Digital Droplet Polymerase Chain Reaction for Indel Mutation Detection in Target Genes

Published: May 31, 2023


Source: Carballar-Lejarazú, R., et al. Digital-Droplet PCR to Detect Indels Mutations in Genetically Modified Anopheline Mosquito Populations. J. Vis. Exp. (2021).

This video demonstrates the role of digital droplet polymerase chain reaction in identifying indel mutation in a DNA sample. The high precision and sensitivity of ddPCR enable accurate and consistent detection of rare mutations present in a sample, even at low levels. It can identify and quantify indel mutations in different regions of the genome, providing valuable insights into the mechanisms of mutation and the functional consequences of these mutations. 


1. ddPCR reactions and droplet generation preparation Quantify DNA using a fluorometer. NOTE: For the drop-off assay, it is recommended to use a range of 3,000-30,000 haploid genome copies per reaction, which is designed to detect NHEJ events with a HEX-labeling probe that binds to a WT sequence of the targeted cut site and will not anneal (drop-off) if there is a deletion or insertion at the target site, indicating the presence of an NHEJ variant. Calculate the copy number u…

Representative Results

Figure 1: Experimental setup and procedure. (A) Cartridge preparation for Droplet generation. (Top) Samples are filled in the middle row of the cartridge, while oil is filled in the bottom row. (Bottom) Top row filled with emulsified droplets after droplet generation. (B) Droplet generator with a cartridge filled with sample and covered by a gasket in place. (<st…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


ddPCR Super Mix for Probes (no dUTP) Bio-Rad 1863024
EDTA (pH 8.0) Invitrogen AM9260G
PCR-grade Water Any certified PCR-grade water can be used
Proteinase K 20 mg/mL Thermo Fisher Scientific AM2546
ddPCR 96-Well Plate Bio-Rad 12001925
Droplet Generator DG8 Cartridge and Gaskets Bio-Rad 1864007
Droplet Generation Oil for probes Bio-Rad 1863005
Fluorescent probes (e.g. FAM/HEX probes) Sigma-Aldrich N/A Probes are experiment specific and can be purchased from any certified seller available.
Forward and Reverse oligonucleotide primers Sigma-Aldrich N/A Primers are experiment specific and can be purchased from any certified seller available.
C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler Bio-Rad 1851148 Can use other Thermo cycler with gradient function and deep well


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Digital Droplet Polymerase Chain Reaction for Indel Mutation Detection in Target Genes. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21352, doi: (2023).

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