The protocol described in this paper uses the mouse levator auris longus (LAL) muscle to record spontaneous and nerve-evoked postsynaptic potentials (current-clamp) and currents (voltage-clamp) at the neuromuscular junction. Use of this technique can provide key insights into mechanisms of synaptic transmission under normal and disease conditions.
This protocol describes a technique to record synaptic transmission from the neuromuscular junction under current-clamp and voltage-clamp conditions. An ex vivo preparation of the levator auris longus (LAL) is used because it is a thin muscle that provides easy visualization of the neuromuscular junction for microelectrode impalement at the motor endplate. This method allows for the recording of spontaneous miniature endplate potentials and currents (mEPPs and mEPCs), nerve-evoked endplate potentials and currents (EPPs and EPCs), as well as the membrane properties of the motor endplate. Results obtained from this method include the quantal content (QC), number of vesicle release sites (n), probability of vesicle release (prel), synaptic facilitation and depression, as well as the muscle membrane time constant (τm) and input resistance. Application of this technique to mouse models of human disease can highlight key pathologies in disease states and help identify novel treatment strategies. By fully voltage-clamping a single synapse, this method provides one of the most detailed analyses of synaptic transmission currently available.
Studying synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction provides insights into the dynamic relationship between the nervous and skeletal muscular systems and is an excellent model for examining synaptic physiology. The levator auris longus (LAL) is a thin muscle, allowing for the neuromuscular junctions to be easily visualized. Previous reports have described the convenience of using the LAL to examine synaptic drugs and toxins and have characterized the skeletal muscle fiber type characteristics of the LAL1,2. Numerous studies have used the LAL to examine neuromuscular physiology3,4,5,6,7,8. For electrophysiology, the ability to easily observe LAL neuromuscular junctions allows for the accurate placement of microelectrodes at the motor endplate and greatly reduces space clamp issues in recording synaptic transmission. Current-clamp recordings of the muscle membrane properties, such as the membrane time constant (τm) and input resistance (Rde) are readily obtained. Furthermore, these properties can be measured from the same muscle fibers used to record neuromuscular transmission, allowing for a direct comparison of synaptic function to the muscle membrane properties. Analysis of these data can provide key insights into the physical mechanisms of many neuromuscular diseases and states of altered activity.
A key aspect of the technique described here is the use of voltage-clamp for synaptic recordings, which are not subject to the non-linearities encountered in current-clamp and are independent of the muscle membrane properties. Advantages of using voltage-clamp as opposed to current-clamp to examine neuromuscular transmission were established by pioneering efforts in the 1950s9. Under current-clamp, EPPs that exceed 10-15 mV in amplitude are not a linear product of the mEPP amplitude9. For example, if the average mEPP is 1 mV, an EPP of 5 mV can be assumed to be the product of 5 mEPPs (QC of 5); whereas, an EPP of 40 mV will be the product of more than 40 mEPPs. This non-linearity at larger EPPs occurs because the driving force for the EPP, which is the difference between the membrane potential and equilibrium potential for the acetylcholine receptor (~-10 mV), substantially decreases during large EPPs. This issue is avoided in voltage-clamp experiments because the muscle membrane potential does not change during voltage-clamp experiments. A drawback is that voltage-clamp experiments are technically more difficult to complete than current-clamp recording. With this in mind, McLachlan and Martin developed a straightforward mathematical correction that accounts for non-linearities in current-clamp recordings of EPPs10. The corrections work well11,12,13, but importantly, assume that the muscle membrane properties have not been disrupted.
The muscle membrane properties are especially important to consider if studying conditions or disease states that disrupt the muscle. For example, skeletal muscle from the R6/2 transgenic model of Huntington's disease is hyperexcitable due to a progressive reduction in the resting chloride and potassium currents14,15. As a consequence, mEPPs and EPPs are amplified in the R6/2 skeletal muscle. Certainly, additional factors can alter mEPPs and EPPs. Work with a different model of Huntington's disease mice (R6/1) found changes in EPPs that seemed to be related to SNARE-proteins8. To assess the mechanisms causing altered neuromuscular transmission, it would be beneficial to eliminate the effects of altered muscle membrane properties by using a voltage-clamp. In a recent study, the R6/2 neuromuscular transmission was studied under both current- and voltage-clamp conditions using the technique described herein. The entirety of the motor endplates were voltage-clamped with less than 1% error by placing two microelectrodes within the length constant of the endplate16. It was shown that voltage-clamp and corrected current-clamp records yielded contrasting measurements of neuromuscular transmission in R6/2 muscle. This highlights that it may be difficult to correct EPPs for non-linearities if the muscle membrane properties have been altered and shows the benefits of obtaining voltage-clamp records that are independent of the muscle membrane properties. The protocol presented herein is ideal for examining conditions or disease states that affect synaptic transmission and the postsynaptic membrane properties.
