JoVE Science Education
Sensation and Perception
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JoVE Science Education Sensation and Perception
The Rubber Hand Illusion
  • 00:00Visão Geral
  • 01:09Experimental Design
  • 02:21Running the Experiment
  • 04:13Representative Results
  • 05:20Applications
  • 07:34Summary




Visão Geral

资料来源: 实验室的乔纳森 Flombaum — — 约翰 · 霍普金斯大学

伸手对象,走路没有碰到障碍,降落在椅子上,当你坐在 (而不是落在地板上),这些和我们身体的行动取决于感知人体在空间里,要知道在哪里我们的四肢彼此相对于世界其他地区的能力。人类的大脑对此的信息进行编码的一种方法称为本体感觉,大脑依靠自己控制和反馈的信号,以保持跟踪的四肢。连同本体的意见,人类的大脑为了表示身体部位的空间中,包含了视觉,触觉和甚至声音。它是如何结合所有此类信息的?1998 年,Botvinick 和科恩描述了一个惊人的错觉,叫做橡胶手错觉,这已被用于研究人类的大脑是如何集成的感觉和本体感觉的投入来表示身体在空间。1这个视频将演示如何诱导橡胶手错觉和它将描述如何它已被用于随后的研究。


1.材料 这个实验要求的设备的三个关键件: 橡胶手、 两个画笔和封堵器框。 打造封堵框中,您将需要一块约 1 英尺高,2 英尺长的纸板。沿着中间,画一条直线,然后在这两个正方形的每个,削减足够大的手和手臂穿过一条隧道。图 1显示框,这部分的示意图,它会从任务中参与者的角度看。 图 1:示意图的封堵器框从参与者的角度看。在纸板墙上的两个孔是足够大的参与者要舒舒服服地插入一只手臂。请点击这里查看此图的大版本。 接下来,在一侧的纸板箱附加不透明和不透明的分压器之间的两半框中的顶部。参与者的真正的胳膊将进入框中,在那里它将视觉上完全阻断从参加者的这一部分。图 2显示与此附件已完成框中的示意图,它,它会从进行实验的人的角度看。 图 2:封堵器框从实验角度看示意图。在纸板墙上的两个孔是足够大的参与者要舒舒服服地插入一只手臂。有不透明的顶部的一面是,参与者将插入她的真正的胳膊,让实验者刷在实验期间的一面。另一侧将橡胶臂试验过程中的坐在哪里。请点击这里查看此图的大版本。 最后,您将需要作出调查,以评估属于你的参与者经历了中央幻觉的程度。图 3是这样一个调查,直接为蓝本 Botvinick 和科恩所用的方法。1 图 3:调查问卷具鳞片。这项调查实验后用于评估的参与者经历了中央幻觉的程度。请点击这里查看此图的大版本。 2.诱导幻觉 要促使参与者中的幻觉,位子她平一侧封堵框前面的桌子。应放置框中,以便她可以插入她的左的手臂舒适的孔距离最远她的左肩。 一旦参与者坐舒适和插入她手臂,放置橡胶手臂以便向参与者退出孔更接近。 指示移动她的左的手臂和手指尽可能少的参与者。 要求参与者要封堵器从墙头望过去。她自己的手臂将不可见,因为它将在封堵框部分。但是橡胶手臂应该是完全可见到她。 现在坐前的参与者,并慢慢刷她真正的手和橡胶手的画笔。试着刷同步。继续刷 10 分钟。 参与者可能反应刷期间,感叹她感觉就像橡胶手是她自己。让参与者知道,这样的经验是正常在实验范围内。 10 分钟后删除框和橡胶手臂,和要求参与者完成调查。


Figure 4 shows typical survey results for one participant. In the first three items, a participant tends to strongly agree that the rubber hand felt like her own and that it felt like she could feel the brushing on the rubber hand. These results suggest that the visual perception of the rubber hand-in the place where her actual hand should have been-induced her brain to assimilate the rubber hand into its representation of her body. Moreover, she experienced brushing although the rubber hand obviously has no touch receptors. Thus the visual seeing of brushing, in this context, is sufficient to induce the brain to produce sensations of brushing. That is an important part of the effect-touch can be felt without actual touching of the skin, at least under some conditions. Visual inputs play a surprisingly strong role in our sense of our bodies.

Figure 4
Figure 4: Typical survey responses.

The remaining items in the survey demonstrate that the opposite is not true. People tend to disagree with statements that suggest that their visual representation of the rubber hand began to change. In other words, feeling it to be their own does not make it look like their own in appearance. So vision plays an important role in our sense of touch and body position, but touch and body position do not influence vision in the same way.

Applications and Summary

The rubber hand is a strange and striking illusion that has begun to play an important role in our understanding of how the brain integrates information from multiple sensory systems. An important study by Ehrsson and colleagues (2004), for example, induced the rubber hand illusion in much the same way just described, but with participants simultaneously undergoing fMRI.2 For a point of comparison, the researchers used a condition in which they brushed the rubber and actual hands of their participants asynchronously. This does not usually produce an experience of the illusion. They could then compare brain activity in this condition to brain activity during the usual, synchronous stroking condition. The result was that the synchronous condition produced greater activity in the premotor cortex. The premotor cortex is a part of the brain that is used to control motor actions. Activity is usually found in this area before someone executes an action. This led the authors to conclude that because the premotor cortex is the site of action planning, in some sense, it is the main site of representation for one’s sense of their own body. As a result, it is also the site where information about one’s body from different sources becomes integrated.


