
Analysis of the Epithelial Damage Produced by Entamoeba histolytica Infection

Published: June 12, 2014


Human infection by Entamoeba histolytica leads to amoebiasis, a major cause of diarrhea in tropical countries. Infection is initiated by pathogen interactions with intestinal epithelial cells, provoking the opening of cell-cell contacts and consequently diarrhea, sometimes followed by liver infection. This article provides a model to assess the early host-pathogen interactions to improve our understanding of amoebiasis pathogenesis.


Entamoeba histolytica is the causative agent of human amoebiasis, a major cause of diarrhea and hepatic abscess in tropical countries. Infection is initiated by interaction of the pathogen with intestinal epithelial cells. This interaction leads to disruption of intercellular structures such as tight junctions (TJ). TJ ensure sealing of the epithelial layer to separate host tissue from gut lumen. Recent studies provide evidence that disruption of TJ by the parasitic protein EhCPADH112 is a prerequisite for E. histolytica invasion that is accompanied by epithelial barrier dysfunction. Thus, the analysis of molecular mechanisms involved in TJ disassembly during E. histolytica invasion is of paramount importance to improve our understanding of amoebiasis pathogenesis. This article presents an easy model that allows the assessment of initial host-pathogen interactions and the parasite invasion potential. Parameters to be analyzed include transepithelial electrical resistance, interaction of EhCPADH112 with epithelial surface receptors, changes in expression and localization of epithelial junctional markers and localization of parasite molecules within epithelial cells.


Entamoeba histolytica is a single cell protozoan responsible of human amoebiasis, an intestinal infection causing inflammation and diarrhea. E. histolytica infects up to 50 million individuals yearly, but only about 10% of infected people develop the symptoms associated to amoebiasis1. Infection occurs upon ingestion of contaminated food or water containing E. histolytica cysts. In the intestine, cysts produce live trophozoites that adhere to colon mucin and proliferate2. Trophozoites usually form cysts that are excreted via stools. In other cases and for yet unknown reasons, trophozoites break the intestinal epithelial layer and invade underlying tissues. In worst cases, they enter the blood stream and affect other organs such as the liver3.

Breaking the epithelial barrier requires disruption of epithelial transmembranal structures that maintain cells joined. Epithelial cell contacts are formed by the apical junctional complex consisting of tight (TJ) and adherens junctions (AJ), and desmosomes4. The most apical junctions are TJ, and therefore, they are the first barrier affronted by E. histolytica and some other pathogens during host invasion. TJ are comprised of transmembranal adhesion receptors such as claudins, occludin and junctional adhesion molecules (JAM) that engage in homo- or heterophilic interactions with receptors of the neighboring cell. They are intracellularly bound by scaffold molecules of the zonula occludens (ZO) family that connect adhesion receptors to actin cytoskeleton to provide further mechanical strength to the epithelium. TJ are responsible for sealing intestinal tissue from the gut lumen, preventing excessive water and solute leakage. Thus, after TJ are disrupted by the parasite, tissues are invaded. E. histolytica secretes several molecules such as: (i) those involved in adhesion of amoebae to target cells5; (ii) membrane-active factors participating in killing of host cells by exocytosis, for example the ion channel-forming peptides termed amoebapores6,7; and (iii) proteinases that degrade extracellular matrix proteins and mediate tissue disintegration5,8,9.

The cysteine protease EhCP112 and the adhesion molecule EhADH112 that together form the EhCPADH112 complex are two E. histolytica virulence proteins that play a major role in the disassembly of TJ 10. Live trophozoites, their total lysates and secreted products induce molecular changes in the TJ complex and functional disturbance of the epithelial barrier. In this study, it is shown that EhCP112 and EhADH112 interact with occludin and claudin-1 proteins leading to internalization and degradation of cell proteins, thus facilitating E. histolytica entrance through the paracellular pathway.

Our data and those of other groups11-17strongly suggest the necessity of specific host-pathogen interactions that allow parasite invasion. Unraveling the molecular basis of these interactions is of utmost importance for a better understanding of amoebiasis pathogenesis. Selective disturbance of TJ by trophozoites, characterized by increased paracellular permeability, can be measured by a decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). The transference of parasitic proteins towards host epithelia can be determined by immunofluorescence staining and confocal laser microscopy, a method that can also reveal co-localization of amoeba virulence factors with epithelial junctional markers indicating possible direct interactions. In this article, we describe in detail how epithelial cells and trophozoites are cultivated, harvested and manipulated to examine host-pathogen interactions and their consequences.


1. Establishment and Maintenance of E. histolytica Cultures Grow axenically (entirely free of all other contaminating organisms) 1 x 105 trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica strain HMl:IMSS clone A18 in 16 x 125 mm culture tubes with Teflon liner screw caps (or 1 x 106 trophozoites in a disposable T-25 flask) and 15 ml (or 50 ml in T-25 flask) of TYI-S-33 medium (TYI broth supplemented with 3% Diamond vitamin mixture, 10% heat inactivated adult bovine serum,…

Representative Results

For a successful E. histolytica culture, two important conditions must be fulfilled: growth in axenic conditions and harvest in logarithmic phase. Previously, cultures of E. histolytica were readily established in association with certain species of bacteria or trypanosomatids22. However, nowadays it is common to have axenic cultivation of this parasite meaning an indefinite subcultivation of amoebae in an environment free of metabolizing bacteria, fungi, protozoa, or metazoan cells. Addition…


In order to study in vitro host-pathogen interactions during epithelial infection by E. histolytica, it is crucial to work with well-established cultures of both epithelial cells and trophozoites. For example, formerly, E. histolytica cultures had usually been established in association with certain species of bacteria or trypanosomatids22,23. However, co-cultivation of E. histolytica cultures is counterproductive for the study of host-pathogen interactions because observed …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by grants from the Institute of Science and Technology of the Federal District (ICyTDF, 64/2012 to EO) and the Mexican Council for Science and Technology (Conacyt, 179895 to MS).


