
Pure Shift Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: a New Tool for Plant Metabolomics

Published: July 31, 2021


This paper presents the use of PSYCHE and SAPPHIRE-PSYCHE in the metabolic profiling of plants and includes detailed procedures for sample preparation and optimal Pure Shift NMR spectra recording. Examples through which the gain in resolution achieved by homonuclear decoupling allows a more comprehensive understanding of the system are discussed.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is one of the most powerful tools used in metabolomics. It stands as a highly accurate and reproducible method that not only provides quantitative data but also permits structural identification of the metabolites present in complex mixtures.

Metabolic profiling by 1H NMR has proven useful in the study of various types of plant scenarios, which include the evaluation of crop conditions, harvest and post- harvest treatments, metabolic phenotyping, metabolic pathways, gene regulation, identification of biomarkers, chemotaxonomy, quality control, denomination of origin, among others. However, signal overlapping of the large number of resonances with expanded J-coupling multiplicities complicates the spectra analysis and its interpretation, and represents a limitation for classical 1H NMR profiling.

In the last decade, novel NMR broadband homonuclear decoupling techniques through which multiplet signals collapse into single resonance lines – commonly called Pure Shift methods – have been developed to overcome the spectra resolution problem inherent to 1H NMR classical spectra.

Here a step-by-step protocol of the plant extract preparation and the procedure to record optimal Pure Shift PSYCHE and SAPPHIRE-PSYCHE spectra in three different plant matrices – Vanilla plant leaves, potato tubers (S. tuberosum), and Cape gooseberries (P. peruviana) – is presented. The effect of the gain in resolution in metabolic identification, correlation analysis and multivariate analyses, as compared against classical spectra, is discussed.


The complete set of metabolites that comprise an organism – substrates, intermediates, and end products of biological processes – was coined in 1998 with the term, metabolome. It is well known that the metabolome is closely related to the phenotype, and it is of particular interest in plants as it reflects the direct interaction between the genotype and the environment1,2. Hence, the characterization of the metabolomic profile has become of paramount importance in plants. Through the identification and quantification of biomarkers (key metabolites) and metabolic patterns, the discrimination between species, cultivars, development stages, pathogenic diseases, or environmental conditions (daily and seasonal changes, soils, water stress, mechanical stress, harvest and post- harvest treatments), among others, has been possible3,4,5.

Mass spectrometry (MS) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy are the most widely used analytical platforms for this purpose. Contrary to MS methodologies, NMR stands as a highly reproducible, non-biased, quantitative, accurate, and non-destructive technique that requires minimal sample preparation, making it suitable for metabolomics studies. However, when compared to MS methods, the inherent low sensitivity is a limitation. In recent years and through the use of high-field magnets, cryogenic probes, micro-coil devices, and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) methods, the sensitivity of NMR has been greatly improved. In the case of the latter approach, for instance, the sensitivity gain was in the level of two to three orders of magnitude6,7. To date, almost 20% of the published metabolomics studies are NMR-based and the number is rising7.

Even though Proton NMR is the most popular and sensitive experiment for NMR metabolomics fingerprinting, it has some drawbacks. First, all the 1H NMR signals detected in the sample are distributed in a small window corresponding to the proton chemical shift window, which results in crowded spectra. Second, the homonuclear scalar coupling splits the signals into multiple components (signal multiplicity), spreading the proton signal over a wider frequency range, complicating furthermore the spectra reading by increasing crowding and signal overlapping. In addition, NMR metabolomics is employed in the analysis of mixtures usually containing 50 to 300 molecules at an NMR observable concentration, generating complex spectra comprised of 200 to 2000 peaks.

Homonuclear decoupling proton NMR, also known as Pure Shift, is a method that induces the collapse of a multiplet signal into a single peak. It stands as an excellent tool for increasing signal resolution in crowded spectra8,9,10 and therefore represents a convenient tool for plants metabolomics11.

In the last decade, new Pure Shift pulse sequences, increasing both sensitivity and decoupling performance, have emerged. Their range of applications have also expanded, from molecular structure elucidation12,13, to fluxomics14, mixture assignment15,16,17, translational diffusion measurements18, enantiomeric discrimination19, unit distribution in co-polymers20, among others.