  1. Botvinick, M., Cohen, J. Rubber hands 'feel' touch that eyes see. Nature. (1998).
  2. Ehrsson, H.H., Spence, C., Passingham, R.E. That's my hand! Activity in premotor cortex reflects feeling of ownership of a limb. Science. (2004).


Illusions are often used in psychology to test processes of perception; as it turns out, tricking the brain is rather easy.

Under normal circumstances, individuals walk around without bumping into any obstacles, because they know where their limbs are relative to items in the surroundings. This concept of body awareness is referred to as proprioception.

However, even with this understanding, the same person can be deceived into thinking that someone else’s arm—like the mannequin’s situated close by—is their own and react accordingly.

This video will demonstrate how to induce this body transfer trick, called the Rubber Hand Illusion—where a fake limb is perceived as being real—using methods originally devised by Botvinick and Cohen. It will also investigate how such an experience can be applied, for instance, to the treatment of phantom limb pain.

In this experiment, participants are asked to rest one arm on a table and a box is placed over it, occluding the limb from being visible. However, the other side is open, and a fake rubber hand is placed in direct sight.

As participants stare at the life-sized model, both appendages are lightly stroked with two paintbrushes in synchrony over a period of 10 min.

Afterwards, they are asked to complete a short survey about their experiences—rating how much they agree or disagree with different perceptual effects. Their responses on the sliding scale serve as the dependent variable and ultimately reveal whether or not the illusion was induced.

Participants are expected to feel like the rubber hand was their own during the brushing period. Yet, they are not expected to think that it looks similar to their own in appearance. Thus, vision plays an important role in our sense of touch and body position, but these do not influence visual representations in the same manner.

In preparation for the experiment, obtain the following materials: a rubber hand, two paint brushes, scissors, tape, and several pieces of cardboard that are 1 ft high by 2 ft long.

First build the occluder box: Take one piece of cardboard and draw a straight line down the middle of the longest side. At the bottom center of each half, cut a circle large enough for a hand and arm to pass through. Then, using tape, attach a second piece at the mid-point to create a divider. Finally, add the last section of cardboard across the top.

Before proceeding, create a survey, like the one used by Botvinick and Cohen, to extensively assess the participants’ subjective experiences.

Now, to begin the experiment, seat the participant at a table in front of the flat side of the occluder box. Have them insert their left arm into the hole directly ahead, and ask them to refrain from moving their arm and fingers as much as possible.

Next, place the rubber arm through the hole on their right side. Instruct the participant to look over the wall of the occluder box and focus on this artificial part.

Then, sit in front of the participant, and use the two paintbrushes to simultaneously touch their real and rubber hand for 10 min. If they react during the brushing period, inform them that such experiences are normal for this experiment.

Following the tactile phase, remove the box and rubber arm from the table, and ask them to complete the survey, rating nine statements on a scale of ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’.

For each participant, determine whether or not the illusion was induced. To accomplish this, examine the surveys individually and initially focus on the first three items.

Notice that the participant shown here strongly agreed that they could feel the brushing on the rubber hand as if it were their own, indicating that their brain was tricked.

To see if proprioception was affected, look at the next four items: Questions 4 through 6 and 8. Note that responses were made towards ‘strongly disagree’, which suggests that they were still very aware of their own arms in space.

Furthermore, from the responses on the remaining questions—7 and 9—the participant also disagreed that the rubber hand began to look like their own in appearance. Overall, these results suggest that although vision influences our sense of touch and body position, the converse does not necessarily hold true.

Now that you are familiar with how to conduct the rubber hand illusion, let’s look at some other ways researchers use it to better understand how the brain integrates information related to vision, touch, and proprioception.

To understand what’s going on in the brain during the illusion, researchers exposed participants to the task while undergoing functional MRI. In this case, the premotor cortex—an area used to control motor actions—was the region of focus.

Activity from the synchronous condition was compared to an asynchronous one—where brushing doesn’t induce the illusion. They found that when the brain was tricked, there was greater activation relative to when it was not deceived.

Such observations suggest that neural activity in the premotor cortex is associated with one’s sense of their own body. Anatomically, this makes sense: the region is connected to visual and somatosensory areas, particularly the posterior parietal cortex, providing an anchor between visual, tactile, and proprioceptive information.

Understanding the neural underpinnings of the rubber hand illusion can also help to treat disorders where body ownership is distorted, as is the case in schizophrenia. In these patients, the illusion is stronger, with faster induction and increased perceptual reports, even during sensory asynchrony.

Interestingly, these effects can be mimicked in healthy individuals by administering drugs like ketamine or amphetamine, providing another approach for studying the neural mechanisms behind body ownership.

Finally, under certain circumstances, the illusion can be used therapeutically to treat individuals with Phantom Limb Pain, which occurs when amputees still have feelings in the body part that no longer exists.

Using mirrors, their brains can be tricked into seeing two complete limbs. This approach could ultimately help to reorganize the connections within the related multi-sensory pathways and alleviate pain.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on the Rubber Hand Illusion. Now you should have a good understanding of how to conduct this experiment to investigate the brain’s perception of the body in space, as well as how to interpret survey results from the participants’ experiences. In addition, you should also know more about the brain regions related to body ownership and the complexity involved in multisensory integration.

Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. The Rubber Hand Illusion. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).