All animal procedures were performed in accordance with the Animal Care and Use Committee of Wright State University.
1. Mouse Euthanasia
2. Removal of Hair from the Dorsal Surface of Head, Neck, and Back
3. Remove Skin to Expose the Levator Auris Longus Muscle
4. Removal of Levator Auris Longus Muscle and Surrounding Tissue
5. Levator Auris Longus Muscle Isolation
6. Isolation of Nerve
7. Electrophysiology Equipment Setup
8. Identification of Neuromuscular Junction Using Fluorescence
9. Tuning and Impaling the Electrodes
10. Recording Postsynaptic Membrane Properties and Synaptic Transmission
Figure 8 shows an example of the current pulses (Figure 8A) and the voltage responses (Figure 8B) from one LAL fiber under current-clamp from a 12-week-old wild type R6/2 mouse. The presence of mEPPs indicates that these records were taken from the motor endplate. The records were obtained in normal physiological saline solution. These current-clamp records can be analyzed to determine the Rde and τm of that fiber16,19,20.
A representative recording of an EPC and two mEPCs, obtained under voltage-clamp conditions, is shown in Figure 9A. The brief current deflection preceding the EPC is the artifact caused by nerve stimulation. The analysis of mEPCs and EPCs can be made quicker with event detection software. This tool allows the researcher to make a template that can then automatically detect the events within the recording. The events can be superimposed and exported into any data analysis software. Figure 9B shows the superimposed EPCs and mEPCs (inset) from a representative fiber.
Figure 1: General location of the levator auris longus muscle
The LAL muscle is located on the dorsal surface of the head. The red dotted line highlights the path for cutting the skin for removal on the dorsal (A) and lateral (B) surface. The LAL attaches to the base of the ear, thus approximately 1 mm of skin around the base of the ear should remain intact to avoid cutting the LAL. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Exposed levator auris longus muscle
The LAL (yellow and green) is located just underneath the skin and is the most superficial muscle in the highlighted area. There are two portions of the muscle, the cranial (yellow) and caudal (green) regions. The cranial region emerges from the midline at the first four cervical vertebrae and runs toward the anterior part of the base of the auricle. For reference, the midline is a band of connective tissue that runs from the scapulae (white arrow) toward the nose. The right and left LAL muscle connect at the midline over the cranium. The cranial portion of the LAL is much wider than the caudal portion. The caudal portion attaches near the midline at the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae and connects to the posterior part of the base of the auricle. During the dissection, keep a couple millimeters of skin around the cartilaginous ear to prevent cutting the LAL, which is marked in the figure by a bracketed dashed line. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Crude dissection of the levator auris longus and surrounding muscle
Once removed from the animal, the tissue is pinned, dorsal side down (LAL on bottom), into a silicone elastomer lined dish using fine pins made as described in section 5.3. Once secured to the bottom of the dish, the overlying muscle layers can be removed. An insect pin through the ear canal is indicated with a white dashed arrow. The yellow arrows show ideal pin placement for removal of unwanted muscles. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Muscle layer directly inferior to the levator auris longus
Highlighted in blue is the abductor auris longus (AAL), in red is the auricularis scupularis (AS), and in yellow is the interscutularis (IS). The LAL is the main, underlying muscle in this image. For reference, the ear and surrounding skin is outlined by a solid black line. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Silicone-elastomer-lined, custom perfusion chamber
Shown is the custom 35 mm perfusion dish used to secure the LAL for electrophysiological recordings (A). Silicone elastomer has been used to create a surface suitable for pining the tissue. In the center of the chamber is a rounded platform that is helpful when impaling the fibers. The platform supports the muscle fibers from underneath when applying a downward force with electrodes during the impalement process. This platform was shaped by allowing silicone elastomer to form to the curve of a 50 mL conical tube. A slice of this rounded silicone elastomer can then be glued to the bottom of the chamber with more silicone elastomer. An outlined representation of the dish as well as a side-on view are shown in B and C where the perfusion chamber can be seen more clearly. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Electrophysiology experiment set-up
