

Published: January 01, 2016


Quorum-quenching enzymes are anti-virulent and anti-bacterial options that can mitigate pathogenesis without risk of incurring resistance, by preventing the expression of virulence factors and genes associated with antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation. In this study, we report a method that demonstrates the efficacy of quorum-quenching enzymes in bacterial biofilm disruption.


The rapid emergence of multi-drug resistant bacteria has accelerated the need for novel therapeutic approaches to counter life-threatening infections. The persistence of bacterial infection is often associated with quorum-sensing-mediated biofilm formation. Thus, the disruption of this signaling circuit presents an attractive anti-virulence strategy. Quorum-quenching lactonases have been reported to be effective disrupters of quorum-sensing circuits. However, there have been very few reports of the effective use of these enzymes in disrupting bacterial biofilm formation. This protocol describes a method to disrupt biofilm formation in a clinically relevant A. baumannii S1 strain through the use of an engineered quorum-quenching lactonase. Acinetobacter baumannii is a major human pathogen implicated in serious hospital-acquired infections globally and its virulence is attributed predominantly to its biofilm’s tenacity. The engineered lactonase treatment achieved significant A. baumannii S1 biofilm reduction. This study also showed the possibility of using engineered quorum-quenching enzymes in future treatment of biofilm-mediated bacterial diseases. Lastly, the method may be used to evaluate the competency of promising quorum-quenching enzymes.




据估计,在复杂的生物膜状矩阵存在99%地球上的微生物,赋予关键存活优势居住在第微生物ESE结构6。更重要的是,形成这些无柄域是最持久和慢性医院获得性感染7的原因。 鲍曼不动杆菌是一个与全球医院获得性感染相关联,其毒力在很大程度上归因于群体感应的主要的人类病原体之一介导的生物膜形成8。仲裁淬酶已被成功地用于通过靶向一组化合物已知 N -酰基高丝氨酸内酯(信号分子)是由革兰氏阴性细菌产生的9扰乱仲裁介导的信号转导。一些研究也扩大于使用这些酶通过毒力因子的表达和细胞数在生物膜10,11减少到方框细菌发病机理。不幸的是,仍缺乏有效利用仲裁 – 淬火酶对生物膜形成由细菌病原体扪示范的。该重新已经尝试使用定额抑制剂(AHL类似物)代替法定淬火酶,以破坏A.鲍曼不动杆菌生物膜形成12。虽然使用小分子抑制剂的这种方法是一种有效的方法,维持在平利用其生物利用度可能是一个挑战。与此相反,使用催化仲裁 – 淬火酶可以规避生物利用度问题,因为酶是朝固定上用于治疗效果的生物医学装置的表面更适合。



生物膜的形成A. 1.结晶紫定量鲍曼不动杆菌 S1 成长5 ml培养A的杆菌中的S1 LB培养基(LB)(胰蛋白胨10克/升,酵母提取物5克/升),在30℃下在振荡培养箱(220转)16小时。 调整A.文化杆菌 S1至所希望的OD 600为0.8。使用96孔板,接种细菌培养物(1:100稀释)到新鲜LB含有10微升纯化GKL酶(40毫克/毫升)的;新的文化的最终体积为100微升。 准?…

Representative Results

在结晶紫定量实验中,两名仲裁淬火酶用于演示的可行性破坏生物膜的形成:野生型GKL和改进的GKL双突变体(E101G / R230C)。两种酶已显示表明内酯酶活性对3-羟基癸酰基-L-高丝氨酸内酯(3-OH-C 10 -HSL),使用由 A.主要仲裁分子鲍曼不动杆菌 S1 14。为生物膜分裂的有效评估,它们各自的无催化活性的酶(先前表明不螯合AHL配体)也包括在内作为?…


在这两组实验中,A杆菌 S1中培养在LB培养基无氯化钠作为高盐浓度可减少生物膜由细菌15形成的量。这种伪影的存在可能会低估生物膜的形成的量,以及仲裁 – 淬火酶在不同的处理条件的影响。使用催化失活酶是重要的,作为阴性对照,以消除酶封存的可能影响。 图1表明,即使不活动酶螯合仲裁分子,生物膜的形成不被中断。



The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by grants from the Academic Research Fund of the Ministry of Education, and the National Medical Research Council and the National Research Foundation, Singapore.


Tryptone  BD 211705
Yeast Extract BD 212750
96-well plate Costar 3596
Crystal Violet Sigma-Aldrich C6158
Acetic Acid Lab-Scan PLA00654X Caution: Flammable
μ-Dish Ibidi 80136
Alex Fluo 488-conjugated WGA Invitrogen W11261
Hank’s balanced salt solution  Invitrogen 141475095
Formaldehyde Sigma-Aldrich F8775 Caution: Corrosive 
Synergy HT Microplate Reader BioTek
1X-81 Inverted Fluorescence Microscope Olympus


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Tay, S. B., Chow, J. Y., Go, M. K., Yew, W. S. Anti-virulent Disruption of Pathogenic Biofilms using Engineered Quorum-quenching Lactonases. J. Vis. Exp. (107), e53243, doi:10.3791/53243 (2016).

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