In this video, we describe a procedure for implanting a chronic optical imaging chamber over the dorsal spinal cord of a live mouse. The chamber, surgical procedure, and chronic imaging are reviewed and demonstrated.
Studies in the mammalian neocortex have enabled unprecedented resolution of cortical structure, activity, and response to neurodegenerative insults by repeated, time-lapse in vivo imaging in live rodents. These studies were made possible by straightforward surgical procedures, which enabled optical access for a prolonged period of time without repeat surgical procedures. In contrast, analogous studies of the spinal cord have been previously limited to only a few imaging sessions, each of which required an invasive surgery. As previously described, we have developed a spinal chamber that enables continuous optical access for upwards of 8 weeks, preserves mechanical stability of the spinal column, is easily stabilized externally during imaging, and requires only a single surgery. Here, the design of the spinal chamber with its associated surgical implements is reviewed and the surgical procedure is demonstrated in detail. Briefly, this video will demonstrate the preparation of the surgical area and mouse for surgery, exposure of the spinal vertebra and appropriate tissue debridement, the delivery of the implant and vertebral clamping, the completion of the chamber, the removal of the delivery system, sealing of the skin, and finally, post-operative care. The procedure for chronic in vivo imaging using nonlinear microscopy will also be demonstrated. Finally, outcomes, limitations, typical variability, and a guide for troubleshooting are discussed.
Time-lapse in vivo microscopy in intact organisms enables the direct visualization of complex biological processes that are inaccessible to traditional single-time point analysis, such as immunohistochemistry. Specifically, multi-photon microscopy (MPM)1 allows for imaging in scattering tissue, such as the rodent neocortex, where imaging up to2,3 and in excess of4 1 mm has been achieved. When combined with surgical preparations5-7 in which a single procedure allows optical access to the brain for weeks to months, these microscopy approaches have been used to study dynamic processes in the brain in healthy and diseased states8-11. In addition, protocols have been developed12,13 that provide for in vivo imaging in awake (i.e., non anesthetized) animals, allowing for cellular-resolution functional imaging during behavioral assays. These protocols have been used for comparisons of correlated neuronal activity14, astrocyte calcium signaling15 in anesthetized and awake animals, the identification of task-specific neuronal clusters16, and the ability of neurons to discriminate object location upon whisker stimulation17.
Given the potential of this approach to elucidate healthy and pathological mechanisms, time-lapse in vivo imaging was applied to the mouse spinal cord (SC), allowing for the identification of acute axonal degeneration (AAD) as a disease mechanism18. Subsequent studies investigated effects of peripheral lesions on dorsal root ganglia (DRG) axon regeneration19, the role of blood vessels in axon regeneration20, glial chemotaxis in response to injury21, T-cell migration in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) 22, activity of microglia23,24 and astrocytes25 in response to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the role of STAT-3 in axonal sprouting after SC injury (SCI) 26, and a mechanism of axon loss and recovery in EAE27. Despite the success of these approaches, all these studies were limited to either a single imaging session, thereby limiting studies to short-term dynamics, or else required repeated surgical openings of the animal at every imaging time point, limiting the number of time points accessible and increasing the likelihood of confounding experimental artifacts. Protocols for these surgeries have been published previously28,29.
Recently, we published a technique30 for the implantation of a chronic spinal chamber that enabled time-lapse MPM imaging in the mouse SC over multiple weeks without the need for repeat surgeries. Briefly, this surgical preparation included performing laminectomy in the lower thoracic spine and the implantation of a four-part chamber. The chamber included three custom-machined stainless steel parts that clamped the vertebrae surrounding the laminectomy, and a glass coverslip placed over the SC and secured with silicone elastomer. This technique allowed for routine imaging out to more than 5 weeks postoperatively in healthy and injured states without the need for repeat surgeries. The number of imaging time points was limited only by the frequency at which the animal can tolerate anesthetic induction. Imaging lifetime was limited by the growth of a dense, fibrous tissue over the surface of the SC. In addition, we verified that the surgical implant had no long-term effect on motor function.
Since our initial publication, alternative approaches also enabling long-term imaging in the SC have been described elsewhere31-33. This protocol demonstrates our procedure for implanting the spinal chamber we developed.