A small bipolar electrode is held in place with a magnetic ball-joint manipulator to stimulate the nerve of the LAL. The microscope stage can be made to easily hold a magnetic platform with the use of an adhesive magnetic material (as can be found at a craft or hardware store for making refrigerator magnets). Also shown are the headstages and electrodes positioned above an LAL sample. An important instrument is the water-immersion, beveled objective with a ceramic dipping cone, as shown. The beveled end allows for easier electrode placement and the ceramic material minimizes electrical noise. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Neuromuscular junction identification
All images show the LAL stained with 5 µM 4-Di-2-Asp (Green) to allow for visualization of neuromuscular junctions. (A) A bright band of neuromuscular junctions can be seen (yellow arrows) when viewing the muscle through a 10X objective. Branching axons can also be seen as indicated by the white dashed arrow. (B) Small confocal stacks (5 x 1 µm) of three neuromuscular junctions (yellow arrows). Healthy muscle fibers have clear striations as well as multiple myonuclei that appear as dark spots along the sarcolemma of the fiber (white arrows). Often the axons innervating the neuromuscular junctions can be observed as well. (C) A fiber with a stained neuromuscular junction that is impaled with glass electrodes. The electrodes have been enhanced with a white highlight so that they can be seen more easily. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 8: Current-clamp recording of membrane properties
Injected current pulses (A) and the resulting membrane potential responses (B) recorded from one fiber of the LAL bathed in physiologic saline solution. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 9: Two-electrode voltage-clamp recordings
A raw trace of an EPC and two mEPCs recorded in two-electrode voltage-clamp (A). Superimposed EPCs and mEPCs (inset) from a single fiber (B). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Described here is the preparation and use of the mouse LAL muscle for the measurement of neuromuscular transmission under current- or voltage-clamp conditions. There are several important points to consider for dissecting out the LAL. Cleaning excess connective tissue from the muscle aids in electrode impalement, as the electrodes can snag the connective tissue when positioning them for impalement. However, only remove connective tissue that can be taken away easily to limit the chances of damaging the muscle. The isolation of the nerve should be performed with care because it is very delicate. To avoid nerve damage, it is helpful to leave some of the surrounding tissue attached to the end of the nerve through which a pin can be placed to secure the nerve to the dish. Also, take care not to crush the nerve when positioning the nerve stimulator. Finally, the order in which the electrodes are impaled into the fiber is important. The blunt electrode is not as easy to impale and should be impaled first. If the sharp electrode were impaled first, the blunt electrode could push the muscle fiber down before it pierces the membrane, possibly causing the sharp electrode to come out of the fiber. This would make it necessary to impale the fiber a second time with the sharp electrode which would cause unnecessary membrane damage. It is also helpful that the amplifier being used can simultaneously measure the current and voltage of the current passing electrode so that a negative deflection in the membrane potential can be observed, indicating that the electrode has been impaled.
One feature of the LAL that can be beneficial is the ability to remove both muscles simultaneously. This can be great for performing electrophysiology and molecular biology experiments in the same animal. This can be accomplished by following essentially the same protocol described here with minor changes. Follow all steps under headings 1-3 doing everything described on the right side as well as the left. At step 4, it is best to begin cutting at the ventrolateral side of the right ear to remove the muscles. As described earlier, always keep the blades pressed against the skull to cut as deep as possible leaving inferior muscles attached to the LAL. Continue to cut towards the right ear past the midline, keeping the blade as deep as possible. At this point, the rest of the procedure is as described in this protocol, only perform the remaining steps on both muscles. Once the muscles have been cleaned, one LAL can be cut away and frozen for later molecular analysis and the other can be used for electrophysiology. It would be difficult to perform electrophysiology studies with both muscles of the same animal. To do so, the midline must be cut to separate the muscles and doing so will likely damage some muscle fibers.
