Modeling Ovarian Cancer Metastasis in Peritoneal Cavity Lining: A Method To Establish an In Vitro 3D Model of the Peritoneal Lining

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Peters, P. N. et al. Modeling the Early Steps of Ovarian Cancer Dissemination in an Organotypic Culture of the Human Peritoneal Cavity. J. Vis. Exp. (2015)

In this video, we demonstrate the development of  an in vitro  three-dimensional model of the lining of the peritoneal cavity. This organotypic culture can help to investigate ovarian cancer cell adhesion, invasion, and proliferation.


1. Plating the Organotypic Culture Release NOF (normal omental fibroblasts ) from a 75 cm2 culture flask by rinsing with 10 ml of PBS followed by 3 ml of 0.25% trypsin/25 mM EDTA for no more than 5 min. Neutralize trypsin with at least 3 times the volume of full growth media. Transfer trypsinized cells into a 50 ml conical tube and spin down at 0.5 g x 3 min. Remove supernatant and bring cells back up in 5 ml of full growth media. Use a cell counter to count the cell…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


PBS Fisher Scientific SH3001304
15 cm culture dishes BD Biosciences 353025
DMEM with L-Glutamine Corning 10-013-CV
MEM Vitamins Corning 25-020-Cl
MEM Nonessential amino acids Corning 25-025-CI
Penicillin-Streptomycin Corning 30-002-CI
Shaker Thermo-Fisher MaxQ 4450
Centrifuge Eppendorf 5702
Incubator Thermo-Fisher Forma Series II Water Jacketed
CO2 Incubator Model 3100
Trypsin EDTA, 1x (0.25%) Corning 25-053-CI
T-75 Flasks BD Biosciences 353136
T-175 Flasks BD Biosciences 353112
Pipet tips Rainin P2, P10, P20, P200 and P1000
Pipet tips Corning Filtered tips P2, P10, P20, P200
and P1000
Cell Counter Invitrogen Countess
Countess Cell Counting Chamber
Invitrogen C10313
Trypan Blue Stain (0.4%) Gibco 15250-061
Collagen Type I (Rat Tail) BD Biosciences 354236
96 well plate, clear bottom, black BD Biosciences 353219


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Bu Makaleden Alıntı Yapın
Modeling Ovarian Cancer Metastasis in Peritoneal Cavity Lining: A Method To Establish an In Vitro 3D Model of the Peritoneal Lining. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20375, doi: (2023).

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