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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Group Dynamics

Not all intergroup interactions lead to negative outcomes. Sometimes, being in a group situation can improve performance. Social …
Another way in which a group presence can affect performance is social loafing—the exertion of less effort by a person working together with a …
Group polarization is the strengthening of an original group attitude following the discussion of views within a group (Teger & Pruitt, …
When in group settings, we are often influenced by the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors around us. Groupthink is another phenomenon of conformity where …
Deindividuation is a form of social influence on an individual’s behavior such that the individual engages in unusual or non-normal behavior while …
Adapted tango dancing improves mobility and balance in older adults and additional populations with balance impairments. It is composed of very simple …
The article describes a new methodology designed with the aim of finding a comprehensive, unobtrusive, and accurate way of capturing social recovery …