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Chapter 7

Work and Kinetic Energy

Chapter 7

Work and Kinetic Energy

Work is done when energy is transferred from one object to another. In other words, work is when a force acts on something that undergoes a displacement …
Work is done on an object when energy is transferred to the object. In other words, work is done when a force acts on a body that undergoes a displacement …
The universe is composed of matter in different forms, and all forms of matter contain energy.  The different forms of energy on Earth originate from …
It’s plausible to suppose that the greater the velocity of a body, the greater effect it could have on other bodies. This does not depend on the …
The kinetic energy of a particle is one-half of the product of the particle’s mass and the square of its speed. Note that just as Newton’s …
According to Newton’s second law of motion, the sum of all the forces acting on a particle (net force) determines the rate of change in the momentum …
The concept of work involves force and displacement; meanwhile, the work-energy theorem relates the net work done on a body to the difference in its …
The relationship between work done and the time taken to do it can be explained using the concept of power. For example, several sprinters in a race may …
Potential energy is also known as energy at rest or stored energy. Common types of potential energy include the gravitational potential energy stored in …
The amount of kinetic energy of an object depends on its mass and speed. Consider two balls of different masses rolling down an inclined plane at the same …
When an object is acted upon by a variable force, the amount of work done and the change in energy of the object can be more complex to calculate compared …
The work-energy theorem can be generalized to the motion of a particle along any curved path. The simple argument here is that the curved path can be …
The center-of-mass framework helps to easily describe the work done on rigid bodies. Since the internal forces in a rigid body do no work, they can be …
The total work done on an object acted upon by multiple forces can be computed using two methods that give the same result. In one method, the work done …
Gravitation is one of the four fundamental forces in nature. The force between objects on Earth and Earth itself is called gravity. Like other forces, …
Reversible posttranslational modifications of proteins with ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like proteins (Ubls) are widely used to dynamically regulate protein …
Procedures utilizing millifluidic devices for chemical synthesis and time-resolved mechanistic studies are described by taking three examples. In the …
Anion photoelectron imaging is a very efficient method for the study of energy states of bound negative ions, neutral species and interactions of unbound …