JoVE Science Education
Biology II: Mouse, Zebrafish, and Chick
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JoVE Science Education Biology II: Mouse, Zebrafish, and Chick
Basic Chick Care and Maintenance
  • 00:00Visão Geral
  • 00:44Egg Handling and Maintenance
  • 02:08Preparing Eggs for Experiments
  • 04:31Applications
  • 06:14Summary

Basic Chick Care and Maintenance



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Chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus) are a valuable research tool, not only for studying important concepts in vertebrate development, neuroscience, and tumor biology, but also as an efficient system in which to propagate viruses. Although eggs can be purchased from external suppliers and working with chicks requires very little specialized equipment, an understanding of proper handling procedures is required for normal embryo development.

This video will provide an overview of egg handling principles, including an explanation of the incubation parameters that can profoundly impact development: temperature, humidity, and egg rotation. Most experiments that use chicken eggs require access to the embryo within the shell, which is achieved by cutting a small, resealable hole, or “window.” This process is described in step-by-step detail, along with several other techniques essential for working with chicks, such as candling and India ink injection. Finally, the video will review some practical applications of these basic techniques in advanced scientific research.


Chicken embryos are a great model for studying early vertebrate development, in part because they are easy and inexpensive to maintain. Unlike most model organisms, which are bred in the lab, fertilized chicken eggs are purchased from an external supplier. Additionally, maintaining and working with the eggs requires very little specialized equipment. This video will provide general background on the acquisition and maintenance of chick eggs, techniques essential to working with developing embryos, and some practical appli…


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Basic Chick Care and Maintenance. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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