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Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis
  • 00:00Visão Geral
  • 01:04Principles of 2D Gel Electrophoresis
  • 02:37Sample Preparation and Running Isoelectric Focusing
  • 04:08Running SDS-PAGE and Visualization/Analysis
  • 05:25Applications
  • 07:07Summary




Visão Geral

二维凝胶电泳 (2DGE) 是一种技术,可以解决数以千计的生物分子混合物。这种技术涉及被耦合在一起的两种不同分离方法: 等电聚焦 (IEF) 和十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 (SDS-PAGE)。这身体分离化合物横跨两轴间的一种凝胶由其等电点 (电化学性能) 和其分子量。

在这个视频程序包括 2DGE 和表征复杂蛋白质溶液组成的一般程序的主要概念。在应用程序部分,包括生物标志物检测疾病的启动和进展,监测治疗的患者和蛋白后翻译后修饰 (PTM) 的研究显示了这种技术的三个示例。

二维,或 2D,凝胶电泳是一种技术,利用两种不同分离方法可以从单一的混合物分离数千种蛋白质。一个技术,SDS — PAGE 或钠十二烷基硫酸聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,完全不能分开单独的复杂混合物。二维凝胶电泳夫妇 SDS — PAGE 对第二个方法、 等电聚焦或等电聚焦分离基于等电点,允许该决议可能所有蛋白质在细胞裂解液。本视频将显示原则的二维凝胶电泳、 一般的程序,和一些及其生物医学应用。

二维凝胶电泳始 IEF 作为第一个维度。每个蛋白质有 pH 值,称为等电点或 pI,哪里净电荷为零。当电场受到一种蛋白质时,它将走向相反电荷的电极。感兴趣的样品都装上固定化的 pH 梯度或 IPG,带,具有嵌入式两性电解质先,含酸性和碱性基团的分子。电场然后应用于 pH 梯度带,导致蛋白质迁移直到他们到达 pH 值匹配他们的 pI,他们失去了他们的净电荷。

在运行之前第二个维度,嵌入的蛋白质治疗的 SDS,变性人和提供一个统一的负电荷。一旦完成,IPG 条状物放于一种聚丙烯酰胺凝胶。外加的电场绘制蛋白质向阳极,与较大的蛋白质凝胶更缓慢的移动。

一旦曾经根据 pI 和分子量分离蛋白质混合物,蛋白质组地图可视化用的污迹,并确定了感兴趣的蛋白质。


可以进行实验之前,必须到媒体可溶性蛋白质。样品的增溶作用通过消除扰乱氢键相互作用,非离子型洗涤剂,以防止改变的蛋白质的电荷,还原剂打破二硫键,聚合蛋白的分子结构药物联合和缓冲。若要删除干扰丰富蛋白质和其它分子,材料是按顺序提取采用离心法和由此产生的颗粒; 集合其次是核酸内切酶,用于消耗任何会干扰实验的 DNA 酶处理。

一旦蛋白质有增溶,IPG 带备剥离清洗溶液冲洗和离开倒置晾干。每个板然后分配条持有人号码。一旦准备就绪,细胞提取物装载到至正末的缓慢、 滑动运动从负带上。为补液,潮湿的吸墨纸被放置在电极和下凝胶切丝;IPG 带然后排列到 IEF 仪器上。高电流,和蛋白质开始迁移。

完成后的第一个维度,为 SDS-PAGE 凝胶铸造装置中。IPG 带被治疗放下来在 SDS 含平衡缓冲区中。电泳单位是电泳缓冲液加上准备好了。处理后的 IPG 条收集使用镊子,放置在凝胶板,顶部和密封与琼脂糖凝胶密封解决方案。电压源,然后将应用电场,举行直到快蛋白质凝胶的底部从 1 厘米。




这种技术最常见的用途之一是参与疾病的启动和进展的分子鉴定。二维凝胶电泳、 质谱,在病区与身体健康的人可以发现特定蛋白质向上或向下调节。

此外,二维凝胶电泳是反应的有用的进度病人对潜在的治疗药物。可能从各时相的治疗给药后患者取标本。以这种方式,再加上印迹或质谱分析的二维凝胶电泳可以检测蛋白质与消极的反应,如发炎; 关联或者缺乏蛋白质处于缓解状态。

二维凝胶电泳的另一个用途是在研究蛋白质结构和功能的翻译后修饰或 PTM,是补充蛋白质翻译后 mRNA。PTM 的可以调节各种功能,包括蛋白信号转导、 基因表达,或造成氧化损害。二维凝胶电泳是敏感的修改,例如甲基化或乙酰化作用,这可能会导致一个转变 pI 以及分子量。


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No conflicts of interest declared.


