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Biomedical Engineering
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JoVE Science Education Biomedical Engineering
Imaging Biological Samples with Optical and Confocal Microscopy
  • 00:07Visão Geral
  • 01:26Principles of Confocal Microscopy
  • 03:37Confocal Imaging
  • 06:09Digital Optical Microscope
  • 07:56Resultados
  • 09:05Applications
  • 10:16Summary

광학 및 공초점 현미경을 사용한 생물학적 시료 이미징



Visão Geral

출처: 페이만 샤베이기-루드포스티와 시나 샤바즈모하마디, 생물의학 공학과, 코네티컷 대학교, 스토스, 코네티컷

광학 현미경은 수세기 동안 주변에 있었고, 수십 년 전에 해상도의 이론적 한계에 도달했지만, 공초점 및 디지털 이미지 처리와 같은 새로운 장비와 기술은 광학 이미징 분야 내에 새로운 틈새 시장을 만들었습니다. 최고의 광학 현미경은 일반적으로 이상적인 조건에서 200 nm까지 해상도를 가질 것입니다. 그러나, 광학 현미경은 가시광선을 위한 약 500nm인 파장의 기능인 파장의 회절에 의해 제한됩니다. 광학 현미경의 해상도는 전자 현미경의 그에 도달하지 않는 동안, 그(것)들은 생물학 거대 구조의 화상 진찰에 있는 가장 귀중한 공구이고 어떤 생물학 실험실든지에서 주식입니다.

종래의 광 현미경에서, 이미지 된 물체로부터 생성된 신호는 시편의 전체 두께로부터 관찰관에게 초점을 맞출 수 없습니다. 이렇게 하면 이미지가 “포커스 가 미림”이 발생합니다. 반면에 공초점 현미경은 핀 구멍을 통해 샘플을 비춥니다, 따라서 개체의 초점 점 위와 아래에서 초점이 닿는 빛을 필터링 할 수 있습니다.

이 데모는 광학 및 공초점 현미경 법을 사용하여 이미지 수집에 대한 소개를 제공합니다. 여기에서, 마우스 두뇌의 단면 조각이 공부될 것입니다.  지형맵 및 합성 이미지를 생성하는 도구를 포함한 이미지 수집 및 분석이 적용됩니다. 해상도, 초점 깊이 및 샘플 유형과 관련이 있는 다양한 이미징 방법의 장점과 단점도 논의될 것입니다. 이 데모의 목적은 광학 및 공초점 현미경에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공하여 이러한 현미경 모듈이 생물학적 샘플 유형에 가장 적합한지 확인하는 것입니다.



1. 공초점 이미징 샘플을 스테이지에 로드합니다. 렌즈 아래에 중앙을 가두어 두세요. 이 경우 5kg인 스테이지의 중량 제한을 초과해서는 안됩니다. 샘플은 두께가 100mm 이상이어야 합니다. 이미징 소프트웨어를 열고 “작업 만들기”를 선택합니다. 도포그래피 열에서 도우미 단추를 선택합니다. 가장 낮은 배율인 2.5배에서 개요 이미지를 만듭니다. 배율을 전환하?…


The following images give an overview of results that can be obtained of a mouse brain using a confocal microscope. They show how varying levels of information can be obtained and how a topographical map of the results reveals the height of the sample.

Figure 5
Figure 5: Confocal images at 50X magnification showing a sectioned mouse brain. The image on the left is a composite image that takes all of the in-focus planes during tomography and creates one high resolution and deeply focused image. The image on the right shows the topographical map of the sample.

Figure 6
Figure 6: As a better representative example of the 3D applications of the confocal microscope, a hole in plastic was imaged and analyzed. The original topographical map is on the left and the 3D reconstruction is on the right.

Figure 7
Figure 7: Shows the extent of the ConfoMap software analysis for observing a profile from a 3D reconstruction. The amplitude parameters, roughness profile, curve characterization are shown.

