En roman In Vitro sår Healing Assay for at evaluere celle Migration
JoVE Journal
Imunologia e Infecção
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JoVE Journal Imunologia e Infecção
A Novel In Vitro Wound Healing Assay to Evaluate Cell Migration

08:55 min

March 17, 2018

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  • 00:00Título
  • 01:28Cell Preparation
  • 03:34Cell Seeding in the Culture Inserts
  • 04:30Pseudo-wound Healing Assay
  • 05:52Image Analysis
  • 06:53Representative Results
  • 07:34Effects of Inhibitors on Cells Migration
  • 08:33Conclusions


Tadução automática

Vi præsenterer her, en protokol for at vurdere effekten af peptider for migration af bronchiale epitel celler. Denne metode giver mulighed for hurtig og meget reproducerbare opnåelse af kvantitative data om hastighed i celle migration og sår lukning.

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