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Defense Mechanism Against Infection

JoVE Core
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JoVE Core Nursing
Defense Mechanism Against Infection



The body's natural flora, membranes, and inflammatory response form a natural defense against infectious agents regardless of previous exposure.

The normal flora of the human body includes the microbes that inhabit the skin and mucous membranes.

They stimulate the production of natural antibodies, destroy microbial invaders, prevent pathogen colonization, and help to synthesize vitamins.

The skin is also a distinctive defense against infection. It is a physical, natural barrier that prevents the invasion of microorganisms.

Similarly, the eyes produce tears that contain lysozymes, which protect them from infection.

Additionally, the cilia lining the airways are coated with mucus that captures inhaled microorganisms enabling the cilia to move them outward to be swallowed, coughed, or blown out of the nose.

Stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes, bile, and intestinal secretions kill bacteria and other invaders.

By moving materials constantly, small intestinal peristalsis inhibits microbe retention.

Similarly, when the bladder empties, the urinary system discharges bacteria.

Finally, vaginal acidity inhibits harmful bacteria and preserves normal flora.


Defense Mechanism Against Infection

Natural flora, body system defenses, and inflammation are natural barriers of the body against infectious agents regardless of previous exposure. Normal floras of the human body refer to the microbial population that colonizes the skin and mucous membranes.

In addition, many body organ systems have unique defenses against infection. The skin is an intact, multilayered surface preventing invasion by microorganisms unless impaired. Mucous membranes lining the mouth, nose, and eyelids are barriers against microorganisms. The cilia lining of the upper airway is coated with mucus, which filters inhaled microorganisms. The gastrointestinal tract includes stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes, bile, and intestinal secretions, which can kill and prevent bacteria from multiplying. Rapid peristalsis in the small intestine prevents the retention of bacterial contents. When the bladder empties, the urinary tract removes microorganisms from the bladder lining and urethra. Vaginal acidity prevents harmful bacteria from growing and helps maintain the optimal number of normal flora.