The following images give an overview of results that can be obtained from using a digital optical microscope on the same mouse brain slice. The digital microscope gives a larger field of view but  lower resolution images from the confocal microscope, which is ideal for looking at larger components or biological structures. The software has useful analysis tools for measuring the sample.

Figure 8
Figure 8: Overview image showing whole organ slice.

Figure 9
Figure 9: Zoomed in image of a sectioned mouse brain. Here is a 300 micron field of view obtained with mixed coaxial and ring lighting as well as electronic image stabilization.

Figure 10
Figure 10: Demonstration the measurement capabilities of the digital optical microscope. The diameter of the sample is measured on the left, and a user-defined outline that is used to calculate the internal area of the sectioned mouse brain is shown on the right. These tools are useful when analyzing biological samples, which may not have edges that are the same as pre-defined shapes.

Applications and Summary

In this demonstration, the depth of focus, field of view and maximum resolution and magnification of optical and confocal microscopes were optimized to view biological samples. This demonstration was designed to help the participant decide which microscopy module is the best for a certain application. Both modes of microscopy have advantages in analyzing biological samples for their ease of preparation and high resolution composite images.

The applications for optical and confocal microscopy are far-reaching. Because of the limited sample preparation and the ability to integrate planes of motion and use above-sample light techniques, these tools are able to obtain information from most data sets. Microscopy has been a very popular option when imaging live cells, such as those treated with fluorescence, but the applications can range from imaging surfaces of biomedical devices to detecting defects and roughness before implantating them in the body. Confocal and optical microscopy are the current standard for imaging biological samples.

Finally, confocal microscopy offers improved imaging with fluorescence techniques. Fluorophores in a sample have a limited lifetime and can photo-bleach when exposed to high amounts of light. In traditional light microscopy, the entire sample is illuminated during imaging, which results in rapid photo-bleaching. However, since only a tiny portion of the sample is illuminated at one time with confocal microscopy, the lifetime of the fluorophore is longer and there are fewer challenges associated with photo-bleaching.


Microscopy is a method that is widely used to image the detailed structure of samples. Optical microscopes, which focus light through a series of lenses to magnify samples, have been in use for centuries with the first compound microscope appearing in the 17th century. During that time, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe bacteria, yeast, red blood cells, and circulation in capillary vessels, making significant scientific contributions and paving the way for microscopic advancements.

Optical microscopes are still widely used today in research and clinical settings for medical diagnosis. However, in the last 60 years, confocal microscopy has emerged which illuminates the sample through a pinhole to increase optical resolution and contrast.

This video will illustrate the operating principles of optical and confocal microscopy, demonstrate how high resolution images are analyzed, and discuss several applications of microscopy in the field of biomedical engineering.

Let us begin by discussing the fundamentals of confocal microscopy. Optical microscopy is based on the principle of focusing light onto a sample to image its detailed structure. A microscope is formed of two magnification components; the objective lens, which focuses a real image of an object, and the eyepiece, which focuses a magnified virtual image before it is received by the eye. The total magnification is attained by multiplying the magnifications of these two lenses.

The focusing of light gives a specified plane of focus where the magnification and the lamp light all meet at the same point, which gives the best resolution in the image. When outside of the focal plane, the area of illumination is larger and light beams interfere from other parts of the sample, causing the image to be blurry. Where light microscopes illuminate and image the entire sample in view, a confocal microscope utilizes a pin hole between the sample stage and the detector so that only a small light beam is focused at one narrow depth at a time.

Consequently, the only visible area of the sample, is the in-focus point, providing a well resolved image. However, with higher resolution, only a small portion of this sample is imaged at a time. By moving the sample in the X-Y plane, a raster scan of its surface can be performed. For each point of the scan, the focus is optimized by adjusting the Z height to access different focal planes. This ensures a maximal resolution point by point of the image sample.

Now let’s use these principles of microscopy and image resolution to image a mouse brain using both a confocal, and optical microscope.