Two-dimensional, or 2D, gel electrophoresis is a technique utilizing two distinct separation methods which can separate thousands of proteins from a single mixture. One of the techniques, SDS-PAGE or sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, cannot fully separate complex mixtures alone. 2D gel electrophoresis couples the SDS-PAGE to a second method, isoelectric focusing or IEF, which separates based on isoelectric points, allowing for the resolution of potentially all proteins in a cell lysate. This video will show the principles of 2D gel electrophoresis, a general procedure, and some of its biomedical applications.

2D gel electrophoresis begins with IEF as the first dimension. Every protein has a pH value, called the isoelectric point or pI, where the net charge is zero. When a protein is subjected to an electric field, it will move toward the electrode with opposite charge. Samples of interest are loaded onto immobilized pH gradient, or IPG, strips which have embedded ampholytes, molecules containing both acidic and basic groups. An electric field is then applied to the pH gradient strip, causing the proteins to migrate until they reach the pH value matching their pI, where they lose their net charge.

Prior to running the second-dimension, the embedded proteins are treated with SDS, denaturing them and providing a uniform negative charge. Once completed, the IPG strips are placed onto a polyacrylamide gel. An applied electric field draws the proteins toward the anode, with larger proteins moving more slowly through the gel.

Once the protein mixture has been separated according to pI and molecular weight, the proteome map is visualized using stains, and proteins of interest are identified.

Now that we have discussed the principles of 2D gel electrophoresis, let’s go over a typical laboratory procedure.

Before the experiment can be performed, the proteins must be solubilized into media. Solubilization of the sample is achieved by de-aggregating proteins with a combination of chaotropic agents for disrupting hydrogen-bonding interactions, nonionic detergents to prevent altering of the proteins’ charge, reducing agents to break disulfide bonds, and buffers. To remove interfering abundant proteins and other molecules, the material is sequentially extracted by centrifugation, and collection of the resulting pellet; followed by treatment with endonuclease, an enzyme used to consume any DNA that would interfere with the experiment.

Once the proteins have been solubilized, IPG strips are prepared by rinsing with a strip-cleaning solution and left upside-down to dry. Each strip is then assigned a strip holder number. Once ready, the cellular extract is loaded onto the strips in a slow, sliding motion from the negative to the positive end. For the purpose of rehydration, damp blotting paper is placed on top of the electrode and under the gel strips; the IPG strips are then lined onto the IEF instrument. A high electric current is applied, and the proteins begin to migrate.

Following completion of the first dimension, the gel for SDS-PAGE is prepared in a casting apparatus. The IPG strips are treated by placing them face down in SDS-containing equilibration buffer. The electrophoresis unit is readied with the addition of electrophoresis buffer. The treated IPG strips are collected using tweezers, placed on top of the gel plates, and sealed with agarose-sealing solution. A voltage source then applies an electric field, which is held until the fastest-moving proteins are 1 cm from the bottom of the gel.

After completion of the electrophoresis, the proteins must be visualized. Traditionally this is performed by staining with Coomassie blue or silver nitrate. Proteins of interest may be transferred from the gel, and analyzed by Western blot analysis.

A second identification approach involves excision of the proteins from the gel, digesting them, than analyzing them by mass spectrometry.

Now that we’ve reviewed a procedure, let’s look at some of the uses for 2D gel electrophoresis.

One of the most common uses for this technique is the identification of molecules involved in disease initiation and progression. 2D gel electrophoresis, coupled with mass spectrometry, can detect the up- or down-regulation of specific proteins in diseased areas in comparison to healthy ones.

Additionally, 2D gel electrophoresis is useful in following the progress of patients’ response to a potential therapeutic drug. Specimens may be taken from patients at various timepoints following administration of the treatment. In this way, 2D gel electrophoresis coupled with Western blot or mass spectrometry analysis, can detect proteins associated with negative responses such as inflammation; or the absence of proteins in an alleviated state.

Another use for 2D gel electrophoresis is in the study of protein structure and function following posttranslational modification, or PTM, which are additions to proteins following their translation from mRNA. PTM’s can regulate a variety of functions, including protein signaling, gene expression, or cause oxidative damage. 2D gel electrophoresis is sensitive to modifications such as methylation or acetylation, which can cause a shift in pI as well as the molecular weight.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on 2D gel electrophoresis. This video described the principles of the technique, a typical experimental procedure, and several of its applications in the field of biomedicine.

Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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