
والاستشعار القائم بولي آنلين من الأحماض النووية

Published: November 01, 2016


Nucleic acids are common analytes for assessing biological systems; however, bias from enzymatic manipulation can cause concern. Here a method is described for label-free detection of nucleic acids using polyaniline. This sensitive, cost-effective sensor technology can distinguish single nucleotide differences between molecules.


Detection of nucleic acids is at the center of diagnostic technologies used in research and the clinic. Standard approaches used in these technologies rely on enzymatic modification that can introduce bias and artifacts. A critical element of next generation detection platforms will be direct molecular sensing, thereby avoiding a need for amplification or labels. Advanced nanomaterials may provide the suitable chemical modalities to realize label-free sensors. Conjugated polymers are ideal for biological sensing, possessing properties compatible with biomolecules and exhibit high sensitivity to localized environmental changes. In this article, a method is presented for detecting nucleic acids using the electroconductive polymer polyaniline. Simple DNA “probe” oligonucleotides complementary to target nucleic acids are attached electrostatically to the polymer, creating a sensor system that can differentiate single nucleotide differences in target molecules. Outside the specific and unbiased nature of this technology, it is highly cost effective.


Conjugated polymers provide many options for molecular sensors. This includes fluorescence, electronic, and colorimetric responses1. There have been many efforts to incorporate conjugated polymers in nucleic acid sensors. However, most systems require secondary detection, limiting sensing options2. Recently, we reported a conjugated polymer-based sensor platform built on polyaniline (PANI) that exploits properties of this polymer, creating a label-free system3. PANI is an extensively conjugated electro-active polymer with properties such as fluorescence and resistance that are suitable for measuring biological systems4. The excitons within the structure are not localized leading to mobility of the positive charge between monomeric subunits. This provides a flexible scaffold of positive charges that can interact with the negatively charged backbone of DNA5,6. Importantly, electrostatically attached DNA is orientated such that nitrogenous bases can participate in base pairing. Association with DNA alters the electronic properties of PANI, an effect that can be enhanced by UV irradiation (Figure 1)3. Using this system, oligonucleotides complementary to target nucleic acids can be immobilized on PANI. Multiple studies have demonstrated that upon hybridization electrostatically adsorbed oligonucleotides dissociate from PANI or other cationic matrices due to conformational changes caused by the switch to a double-stranded DNA structure3,5,7.

In a sensor system where probe attachment modulates conjugated polymer properties, hybridization events can be transduced without labels or enzymatic modification of probes or target nucleic acids. Conjugated polymers offer great flexibility in detection methods, one of which is fluorescence. Through monitoring PANI fluorescence, concentrations of target nucleic acids as low as 10-11 M (10 pM) can be detected3. Detection is rapid, occurring within 15 minutes of hybridization, and specific where a single mismatch in a target molecule can be differentiated3.

Fabrication of PANI-sensors is straightforward. High molecular weight PANI can be generated that is well-dispersed in water using standard synthesis procedures involving aniline monomer, surfactant, and controlled addition of an oxidant. Yield can be very high and unreacted oxidant removed by washing with water, ensuring no further PANI growth. PANI-probe association occurs spontaneously upon mixture, and complex formation is enhanced by mild UV exposure. Hybridization can be carried out immediately, and the changes in PANI fluorescence assayed following a short incubation. The simplicity of this technology makes it highly accessible to many laboratories.


1. للمعالجة باني التجميعي حل الأنيلين (1 مل، 11 ملمول) تماما في 60 مل من الكلوروفورم في 250 مل قارورة جولة القاع. إثارة في 600 دورة في الدقيقة ل5 دقائق وبارد إلى 0-5 درجة مئوية مع الثلج. هذا عادة ما يستغرق 15-20 دقيقة (الشكل 2A).</s…

Representative Results

الشكل 2A يلتقط الإعداد رد فعل في بداية عملية البلمرة، أي قبل وكالة الأنباء الجزائرية بالإضافة. تشكيل مذيلة هو الخطوة الأولى في رد فعل يحدث التوليف عملية باني في واجهة micellar. الشكل 2B يظهر حل حليبي بعد 5 دقائق. 30 دقيقة بعد إضافة …


جهاز استشعار على أساس باني من الأحماض النووية يتطلب الإذابة من البوليمر في الماء من أجل التفاعل مع الحمض النووي والحمض النووي الريبي. ويتم إنجاز تشتت باني في المياه باستخدام السطحي لتشكل المذيلات كما ذكرت سابقا 8. بالإضافة إلى NaDBS المستخدمة هنا الأخرى أنيوني ال…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Aniline  Fisher Scientific  A7401-500  ACS, liquid, refrigerated
Ammonium peroxydisulfate Fisher Scientific  A682-500  ACS, crystalline
Sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate Pfaltz & Bauer  D56340  95% solid
Chloroform  Fisher Scientific  MCX 10601  Liquid
DNA primers  MWG operon  n/a  custom DNA sequence ~20bps
Microplate  USA Scientific  1402-9800  96 well, polypropylene as it is unreactive to chloroform
Microplate Adhesive Film USA Scientific  2920-0000  Reduces well-to-well contamination, sample spillage and evaporation
Microscope Cover Glass Fisher Scientific  12-544-D  PANI coated on UV irradiated cover glass
UV crosslinker  UVP  HL-2000  Energy: X100 μJ/cm2; Time: 2min
Hybridization Oven VWR  01014705 T  Temperature: 400C; with rocking for 15 min
Glass Apparatus  Fisher Scientific Three necked round bottom flask for reaction; dropping funnel, stoppers, condenser, separating funnel
Microscope Leica Microsystems  Leica IMC S80 Magnification 20X; Pseudo color 536 nm; Exposure 86 ms; Gain 1.0X; Gamma 1.6
Microplate Reader Molecular Devices  89429-536


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Sengupta, P. P., Gloria, J. N., Parker, M. K., Flynt, A. S. A Polyaniline-based Sensor of Nucleic Acids. J. Vis. Exp. (117), e54590, doi:10.3791/54590 (2016).

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