Having reviewed the main principles of microscopy, let’s now perform a measurement using a confocal microscope. First, turn on the microscope at the computer work station. Then load the sample onto the stage and center it beneath the lens. Now open the imaging software and select create new job. Go to topography’s column and choose the assistant button. Select the lowest magnification, which for this microscope, is 2.5x. Then use the 3D microscope manipulator to adjust the Z position of the sample and bring the sample into focus. Push the button on the side so that a blue light appears around the edges. This allows for finer Z motion and focus. Now capture an overview image.

Slowly increase the lens magnification and adjust the light intensity and focus to obtain the desired magnification. Use the 3D manipulator in the X and Y directions to select different areas of interest on the sample. Once an image is taken at low magnification, press next to take a reference point. Use either the default reference point, or specify a new one in the corner of the sample, then press next. Now gradually change the objective to the desired resolution for the sample. For this sample, a 20x objective is used to visualize the cells in mouse brain tissue. Make sure that there is room to decrease the working distance.

To define the distance to collect slices, first go to the measuring range definition page and use the 3D manipulator to finally adjust the sample in the Z direction. Click set last when the top of the sample is in focus and click set first when the bottom of the sample is in focus. Make sure that the number of calculated slices does not exceed 1,000 or the program will fail. Verify that there are no red pixels, which indicates that the intensity of light is oversaturated.

Finally, press done to take the tomography image. When the tomography software opens, select the studies tab to view the data in 3D and take 2D and 3D measurements.

Now lets take an image using a digital optical microscope. First, turn on the microscope and open the imaging software. Then load the sample onto the stage and center it beneath the lens. When the imaging software is open, select a job from the list of templates or choose free examination. Then, acquire an overview image that shows the entire stage. Use the controller to change the focus and the image position.

Once the acquisition is complete, place a coordinate system on the image. The default coordinate system is in the middle of the stage. For more flexibility, the coordinates can be changed manually.

Then name the sample and select the camera button. Press the live button as you navigate the sample and move the focus downwards until the sample is clearly in focus. If needed, use the lighting and aperture tab to adjust the lighting. Then acquire an image of the sample.

Use the tools under the image optimization panel, such as the tilt of the lens, the lighting levels on the sample, and the brightness and contrast in the image to optimize the image to the desired crispness. Now tap the pencil tool to perform measurements. Use the distance and area tools to measure the size of the cells on the sample.

Finally, go to the results workflow tab and configure the layout of the report. Tap the save button to save the job for further analysis.

Now lets analyze the images of a mouse brain that were taken with confocal and digital optical microscopes. The confocal image at 50x magnification is high resolution and provides deep focus with varying depth levels of information.

On the tomographical map, the hight of this sample ranges from one to nine microns. Characteristics such as the amplitude, roughness profile, and curve parameters can be further analyzed. However, the entire slide of the sectioned brain tissue can be imaged using a digital optical microscope.

Zooming in on a section shows more details of the sample but at a much lower resolution than obtained with confocal microscope. This sample was obtained at 300x magnification. Dedicated software offers tools to measure cross sectional dimensions, such as the diameter, as well as to calculate the internal area of the section.

Digital, optical, and confocal microscopy are standard tools used in various biomedical applications. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy or SLO is a non-invasive imaging technique that is extensively used in clinical ophthalmology to diagnose and monitor the development of retinal diseases.

SLO produces high contrast stereoscopic images that visualize the microglia. The resident macrophages of the retina, that are involved in several retinal diseases. Confocal microscopy is also used in live cell imaging which allows researchers to visualize microscopic biological cell function in real time.

This technique is used to study cell migration and proliferation and protein dynamics among others. Here, transmembrane receptors and lysosomes were labeled with fluorescent dyes and their colocalization was analyzed using timelapse imaging to investigate receptor internalization.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to digital, optical, and confocal microscopy. You should now understand the principles of microscopy and image resolution, how to operate both optical and confocal microscopes to image biological samples, and several applications of their use in the biomedical engineering field.

Thanks for watching.


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Imaging Biological Samples with Optical and Confocal Microscopy. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).