

Published: November 25, 2014


Afferent vagal signaling transmits important information to central nervous system from receptors located in organs of the abdomen and thorax. The nodose ganglia of vagus nerves contain many types of receptors that modulate vagal activity. This protocol describes a method of local injections of neurochemicals into the nodose ganglia.


Afferent signaling via the vagus nerve transmits important general visceral information to the central nervous system from many diverse receptors located in the organs of the abdomen and thorax. The vagus nerve communicates information from stimuli such as heart rate, blood pressure, bronchopulmonary irritation, and gastrointestinal distension to the nucleus of solitary tract of the medulla. The cell bodies of the vagus nerve are located in the nodose and petrosal ganglia, of which the majority are located in the former. The nodose ganglia contain a wealth of receptors for amino acids, monoamines, neuropeptides, and other neurochemicals that can modify afferent vagus nerve activity. Modifying vagal afferents through systemic peripheral drug treatments targeted at the receptors on nodose ganglia has the potential of treating diseases such as sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or chronic cough. The protocol here describes a method of injection neurochemicals directly into the nodose ganglion. Injecting neurochemicals directly into the nodose ganglia allows study of effects solely on cell bodies that modulate afferent nerve activity, and prevents the complication of involving the central nervous system as seen in systemic neurochemical treatment. Using readily available and inexpensive equipment, intranodose ganglia injections are easily done in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats.


Afferent signaling via the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) transmits important general visceral information to the central nervous system (CNS) from baro-, chemo-, hepatic osmo-, cardiac, pulmonary, and gastric receptors located in the organs of the abdomen and thorax. The vagus nerve communicates information from stimuli such as heart rate, blood pressure, bronchopulmonary irritation, and gastrointestinal distension to the nucleus of solitary tract (NTS) of the medulla. The cell bodies of the pseudounipolar neurons of the vagus nerve are located in the nodose and petrosal ganglia, of which the majority is found in the former. Nodose ganglion cells contain a wealth of receptors for amino acids, monoamines, neuropeptides, and other neurochemicals that when activated, can modify afferent vagus nerve activity.1 Numerous innervations of the afferent vagus nerves coupled with the diversity of receptors located on the nodose ganglia illustrate the biological importance of this cranial nerve, and systemic drugs that do not cross into the CNS targeted at receptors on nodose ganglia can be used to treat various diseases, such as sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or chronic cough.2-4

The ease of access to the nodose ganglia lends itself to experimental manipulation by midline longitudinal incision made at the neck. The vagus nerve emerges from the posterior lacerated foramen at the base of the skull, and immediately displays a swelling of the nerve that is the nodose ganglion. The nodose ganglion is easily recognizable due to two nerve branches that arise from it: anteriorly the pharyngeal branch; and posteriorly superior laryngeal branch.5 Previous experimental manipulations of the nodose ganglia involved electrophysiological recordings,6 injections of immunohistochemical or immunofluorescent compounds for nerve tracings,7-10 superfusion or injections of neuroexcitotoxins,11-13 injections of adeno-associated virus to knockdown receptors,14,15 and injections of receptor-specific neurochemicals to change the activity of the vagus nerve.16,17

Systemic injections of neurochemicals are problematic in that systemic treatment affects both peripheral and central nervous systems. Thus, systemic treatment does not isolate the effect of neurochemicals on afferent vagal nerve activity. This protocol describes a method using readily available equipment of intranodose injections in the Sprague-Dawley rat that modulates vagus nerve activity without affecting the central nervous system. Stimulation of serotonin type 3 (5-HT3) receptors on nodose ganglia by intravenous (IV) infusion of serotonin (5-HT) induces the Bezold-Jarisch reflex, a vagal response trifecta of bradycardia, hypotension, and apnea, which can be abolished by supranodose vagatomy.11,17-19 Apnea is easily measured by placing a respiratory transducer around the abdomen of the rat.17,18 Cannabinoids decrease 5-HT-induced current in nodose ganglia cells,20 and intranodose ganglia injections of dronabinol attenuate 5-HT-induced apnea.


所有的程序和协议批准了伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的机构动物护理和使用委员会。这里描述的实验是急性非存活实验中,也没有使用眼软膏。无菌条件下维持,只有当外科手术器械在DIH 2 O洗涤,用70%的乙醇发生大鼠在实验结束时牺牲经由第IV氯胺酮/赛拉嗪的药物过量发生。 1.准备仪器和化学品制备0.05M的5-羟色胺的盐酸在PBS原液。然后稀释股票与PBS到最终5-HT…

Representative Results

图1表示在大鼠中有输注5-HT的前后intranodose神经节注射屈大麻酚诱导呼吸暂停呼吸样本记录。 5-HT的激活的5-HT 3受体上的结状神经节,有助于心动过缓,低血压和呼吸暂停的的Bezold-Jarisch反射。11,17-19 Intranodose神经节注射屈大麻酚的激活抑制性的CB受体,或变构调节5-HT的3受体抑制16,17,20,22的迷走神经。对5-HT诱导的激发前( 图1,上图)和后?…


的关键步骤成功注射神经化学物质的进节状神经节是:1)识别和清洁结缔组织断节状神经节; 2)确认注射前的结状神经节的完整性; 3)和使用小型量规针以微妙注入,但不能完全通过删截,所述结状神经节。



The authors have nothing to disclose.




Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
5-HT HCl MP Biomedicals 215376591 12.5 µg/kg per 350 µl/kg
Dronabinol (Marinol) 10 mg Capsules (80 µg/µl) AbbVie NDC 0051-0023-21 Dilute with sesame oil to 20 µg/µl
Sesame Oil Sigma-Aldrich S3547
Intramedic Polyethylene-50 BD 427411 Ordered from VWR (Cat. # 63019-047)
Graefe Forceps Roboz RS-5138 Two are needed
Johns Hopkins Bulldog Clamp Roboz RS-7441 Three are needed
Piezoelectric Strain Gauge Ambu 813255-100
Data Acquisition USB Subsystems DataWave Technologies NA
Sciworks Experimenter Software NA
CyberAmp Axon Instruments NA
Syringe, 500 µL, Model 1750 TLL Hamilton Company 81220
Syringe, 10 µL, Model 1801 RN 7659-01
Needle, 28 gauge, Small Hub RN 7803-02 Point Style 4, Angle 35, Length 0.5 in


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Calik, M. W., Radulovacki, M., Carley, D. W. A Method of Nodose Ganglia Injection in Sprague-Dawley Rat. J. Vis. Exp. (93), e52233, doi:10.3791/52233 (2014).

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