NOTE: The care and experimental manipulation of all mice in this paper was approved by the Cornell University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
1. Setting up for Surgery
2. Preparing the Mouse for Surgery
3. Expose and Clean the Dorsal Laminae of 3 Adjacent Thoracic Vertebrae
4. Perform a Dorsal Laminectomy
5. Seal the Chamber
6. Postoperative Care
7. In Vivo Imaging
By following the procedure above, each stage of the surgery should mimic the results for each stage of the surgery outlined in Figure 2. Special care must be taken when applying the silicone elastomer to eliminate air bubbles under the glass or at least ensure that they are located at the periphery of the area of interest (Figure 2L). For an experienced surgeon, surgical complications requiring euthanasia either during surgery or within the first 24 hr postsurgery occur in approximately 20% of operations. These complications most frequently arise from excessive soft tissue hemorrhaging or failure to securely attach the chamber to the vertebral column.
In successfully implanted chambers, the window typically remains optically transparent for multiple weeks (Figure 3). Despite best efforts, an opaque, fibrous, neoplastic growth often forms within a few days, resulting in partial obscuring of the window (Figure 3C – F, black dashed line). Fluorescent structures are difficult to see using 2PEF microscopy underneath this fibrous tissue. We find a bimodal distribution of results, with approximately 50% of successfully implanted windows remaining clear for more than 5 weeks postoperatively, and approximately 50% becoming obfuscated within 1 – 3 weeks. For windows that remain clear, most places within the viewing window experience only a modest degree of neovascularization in or above the dura (Figure 3D – F, green asterisks), which does not hinder 2PEF imaging. Our previous study30 showed an increase in microglia but not astrocyte density under the window and adjacent vertebrae, indicating mild inflammation analogous to that seen in cranial window preparations5.
In transgenic mice expressing yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) in a subset of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons (YFPH line; Jackson Labs), axons were clearly distinguishable for weeks post-operatively (Figure 4A and b) and as long as four months in one animal (data not shown). Blood vessels (Figure 4A and B) were made visible by retro-orbitally injecting fluorescent Texas Red labeled dextran into the blood plasma. Microglia were also visualized in mice expressing GFP in a CX3CR1 knock-in mouse (CX3CR1-GFP; Jackson Labs) crossed to the YFPH line (Figure 4C). Contrast and resolution deteriorated modestly over time (Figure 4C) due to the formation of a fibrous overgrowth described previously30. We routinely imaged for 3 hr in a single session without mortality and as often as every 12 hr. Session duration and frequency is limited by the tolerance of the animal for anesthetic induction, concomitant with the ethical considerations accompanying pain and distress to laboratory animals.
Figure1. A custom surgical suite facilitates chamber delivery during implantation and stabilizes the chamber during subsequent imaging sessions. Two side-bars and a top plate (A) are assembled (B) using small screws into the spinal chamber (C). A surgical table with extendable posts (D) allows for the delivery and clamping of the side-bars to the vertebrae using holding pins (E). Subsequent imaging sessions instead use internally threaded posts to attach to the chamber via the set screws on the wings of the implant (F). Panel b of this figure has been modified from Farrar et al., Nature Methods, 201230 with permission from Nature Publishing Group. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. A dorsal laminectomy is performed and a chronic imaging chamber is implanted to provide optical access to the spinal cord. The procedure is described in montage. First, the skin (panels A, B; protocol sections 3.1 – 3.4) and muscles (C; 3.5) are retracted to expose the three underlying vertebrae. The tissue overlying these three vertebrae is removed (D, E, F; 3.6 – 3.10) and the lateral processes are scraped clean before they are clamped on both sides (G, H; 3.12). Carefully, the dorsal lamina of the central vertebra is removed and the edges of the bone sealed (I; 4. 6). A top plate is applied (J; 5.1) and screws fastened into position (K; 5.3) to secure the chamber before sealing the chamber with silicone elastomer and cover glass (L; 5.5). After the delivery pins are removed (M; 5.8), the skin is glued to the sides of the chamber (M, N; 5.8) and the set screws are inserted into the wings (O; 5.9). Finally, the screw slots are sealed with dental acrylic (P; 5.10) and the mouse is placed in a clean cage to recover. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. A chronic spinal chamber remains optically transparent over multiple weeks. White light images of the spinal cord, ranging from several minutes (A) to three weeks postoperatively (F). Vascular landmarks are identifiable at all time points (yellow arrows). Little change is seen at one day postsurgery (B). Dense fibrous overgrowth (C – F, bounded by dashed line on lower right) is present as early as three days and results in partial obfuscation of the imaging area. Mild neovascularization (D, E, F, green asterisks) is also present, but does not obscure the original vasculature in white light or 2PEF imaging.Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4. A chronic spinal chamber allows for repeated multi-photon imaging without the need for repeat surgeries. Repeated imaging of transgenic mice expressing YFP in a subset of DRG axons (green) in the dorsal funiculi of the spinal cord and vasculature (red) labeled by intravascular dye injection (A, B). The activity of microglia (mauve) can also be tracked over time in Thy1-YFP/CX3CR1-GFP double transgenic mice (C). While axons and microglia remain visible, contrast and resolution decline modestly over time (C). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The technique demonstrated here allows for repeated, time-lapse, in vivo imaging of the dorsal mouse SC out to many weeks post operatively without the need for subsequent surgical procedures. This procedure represents a substantial improvement over repeat-surgery imaging studies or over portmortem histological approaches, where information on cellular dynamics is lost. We have previously30 demonstrated the value of this technique for studying SCI pathology in vivo.