Entamoeba histolytica HM1:IMSS, Clone A  IMSS Hospital, Mexico Without/number Virulent trophozoites18 
TYI broth Becton, Dickinson and Company
J.T. Baker
K35625437 626
CAS 50-81-7
3.45% BBL Biosate peptone
58 mM glucose
39 mM NaCl
5 mM KH2PO4
6.5 mM K2HPO4
16.3 mM ascorbic acid
8.1 mM L-cysteine
 0.1 mM ferric ammonium citrate, adjust pH 6.819
Bovine serum adult Microlab , Labs., Mex. SU146 Use at 10% and inactivated to 56° C for 30 min
Diamond  vitamin  mixture- Tween 80 In vitro SR-07 Use at 3%
Penicillin  Lakeside,  Méx. 34564SSA IV 0.5 IU/mL
Streptomycin  Lakeside,  Méx. 75757SSA IV 35 µg/ mL
Pyrex 15 mL screw cap culture tubes with PTFE lined phenolic caps Corning-Pyrex 9826-16X 16×125 mm, capacity 15 mL and caps fabricated from special formula resistant to effects of temperature
Cell culture plates, 6 Well Corning-Costar 3516 Sterile plates, well diameter 34.8 mm and growth area 9.5 cm2.  Rings on lid prevent cross-contamination
25cm2 cell culture flask Corning-Costar 430168 Canted neck flasks
MDCK (Madin Darby canine kidney) type I American Type Culture Collection CCL34 Kidney epithelial cells grown between the 60th and 90th passage
DMEM medium  Gibco  12800-017 Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium with high glucose.
Neonate Calf Serum In vitro S-02 Use at 10%.  
Penicillin/Streptomycin mixture  In vitro  A-01 Stock solution 10,000 U/µg/mL
Insulin   AMSA 398MJ94SSA IV Stock solution 100 IU/mL
Trypsin solution  In vitro EN-005 0.05% enzyme solution without calcium and magnesium
75cm2 cell culture flask Corning-Costar 430720 Canted neck flasks for trophozoite culture in TYI-S-33 medium
Transwell permeable supports Corning-Costar 3470 0.4. µm polyster membrane, 6.5 mm insert in 24 well plate, growth area 0.3 cm2
24 well cell culture dish   Corning-Costar 3524 Clear polystyrene, treated for optimal cell attachment, sterilized by gamma radiation and certified non-pyrogenic
Complete Mini Roche 11836 153 001 Protease inhibitor cocktail inhibits a broad spectrum of serine, cysteine and metallo-proteases. Final concentration 1 mM 
Trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido (4-guanidino) butane (E-64) SIGMA-Aldrich E3132 Cystein protease inhibitor, final concentration 40 µg/mL
pαZO-1  Invitrogen 402200 IgG rabbit policlonal  antibody  against  a synthetic peptide in the middle region of the ZO-1 human protein
mαEhCPADH112 Homemade antibody Without/ Number IgM mouse monoclonal antibody  against  444-601 epitope located at C-terminal of EhCPADH11221,27
FITC-goat anti-mouse IgM Zymed 62-6811 Fluorescein isotiocyanate (FITC)-labelled goat anti-mouse secondary  antibody
TRITC- goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) Zymed 816114 Tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC)-labelled  goat anti-rabbit IgG  secondary antibody.
STX2 Electrode World Precision Instrument  102711 Consists of a fixed pair of double electrodes, 4 mm wide and 1 mm thick. Each stick of the electrode pair contains a silver/silver-chloride pellet for measuring voltage and a silver electrode for passing current. For use with EVOM
EVOM epithelial voltohmmeter World Precision Instrument  12111 Use in resistance mode and maintain unplugged during TER measurements
Neubauer chamber MEARIENFELD 610610 Hemocytometer 
Leica TCS_SP5_MO Leica Without/number Laser confocal microscopy with Leica microsystems CMS Gmbh/leica Las af Lite/BIN software
Vectashield Vector Laboratories, Inc. H-1000 Mounting medium for fluorescence
4´, 6-diamino-2-phenylindole (Dapi) SIGMA D-9542 0.05 mM final concentration
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) US Biological A-1310 0.5%  final concentration for blocking solution


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Citar este artigo
Betanzos, A., Schnoor, M., Javier-Reyna, R., García-Rivera, G., Bañuelos, C., Pais-Morales, J., Orozco, E. Analysis of the Epithelial Damage Produced by Entamoeba histolytica Infection. J. Vis. Exp. (88), e51668, doi:10.3791/51668 (2014).

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