An Assay to Study Effect of Test Compound against PolyQ-Mediated Neurotoxicity in Worms

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Wang, Q. et al., Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model System for Discovering Bioactive Compounds Against Polyglutamine-Mediated Neurotoxicity. J. Vis. Exp. (2021)

In this video, we describe a method to evaluate the neuroprotective effect of a test compound, astragalan, on neuronal survival in Caenorhabditis elegans from polyQ-mediated neurotoxicity. The assay uses Caenorhabditis elegans expressing the abnormally expanded polyQ repeats fused to GFP in their ASH neurons to measure neuronal survival following test compound treatment.


1. PolyQ-mediated neurotoxicity assay

  1. Treatment of C. elegans with test samples
    1. To prepare nematodes for the polyQ neurotoxicity assay, transfer 300-500 synchronized L1 larvae of HA759 to each well of a 48-well plate with 500 µL of S medium containing OP50 (OD570 of 0.7-0.8) and 5 mg/mL of astragalan; typically three replicate wells for each treatment.
    2. Seal the plate with parafilm and incubate at 15 °C and 120 rpm for 3 days.
    3. Collect the nematodes by centrifugation and wash 3-5 times with M9 buffer. Resuspend the nematodes in the M9 buffer for use in neuronal survival and avoidance assays.
  2. Preparation of agarose pad
    1. Add 2 g of agarose to 100 mL of M9 buffer (2%, w/v) and heat the agarose solution in a microwave to near-boiling.
    2. Dispense 0.5 mL of melted agarose onto the center of a 1 mm thick microscopy glass slide placed between two pieces of 2 mm thick glass plates. Cover with another slide vertically. Once the agarose cools down and is solidified, gently remove the top slide.
  3. ASH neuronal survival assay
    1. Add a drop of 20 mM sodium azide onto the agarose pad. Transfer 15-20 HA759 nematodes into the drop to immobilize them.
    2. Place a coverslip gently over the nematodes. Keep the slide under a fluorescence microscope fitted with a digital camera. Select a 40x objective lens and FITC filter to detect GFP-positive ASH neurons in the head region of the nematodes.
    3. Select more than 50 nematodes in each group randomly to count the number of nematodes with GFP-labeled bilateral ASH neurons in their head region. Calculate the survival rate of ASH neurons:
      Neuronal survival (%) =  Equation 1
      Where Nsurvival and Ntotal are the number of nematodes with GFP-positive ASH neurons and the total number of tested nematodes in each group, respectively.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


C. elegans strain
HA759 rtIs11 [osm-10p::GFP + osm-10p::HtnQ150 + dpy-20(+)] Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC)
E. coli strain
OP50 Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC)
Agarose Biowest 111860
Sodium azide Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. 80115560
48-well cell culture plate Nest Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 748001
Fluorescence microscope Guangzhou Micro-shot Optical Technology Co., Ltd. Mshot MF31-LED
High-content imaging system Molecular Devices ImageXpress Pico
Microcentrifuge GeneCompany GENESPEED X1
Microscope digital camera Guangzhou Micro-shot Optical Technology Co., Ltd. MS60
Microwave Midea Corp.  M1-211A
Parafilm M Sigma-Aldrich P7793-1EA
Image acquisition and analysis software Molecular Devices MetaXpress products/cellular-imaging-systems/ acquisition-and-analysis-software/ metaxpress


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
An Assay to Study Effect of Test Compound against PolyQ-Mediated Neurotoxicity in Worms. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21285, doi: (2023).

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