
A蛋白制备方法在蛋白质与核余子交互使用LC-MS / MS分析的高通量鉴定

Published: January 24, 2017


我们已经建立了使用LC-MS / MS系统共同调节相互作用蛋白的纯化的方法。


Transcriptional coregulators are vital to the efficient transcriptional regulation of nuclear chromatin structure. Coregulators play a variety of roles in regulating transcription. These include the direct interaction with transcription factors, the covalent modification of histones and other proteins, and the occasional chromatin conformation alteration. Accordingly, establishing relatively quick methods for identifying proteins that interact within this network is crucial to enhancing our understanding of the underlying regulatory mechanisms. LC-MS/MS-mediated protein binding partner identification is a validated technique used to analyze protein-protein interactions. By immunoprecipitating a previously-identified member of a protein complex with an antibody (occasionally with an antibody for a tagged protein), it is possible to identify its unknown protein interactions via mass spectrometry analysis. Here, we present a method of protein preparation for the LC-MS/MS-mediated high-throughput identification of protein interactions involving nuclear cofactors and their binding partners. This method allows for a better understanding of the transcriptional regulatory mechanisms of the targeted nuclear factors.


蛋白质 – 蛋白质相互作用发挥多种生物学功能中起重要作用。正因为如此,这些相互作用已牵涉信号转导;跨细胞膜蛋白质运输;细胞的新陈代谢;和几个核过程,包括DNA复制,DNA损伤修复,重组和转录1,2,3,4。查明参与这些相互作用蛋白质因此,推进我们的这些细胞过程的理解是至关重要的。

免疫沉淀(IP)是用于分析蛋白质 – 蛋白质相互作用经过验证的技术。为了便于共同免疫沉淀的蛋白的鉴定,质谱常常利用5,6,7,8,9。通过用抗体靶向的蛋白复合物的公知的部件,它是可以分离的蛋白复合物,并随后经由质谱分析确定其未知组分。 ARIP4(雄激素受体相互作用蛋白4),一个转录coregulator,核受体蛋白以激活或在一个依赖于上下文的方式9,10抑制其靶启动子相互作用。为了更好地了解控制这些核因子的转录调控机制,我们描述了一个全面的方法来净化和使用LC-MS / MS系统识别ARIP4相互作用的蛋白质。


1.转种子在100毫米培养皿(2×10 6个细胞/皿)HEK293细胞。培养在补充有10%胎牛血清,100μg/ ml的链霉素和100单位/ ml青霉素的细胞在Dulbecco改进的Eagle氏培养基。孵育在加湿培养箱将细胞在5%CO 2和37℃。 第二天,转染细胞10微克FLAG标记ARIP4质粒按照制造商的指示11,用40微升转染试剂用。 2.蛋白提取约36小时转染后,立…

Representative Results

我们确定了一个强烈的信号ARIP4,约160千道尔顿,以及那些一个模拟采样控制等几个未知的蛋白质( 图1)。 LC-MS / MS分析,鉴定两ARIP4复杂肽和FLAG珠( 表1)的级分中的潜在的肽辅因子。 P62(Sequestosome1),公知的辅因子ARIP4 11中的分析( 表1),这证实了本系统11的功效被确定。我们还确定了与ARIP4?…


有效转染是必不可少的获得与该协议的成功的结果。因此,我们建议您使用Western blot分析,以确定免疫沉淀的FLAG标签的蛋白质水平。这个步骤允许用户以验证他们感兴趣的蛋白被正确过度表达,此外,该IP被成功执行。 FLAG标签的蛋白质水平也应之前的质谱分析进行检查。



The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was supported by the Astellas Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders (HT), the Takeda Science Foundation (HT), and by a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) to HT.


Lipofectamine 2000 Transfection Reagent Thermo Fisher Scientific 11668019
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (EDTA free) (100x) nacalai tesque 03969-21
ANTI-FLAG M2 Affinity Gel Sigma-Aldrich A2220
Micro Bio-Spin Columns BIO-RAD 732-6204


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Citar este artigo
Tsuchiya, M., Karim, M. R., Matsumoto, T., Ogawa, H., Taniguchi, H. A Protein Preparation Method for the High-throughput Identification of Proteins Interacting with a Nuclear Cofactor Using LC-MS/MS Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (119), e55077, doi:10.3791/55077 (2017).

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