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The Two-State Receptor Model

JoVE Core
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JoVE Core Pharmacology
The Two-State Receptor Model



The two-state receptor model describes how a drug interacts with receptors, such as G protein–coupled receptors and ligand-gated ion channels, to evoke or prevent a biological response. In the absence of endogenous ligands, a receptor exists as an equilibrium mixture of inactive Ri and active Ra conformations. The Ri form produces no response, while the active form produces a small basal effect called constitutive activity. A drug binds one or both conformations as per its binding affinity, which also determines its efficacy in producing a response. An agonist  drug has a high affinity for the active conformation and shifts the equilibrium towards Ra. Raising agonist concentration enhances the receptor's efficacy to elicit the maximum cellular response. In contrast, the antagonist  has an equal affinity for both states and does not affect the equilibrium. It also prevents agonist-receptor binding, limiting the receptor response to the constitutive activity. Lastly, an inverse agonist has a higher affinity for the inactive state, shifting the equilibrium towards Ri and reducing the constitutive activity.


The Two-State Receptor Model

The two-state receptor model explains a drug's interaction with receptors, such as G protein-coupled receptors and ligand-gated ion channels, to induce or inhibit a biological response. When no natural ligands are present, a receptor exists in an equilibrium of inactive (Ri) and active (Ra) conformations. The inactive form does not produce a response, while the active form generates a basal effect known as constitutive activity.

The binding affinity of a drug determines its interaction with one or both receptor conformations and its efficacy in producing a response. An agonist drug exhibits a high affinity for the active conformation, shifting the equilibrium towards Ra. Increasing the concentration of an agonist enhances the receptor's ability to elicit the maximum cellular response.

In contrast, an antagonist drug has equal affinity for both states and does not alter the equilibrium. It also inhibits the binding of agonists to the receptor, thereby limiting the receptor response to constitutive activity.

Lastly, an inverse agonist displays a higher affinity for the inactive state, shifting the equilibrium towards Ri and reducing the constitutive activity.

Understanding such molecular interactions is crucial for designing drugs that modulate receptor activity and elicit specific cellular responses.