The LAL has long been used to examine neuromuscular transmission because its thin nature allows for the easy identification of motor endplates and excellent ex vivo perfusion1,3,4,5,6,7,8. In addition to the use of 4-di-2-asp, other groups have used rhodamin-conjugated bungarotoxin at low concentrations22. We have used the LAL for electrophysiological examinations, purinergic signaling, and defects in Huntington's disease16,20. The LAL is also ideal for live-cell imaging studies. For example, several studies have used the LAL to measure synaptic vesicle release and uptake23,24. This can be done using dyes, such as FM 1-43.
Because the endplates can be easily observed with a fluorescent stain, the electrodes can be placed in close proximity to the motor endplate within the length constant of the muscle fiber. Electrode placement at the endplate and the use of a high compliance two-electrode voltage-clamp system enables investigators to fully control the endplate potential with less than 1% error16. This can be important because the commonly used corrections for non-linear summation of synaptic potentials recorded under current-clamp conditions10 do not account for changes in the postsynaptic membrane caused by experimental conditions and/or disease state. For example, reduced resting endplate conductances will amplify postsynaptic potentials19, even those corrected for non-linear summation. In contrast, voltage-clamped postsynaptic currents are not subjected to non-linear summation errors and are independent of the postsynaptic membrane properties. Demonstrating this, we have recently shown contrasting results from endplate potentials compared to currents recorded from hyper-excitable Huntington's disease skeletal muscle16.
A final key advantage of using the LAL for studying neuromuscular transmission is that recordings are from a single synapse. Neuromuscular transmission recorded from a single, fully voltage-clamped endplate provides some of the most detailed and accurate data on synaptic transmission currently available, which is ideal for modeling and unraveling the complexity of synaptic physiology.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Dr. Mark M. Rich and Daniel Miranda for editorial comments, Ahmad Khedraki for helping establish this technique, and Wright State University for financial support (startup fund to A.A.V.).
Olympus Compound Microscope | Olympus | BX51WI | |
10x Objective | Olympus | UMPLFLN10XW | |
40x Objective | Olympus | LUMPLFLN40XW | |
Borosilicate Glass | Sutter Instruments | BF150-86-7.5 | |
CCD Camera | Santa Barbara Instruments Group | ST-7XMEI | |
Axoclamp 900A Amplifier | Molecular Devices | 2500‐0179 | |
Mater-9 Pulse Generator | AMPI | ||
Iso-flex Stimulus Isolator | AMPI | ||
pCLAMP 10 Data Acquisition and Analysis Software | Molecular Devices | 1-2500-0180 | |
Concentric Bipolar Electrode | FHC | CBDSH75 | |
Ball-joint Manipulator | Narishige | ||
Non-metalic Syringes 34 Gauge | World Precision Instruments | MF34G-5 | |
Nikon Stereomicroscope | Nikon | SMZ800N | |
No. 5 Forceps | Fine Science Tools | ||
Spring Scissors | Fine Science Tools | 15006-09 | |
No. 2 Forceps | Roboz | RS-5Q41 | |
Microdissecting Scissors | Roboz | RS-5912SC | |
Sylgard 184 Silicone Elastomer Kit | Dow Corning | 2404019862 | |
Hair Removal Cream | Nair | ||
Grass SD9 Stimulator | Grass Medical | ||
Model P-1000 Micropipette Puller | Sutter Instruments | P-1000 | |
Axon Digidata 1550 Low-noise Data Acuisition System | Molecular Devices | ||
Low Pass Bessell Filter | Warner Instrument Corp. | LPF-8 | |
Left-handed Micromanipulator | Siskiyou Corp. | MX1641/45DL | |
Right-handed Micromanipulator | Siskiyou Corp. | MX1641/45DR | |
Single Motion Controler | Siskiyou Corp. | MC100e | |
Crossed Roller Micromanipulator | Siskiyou Corp. | MX1641R | This was added to the Z-axis of the Left and Right-handed micromanipulators to allow the z axis to be motorized. This custom set-up is cheaper and less bulky than buying a 4-axis motorized micromanipulator. It also allows us to control both micromanipulators with one controller |
All chemicals were orded from Fisher except, | |||
BTS | Toronto Research Chemicals | B315190 | |
CTX | Alomone Labs | C-270 | |
4-Di-2-Asp | Molecular Probes | Molecular probes is no longer a company. Now ordered through Fisher |