The maximum longitudinal extent of imaging was determined by the growth of a dense, fibrous tissue over the dorsal surface of the SC. Over time, this growth resulted in the loss of image contrast and resolution. This growth has also been seen in alternative surgical preparations31. Anecdotally, we have observed that this growth can be minimized by carefully washing the dorsal SC surface to remove blood products, sealing the surface of the cut bone with cyanoacrylate, sealing edges of the chamber well with silicone elastomer, and minimizing the interstitial space between the dorsal SC and the cover glass.
Recently, another approach similar to our own using a polycarbonate chamber has been demonstrated32. The use of polycarbonate is advantageous since it is compatible with X-ray and acoustic imaging modalities, which is not the case for our stainless steel parts. However, with the now ubiquitous technology of 3D printers, chamber parts can be fabricated from a wide variety of materials to suit specific needs. We have recently printed all our parts in a clear photopolymer.
One key disadvantage of a closed chamber is the inability to administer repeated dosages of drugs or exogenous dyes suitable for SC imaging34. However, by capitalizing on the mechanical stability of our present system, we have already used our present chamber to successfully anchor an intrathecal catheter connected to a subcutaneously implanted injection port, which allowed for drug delivery at multiple time points even in a closed chamber system (unpublished work). Furthermore, due to the modular nature of the top plate, future versions of this preparation will include a resealable chamber to allow for repeated application of both therapeutic agents and fluorescent labels. It is also possible to envision top plates with mounts for recording electrodes, optical inserts, and ports for drug delivery. Such additions would likely be more challenging to implement using the more minimalist system of Fenrich et al.31. In conclusion, our chamber provides a gateway platform upon which diverse experiments can be based.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Dr. Joseph R. Fetcho for his input throughout the development of the procedure.We would like to acknowledge funding from the US National Institutes of Health (R01 EB002019 to C.B.S and DP OD006411 to Joseph R. Fetcho) and the National Science and Research Council of Canada (to M.J.F.) for financial support.
Name of Material/ Equipment | Company | Catalog Number | Comments/Description |
Vannas scissors | Fine Science Tools | 15000-04 | |
forceps, scissors, scalpel, etc. | Fine Science Tools | multiple | |
retractor kit -magnetic fixator | Fine Science Tools | 18200-02 | |
retractor kit -retractor | Fine Science Tools | 18200-09 | other retractors may also be used |
retractor kit -elastomer | Fine Science Tools | 18200-07 | |
feedback controlled heating blanket | CWE Inc. | Model: TC-1000 Mouse Part No. 08-13000 | |
stereotax | N/A | see Farrar et al, Nat. Meth., 9, 297, 2012, Supplement (online) | |
spinal chamber | N/A | see Farrar et al, Nat. Meth., 9, 297, 2012, Supplement (online) | |
spinal chamber holders | N/A | see Farrar et al, Nat. Meth., 9, 297, 2012, Supplement (online) | |
Cyanoacrylate glue | Loctite | Loctite 495 | multiple suppliers |
Teets Cold Cure Coral Powder (dental acrylic powder) | Teets | Mfg. Part: 8101 | multiple suppliers |
Teets Cold Cure Liquid (dental acrylic liquid) | Teets | Mfg. Part: 8501 | multiple suppliers |
Glycopyrrolate | MWI Veterinary Supply | MWI SKU: 29706 (Baxter 1001901602) | |
D-(+)-Glucose | Sigma-Aldrich | G5767 | |
Bupivacaine | MWI Veterinary Supply | MWI SKU: 029841 (Hospira 116301) | |
Ketoprofen | MWI Veterinary Supply | MWI SKU: 002800 (Pfizer 2193) | |
Dexamethasone | MWI Veterinary Supply | MWI SKU: 501012 (VetOne 1DEX032) | |
KwikSil Elastomer | World Precision Inc. | KWIK-SIL | |
KwikSil Mixing Tips | World Precision Inc. | KWIKMIX |