and control of the IS plane orientation plane 19). Nonetheless, it needs to be considered that the relative biomechanical properties of EC versus professional APC membrane surfaces are unknown and that differences in this parameter could affect details of IS topology and antigenic responses.
The key to the approach described herein is strongly related to its resolution benefits. This, in turn is highly related to the strength of the fluorescence signal. Thus, it is critical to pay special attention in optimizing transfection and staining of fluorescent reporters and imaging parameters/technique (e.g., exposure time, focus, etc…). With respect to the former, the protocol for live-cell studies that here described are limited to transfection of generic membrane and cytoplasmic markers that report topological changes at the T cell-APC interface in real-time (e.g., Figure 2, Movies 1, 2). Additionally, this protocol can be readily modified to for more sophisticated analysis by concomitantly introducing/imaging further reporters in the endothelium (e.g., fluorescent protein-tagged MHCI/II and adhesion, co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules and biosensors for signaling and biomechanical dynamics). Unfortunately, however, a general limitation is that lymphocytes are notoriously difficult to transfect. This precludes convenient use of fluorescent proteins (e.g., tagged to TCR, PKC-Q, etc.) in T cells for live cell imaging.
While the current protocol involves activation of human effector/memory CD4+ Th1 type lymphocytes through SAg (a widely used model), much broader possibilities exist. As previously demonstrated 19,20 this approach is readily adaptable to a broad range of other settings such as responses of other CD4+ subsets and activation of CD8+ lymphocyte killing responses. Through isolation of lymphocytes and endothelial cells from existing TCR-transgenic strains this method is also readily adaptable to study responses to specific peptide antigens 19,20. Finally, the current approach is limited to examination of effector/memory T cells. However, transfection of endothelial cells with the essential co-stimulatory molecules (CD80/86, not normally expressed on endothelium) might allow for study of naïve cell priming dynamics in this model.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Dr. Peter T. Sage for his assistance in generating some of the representative images. This work was supported by an NIH R01 grant to C.V.C. (HL104006).
BD Vacutainer stretch latex free tourniquet | BD Biosciences | 367203 | |
BD alcohol swabs | BD Biosciences | 326895 | |
BD Vacutainer Safety-Lok | BD Biosciences | 367861 | K2 EDTA |
BD Vacutainer Push Button Blood Collection Set | BD Biosciences | 367335 | |
RPMI-1640 | Sigma-Aldrich | R8758-1L | |
Ficoll-Paque | Sigma-Aldrich | GE17-1440-02 | Bring to RT before use |
FCS-Optima | Atlanta Biologics | s12450 | Heat inactivated |
Penicillin-Streptomycin | Sigma-Aldrich | P4458-100ML | |
Trypan blue | Sigma-Aldrich | T8154-20ML | |
staphylococcal enterotoxin B | Toxin Technology | BT202RED | Stock solution 1mg/ml in PBS |
toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 | Toxin Technology | TT606RED | Stock solution 1mg/ml in PBS |
human IL-15 | R&D Systems | 247-IL-025 | Stock solution 50ug/ml in PBS |
PBS | Life Technologies | 10010-049 | |
Fibronectin | Life Technologies | 33016-015 | Stock solution 1mg/ml in H20 |
HMVEC-d Ad-Dermal MV Endo Cells | Lonza | CC-2543 | Other Human Microvascular ECs can be used, i.e. HLMVECs |
EGM-2 MV bullet kit | Lonza | CC-3202 | |
Trypsin-EDTA | Sigma-Aldrich | T-4174 | Stock solution 10x, dilute in PBS |
amaxa-HMVEC-L Nucleofector Kit | Lonza | vpb1003 | Required Kit for step 4 |
IFN-g | Sigma-Aldrich | I3265 | Stock solution 1mg/ml in H20 |
TNF-alpha 10ug, human | Life Technologies | PHC3015 | Stock solution 1mg/ml in H20 |
phenol Red-free HBSS | Life Technologies | 14175-103 | |
Hepes | Fisher Scientific | BP299-100 | |
Calcium Chloride | Sigma-Aldrich | C1016-100G | Stock solution 1M in H20 |
Magnesium chloride | Sigma-Aldrich | 208337 | Stock solution 1M in H20 |
Human Serum albumin | Sigma-Aldrich | A6909-10ml | |
Immersol 518 F fluorescence free Immersion oil | Fisher Scientific | 12-624-66A | |
Fura-2 AM 20x50ug | Life Technologies | F1221 | Stock solution 1mM in DMSO |
pEYFP-Mem (Mem-YFP) | Clontech | 6917-1 | |
pDsRed-Monomer (Soluble Cytoplasmic DsRed) | Clontech | 632466 | |
pDsRed-Monomer Membrane (Mem-DsRed) | Clontech | 632512 | |
pEGFP-Actin | Clontech | 6116-1 | |
Alexa Fluor 488 Phalloidin | Life Technologies | A12379 | |
Formaldehyde solution 37% | Fisher Scientific | BP531-500 | Toxic, use fumehood |
Triton X-100 | Sigma-Aldrich | X100-5ML | |
Falcon 15mL Conical Centrifuge Tubes | Fisher Scientific | 14-959-70C | |
Falcon 50mL Conical Centrifuge Tubes | Fisher Scientific | 14-959-49A | |
Falcon Tissue Culture Treated Flasks T25 | Fisher Scientific | 10-126-9 | |
Falcon Tissue Culture Treated Flasks T75 | Fisher Scientific | 13-680-65 | |
Corning Cell Culture Treated T175 | Fisher Scientific | 10-126-61 | |
Glass coverslips | Fisher Scientific | 12-545-85 | 12 mm diameter |
Falcon Tissue Culture Plates 24-well | Fisher Scientific | 08-772-1 | |
Delta-T plates | Bioptechs | 04200415B | |
Wheaton Disposable Pasteur Pipets | Fisher Scientific | 13-678-8D | |
1.5 ml Eppendorf tube | Fisher Scientific | 05-402-25 | |
ICAM1 mouse anti-human | BD Biosciences | 555509 | |
HS1 mouse anti-human | BD Biosciences | 610541 | |
Anti-Human CD11a (LFA-1alpha) Purified | ebioscience | BMS102 | |
Anti-Human CD3 Alexa Fluor® 488 | ebioscience | 53-0037-41 | |
Anti-MHC Class II antibody | Abcam | ab55152 | |
Anti-Talin 1 antibody | Abcam | ab71333 | |
Anti-PKC theta antibody | Abcam | ab109481 | |
phosphotyrosine (4G10 Platinum) | Millipore | 50-171-463 | |
Nucleofector II | Amaxa Biosystems | Required electroporator for step 4 | |
Zeiss Axiovert | Carl Zeiss MicroImaging | ||
Zeiss LSM510 | Carl Zeiss MicroImaging | ||
Zeiss Axiovison Software | Carl Zeiss MicroImaging | ||
NU-425 (Series 60) Biological Safety Cabinet | NuAIRE | Nu-425-600 | |
Forma STRCYCLE 37 °C, 5% CO2 Cell culture Incubator | Fisher Scientific | 202370 | |
Centrifuge 5810 | Eppendorf | EW-02570-02 | |
Hemocytometer | Sigma-Aldrich | Z359629 | Bright-Line Hemocytometer |
Isotemp Waterbath model 202 | Fisher Scientific | 15-462-2 |