A Mouse Model of Vascularized Heterotopic Spleen Transplantation

Published: May 31, 2024


Source: Wang, J., et al. A Mouse Model of Vascularized Heterotopic Spleen Transplantation for Studying Spleen Cell Biology and Transplant Immunity. J. Vis. Exp. (2019).

The video demonstrates a surgical method for generating a mouse model of vascularized heterotopic spleen transplantation. The abdominal cavity of an anesthetized donor mouse is surgically opened to remove the spleen. The inferior vena cava and infrarenal aorta are identified, their lumbar branches are ligated, and openings are made for the heterotopic transplantation of a spleen from a congenic donor mouse. Upon completing vascular anastomosis and restoring blood flow to the implanted spleen, the incision is closed, and the mouse is monitored for recovery.


All procedures involving animal models have been reviewed by the local institutional animal care committee and the JoVE veterinary review board. 1. Surgical Preparation, Anesthetization, and Analgesia Regimen Place a sterile disposable drape (45.7 cm x 66 cm) on the surgical platform. Gently grab the mouse, inject ketamine (50 mg/kg) and xylazine (10 mg/kg) intraperitoneally (i.p) for anesthesia, and inject 0.05 mg/kg buprenorphine subcutaneously for analgesia.</li…

Representative Results

Figure 1: Donor spleen harvest. (A) Cauterize the short gastric vein attached to the spleen. (B) Place a small piece of sterile warm wet gauze over the spleen to keep it moist. (C) Dissect and isolate the portal vein behind the pancreas. (D) Ligate the side branches of the portal vein and place a suture round the portal vein dist…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Ketamine Wyeth 206205-01
Xylazine Lloyd Laboratories 139-236
Heparin solution Abraxis Pharmaceutical Products 504031
Injection grade normal saline Hospira Inc. NDC 0409-4888-20
70% Ethanol Pharmco Products Inc. 111000140
ThermoCare Small Animal ICU System Thermocare, Inc.
Adson Forceps Roboz Surgical Instruments RS-5230
Derf Needle Holder Roboz Surgical Instruments RS-7822
Extra Fine Micro Dissecting Scissors Roboz Surgical Instruments RS-5881
Micro-clip Roboz Surgical Instruments RS-5420
7-0 silk Braintree Scientific SUT-S 103
11-0 nylon on 4-mm (3/8) needle Sharpoint DR4 AK-2119
Ms CD45.2 antibody BD Bioscience 553772
Ms CD45.1 antibody BD Bioscience 553776
Ms CD11b antibody BD Bioscience 557657
Ms B220 antibody BD Bioscience 553089
Ms Ly6C antibody eBioscience 48-5932-80
Ms Ly6G antibody BD Bioscience 561236
Ms F4/80 antibody BD Bioscience 565614
Ms CD11c antibody BD Bioscience 558079
Ms CD3 antibody eBioscience 48-0032-82
Ms CD4 antibody BD Bioscience 552051
Ms CD8 antibody BD Bioscience 563786
LIVE/DEAD™ Fixable Violet Dead Cell Stain Kit Thermo Fisher L34955


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
A Mouse Model of Vascularized Heterotopic Spleen Transplantation. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e22248, doi: (2024).

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