
Stimulated Single Fiber Electromyography (SFEMG) for Assessing Neuromuscular Junction Transmission in Rodent Models

Published: March 08, 2024


In this study, we demonstrate a refined single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) protocol to allow in vivo measurement of neuromuscular junction (NMJ) transmission in rodent models. A step-by-step approach to the SFEMG technique is described to allow quantification of NMJ transmission variability and failure in rat gastrocnemius muscle.


As the final connection between the nervous system and muscle, transmission at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is crucial for normal motor function. Single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) is a clinically relevant and sensitive technique that measures single muscle fiber action potential responses during voluntary contractions or nerve stimulations to assess NMJ transmission. The assessment and quantification of NMJ transmission involves two parameters: jitter and blocking. Jitter refers to the variability in timing (latency) between consecutive single-fiber action potentials (SFAPs). Blocking signifies the failure of NMJ transmission to initiate an SFAP response. Although SFEMG is a well-established and sensitive test in clinical settings, its application in preclinical research has been relatively infrequent. This report outlines the steps and criteria employed in performing stimulated SFEMG to quantify jitter and blocking in rodent models. This technique can be used in preclinical and clinical studies to gain insights into NMJ function in the context of health, aging, and disease.


Single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) was initially developed by Stålberg and Ekstedt in the 1960s to identify and analyze action potentials from individual muscle fibers, primarily to study muscle fatigue1. SFEMG is the most sensitive clinical technique for the assessment of neuromuscular junction (NMJ) transmission2. SFEMG is conducted by selectively recording single fiber action potentials (SFAPs)3. NMJ transmission can be compromised due to factors like aging4,5 and various neuromuscular disorders such as myasthenia gravis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis6. Furthermore, conditions such as ischemia, fluctuations in temperature, and the use of neuromuscular blocking agents can result in deficiencies in NMJ transmission, manifested by increased NMJ transmission variability and occurrences of NMJ failure2.

There are two approaches to recording SFEMG: stimulated and voluntary SFEMG. Voluntary SFEMG involves recording SFAPs from two NMJs supplied by the same motor axon using a concentric needle electrode inserted into the muscle being tested during voluntary activation7. Accordingly, voluntary SFEMG requires cooperation from the subject and can only assess low-threshold motor units (those activated during weak contractions)3. Stimulated SFEMG uses a pair of stimulating electrodes to stimulate motor axons while recording SFAPs with an SFEMG needle electrode inserted into the muscle being tested7.

In both voluntary and stimulated SFEMG, jitter and blocking are the two parameters used to assess and quantify NMJ transmission8. Jitter describes the variability in timing (latency) between consecutive SFAPs. During voluntary SFEMG, jitter is quantified by assessing the latency differences between a pair of SFAPs (supplied by the same motor axon) during 50 to 100 consecutive discharges. During stimulated SFEMG, jitter is quantified by assessing the latency differences between the stimulation timing and the onset of the SFAP during 50 to 100 consecutive discharges. Blocking indicates failure of NMJ transmission to trigger an SFAP response, and it can be quantified as the presence or absence of each pair of SFAPs during voluntary SFEMG or for each NMJ during stimulated SFEMG2,7.

While an established and sensitive test in the clinical setting, SFEMG has only been infrequently applied in preclinical research4,5,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18. In this report, we outline the approach to performing and analyzing SFEMG recordings in preclinical rodent models. Furthermore, we present representative data that highlights representative findings on SFEMG that indicate impairment of NMJ transmission following administration of a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, rocuronium.


All protocols were approved and performed in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Missouri. 1. Animal preparation and anesthesia administration Put on appropriate personal protection equipment. Prior to the procedure, measure the rat's weight to determine the appropriate dose for weight-based medications and ventilator settings. Induce anesthesia with 3%-5% inhaled …

Representative Results

To demonstrate increased jitter and blocking in the context of NMJ transmission failure, stimulated SFEMG was performed with and without intravenous administration of rocuronium. Rocuronium is an intermediate-acting, non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent widely used in clinical settings to induce muscle paralysis during surgeries or medical procedures. It operates by competitively binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the NMJ19. Prior to the administration of rocuronium, the adul…


SFEMG is commonly used for diagnostic testing in patients with suspected autoimmune, acquired, and genetic forms of NMJ disease. SFEMG is considered the most sensitive test for the diagnosis of the NMJ disorder, myasthenia gravis20,21. Repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) is another method that is more commonly used in clinical diagnostic testing and involves stimulating a peripheral nerve with a train of stimuli and quantifying the summated compound muscle action …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Martin Brandhøj Skov from NMD Pharma for his valuable advice on rocuronium dosing and Arash Karimi from the Biomedical Engineering Department of Stony Brook University for his assistance in calculations. This study was supported in part by funding from NIH to WDA (R01AG067758 and R01AG078129).


 27 G Reusable Single Fiber Needle Electrode Technomed 202860-000 singlefiber recording electrode
2 mL Glass Syringe Kent Scientific Corporation SOMNO-2ML
Detachable Cable Technomed 202845-0000 to connect the recorder electrode to the electrodiagnostic machine
Disposable 2" x 2" disc electrode with leads Cadwell 302290-000 ground electrode
disposable monopolar needles 28 G Technomed 202270-000 cathode and anode stimulating electrodes
EMG needle cable (Amp/stim switch box) Cadwell 190266-200 to connect monopolar electrodes to electrodiagnostic stimulator
Helping Hands alligator clip with iron base Radio Shack 64-079 Maintaining recording electrode placement 
Isoflurane (250 mL bottle) Piramal Healthcare NA
monoject curved tip irrigating syringe Covidien 81412012 utilized for application of electrode gel
PhysioSuite Physiological Monitoring System with RightTemp Homeothermic Warming Kent Scientific Corporation PS-RT Includes infrared warming pad, rectal probe, and pad temperature probe
Pro trimmer Pet Grooming Kit Oster 078577-010-003 clippers for hair removal
Rat Endotracheal Tubes (16 G) Kent Scientific Corporation
Rocoronium Bromide Sigma PHR2397-500MG neuromuscular blocker agent
Sierra Summit EMG system Cadwell Industries, Inc., Kennewick, WA NA portable electrodiagnostic system
SomnoSuite Low-Flow Digital Anesthesia System Kent Scientific Corporation SOMNO Includes anti-spill, anti-vapor bottle top adapter; Y adapter tubing; charcoal scavenging filter
Veterinarian petroleum-based ophthalmic ointment  Puralube 26870 applied during anesthesia to avoid corneal injury


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Ketabforoush, A., Wang, M., Arnold, W. D. Stimulated Single Fiber Electromyography (SFEMG) for Assessing Neuromuscular Junction Transmission in Rodent Models. J. Vis. Exp. (205), e66452, doi:10.3791/66452 (2024).

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