Historically, Broadband Pure Shift experiments suffer from low sensitivity and complicated processing methods, limiting their scope in the assessment of biological extracts8. In 2014, Foroozandeh et al. published a new Pure Shift experiment, PSYCHE (Pure Shift Yielded by Chirp Excitation), based on anti-z-COSY pulse sequence which yielded excellent homonuclear decoupling and improved sensitivity values21. However, as PSYCHE is a 2D interferogram experiment where chunks of time domain data are acquired, it suffers from periodic sideband artifacts that result from J-coupling modulation distortions at the edges of the chunk. In complex mixtures, these artifacts yield signals larger than those associated with metabolites present at very low concentrations, hindering the analysis11. There are two methods to remove these artifacts – TSE-PHYCHE22 and a more recent modification of the PSYCHE experiment called SAPPHIRE-PSYCHE (Sideband Averaging by Periodic PHase Incrementation of Residual J Evolution)23.

In 2019, we demonstrated for the first time11 that the SAPPHIRE-PSYCHE Pure Shift method, which removes artifacts with almost no sensitivity penalty23, could be employed for the analysis of complex biological mixtures, such as extracts of the fruits of Physalis peruviana, commonly known as Cape gooseberries11. We showed that these methods increase the performance of metabolomics data analyses such as metabolic assignment, correlation analysis and multivariate coefficients analysis11. Since then, several Pure Shift metabolomics studies on different biological matrices, such as soft corals24, hypericum plants25, honey26,27, tea27, peppermint oil26, and walnuts28 have been addressed, demonstrating its importance as a new tool for metabolomics analysis. Paradoxically, the vast majority of these studies employed the standard and easy to implement PSYCHE pulse sequence, available from any spectrometer library, instead of the SAPPHIRE-PSYCHE pulse sequence, which has been shown to perform better. However, it requires better understanding of the pulse sequence for proper setup.

This paper is intended to help new users to apply Pure Shift methods in the study of plants, in particular, leaves of Vanilla sp (V. planifolia and V. pompona)29, potato tubers (S. tuberosum)30, and Cape gooseberries (P. peruviana)31. Sample preparation, NMR experimental set up, data acquisition, and data analysis are described in detail. Moreover, the protocol includes key notes to help researchers, new to the field, to properly set up PSYCHE and SAPPHIRE-PSYCHE experiments in the metabolomic profiling of plants.


1. Sample preparation Cape gooseberries Place 100-200 g of fresh fruits in a blender vase. Keep at 4 °C for 30 min, and then homogenize in a laboratory blender. Immediately, transfer the juice to 50 mL plastic tubes, freeze them in liquid nitrogen and lyophilize to dryness for 4 to 5 days. Grind the lyophilized material to a fine powder using an electric grinder. NOTE: Handling of the dry material needs to be done quickly because the powder is highly hygrosc…

Representative Results

NMR spectrum analysis PSYCHE experiments increase spectra resolution by collapsing coupled resonances into singlets21, which in turn reduces overlap and facilitates assignment and data analysis. Pure Shift NMR can be applied to plant extracts. Here we demonstrate its use in three different matrices: vanilla leaves, potato tubers, and Physalis peruviana fruits. The resolution enhancement achieved in the spectra of these plant extracts is clear from Figur…


Metabolite structural identification and quantitation are key issues in the characterization of the metabolome, data that when subjected to multivariable analyses permits to better understand the biological system under study. Sample preparation and data acquisition are critical aspects that need optimization in order to provide reliable results.

In this article, we describe and illustrate the sample preparation for NMR analysis of three different plant matrices. As with any extraction procedu…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was funded by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC) – Programa Atracción de Investigadores Cienciactiva – Contract # 008-2017-FONDECYT.


77500 Series Freezone 4.5 Liter benchtop Labconco 77500
Bruker Avance III 500 MHz equiped with a 5 mm TCI Z-gradient cryogenic probe Bruker Corporation
Centrivap Refrigerated Centrifugal Concentrators Labconco 7310000 Series Labconco 7310000
Deuterium oxide Sigma-Aldrich 151882
Grinder machine MKM6003 Bosch MKM6003
Licuadora Blender 8011S model Hgb2wts3 Waring Hgb2wts3
Methanol-d4 Sigma-Aldrich 151947


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Lopez, J. M., Leyva, V., Maruenda, H. Pure Shift Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: a New Tool for Plant Metabolomics. J. Vis. Exp. (173), e62719, doi:10.3791/62719 (2021).

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