The Photoconversion Technique for Exploring Inflammatory Cell Dynamics in Insect Pupae

Published: January 31, 2024


Source: Weavers, H. et al., Long-term In Vivo Tracking of Inflammatory Cell Dynamics Within Drosophila Pupae. J. Vis. Exp. (2018)

The video demonstrates the use of photoconversion to study inflammatory cell dynamics in Drosophila pupae. Green hemocytes are drawn to the wounded epithelium, followed by distant migration. Photoconversion shifts certain hemocytes from green to red, facilitating their movement tracking.


This protocol consists of four main sequential steps: (1) Preparation of Drosophila stocks and staging of Drosophila pupae, (2) Pupal dissection and mounting, (3) Pupal wounding, (4) in vivo time-lapse confocal imaging. 1. Preparation of Drosophila Stocks and Staging of Pupae Obtain appropriate Drosophila stocks (see Introduction and Table of Materials). …

Representative Results

Figure 1: Drosophila pupa preparation for wounding and live-imaging. (A) Drosophila white prepupae collected at 0 h APF, with the anterior end indicated by everted breathing appendages (spiracles). (B) After raising white 0h APF prepupae for 18 h at 25 °C, the puparium appears brown. Dissection of the pupal case should b…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Drosophila stocks
Ubiquitous GFP-tagged E-cadherin;Ubi-p63E-shg.GFP; (chrII) Kyoto Stock Center, DGRC #109007 Ubi-p63E promoter sequences drive the expression of Drosophila E-cadherin (shotgun) tagged at the C-terminal end with GFP.
Ubiquitous GFP-tagged E-cadherin;;Ubi-p63E-shg.GFP (III) Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre (Indiana University) #58742 Ubi-p63E promoter sequences drive the expression of Drosophila E-cadherin (shotgun) tagged at the C-terminal end with GFP.
Ubiquitous GFP-tagged Moesin P{sGMCA}3.1 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre (Indiana University) #59023 The ubiquitously expressed sqh promoter/enhancer drives expression of a fragment of Moesin (that includes the actin binding sequences) tagged with GFPS65T.
Hemocyte specific serpent-Gal4 driver ;srp-Gal4; Generated by Katja Bruckner Generated by Katja Bruckner The expression of ScerGAL4 fused to a polyA tail is controlled by 2 genomic sequences from upstream of Drosophila serpent. Ref: Brückner, K., Kockel, L., Duchek, P., Luque, C.M., Rørth, P., Perrimon, N. The PDGF/VEGF receptor controls blood cell survival in Drosophila. Dev Cell. 7 (1), 73–84, doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2004.06.007 (2004).
UAS-nuclearRFP  w1118;;P{UAS-RedStinger}6 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre (Indiana University) #8545 or #8547 UAS regulatory sequences drive expression of the DsRed.T4 form of RFP which is tagged at the C-terminal end with a nuclear localisation signal
UAS-cytoplasmicGFP ;;P{UAS-GFP.S65T} Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre (Indiana University) Multiple stocks available (e.g. #1522) Expression of the S65T version of GFP by UAS regulatory sequences; the S65T variant exhibits increased brightness.
UAS-photoconvertibleKaede  w1118;; P{UAS-Kaede.A}3 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre (Indiana University) #26161 Kaede protein emits bright green fluorescence after synthesis, but changes efficiently to a bright stable red fluorescence on irradiation with UV.
GFP-tagged spaghetti squash  w1118;;P{sqh-GFP.RLC} Bloomington Drosophila Stock Centre (Indiana University) #57145 The sqh coding region, which is tagged at the C-terminal end with a T:AvicGFPS65T tag, is expressed under the control of the natural sqh promoter.
Ingredients for fly food media Fly food media is made according to standard procedures (see Greenspan, R. 1997. Fly Pushing: The Theory and Practice of Drosophila Genetics. Cold Spring Harbor Press. 1-191 pp.)
Maize Wild Oats, Bristol, UK (or equivalent supplier) Contact supplier direct organic
Soya flour Wild Oats, Bristol, UK (or equivalent supplier) Contact supplier direct organic
Malt extract Wild Oats, Bristol, UK (or equivalent supplier) Contact supplier direct organic
Molasses Wild Oats, Bristol, UK (or equivalent supplier) Contact supplier direct organic
Difco agar BD Biosciences, Fisher Scientific DF0142-15-2 For preparation of fly food
Propionic acid Sigma 402907 For preparation of fly food
Nipagen Sigma 79721 For preparation of fly food
Dried baker's yeast Redstar, Dutscher Scientific, UK LTD Redstar, Dutscher Scientific, UK LTD For preparation of fly food
Sample preparation and mounting
Parafilm Sigma P7793-1EA For preparation of heptane glue
Fine sable paintbrush Daler-Rowney (or equivalent) #0 or 1
Forceps Fisher Scientific (or Fine Science Tools) NC9404145 Dumont #5
Glass bottomed dishes for imaging MatTek P35G-0-10-C We suggest using 35mm petri dishes, with at least a 10mm Microwell, 0.085-0.13mm cover glass, uncoated. Dishes with larger microwells will enable increasing numbers of pupae to be mounted and imaged in a single experiment.
Heptane Sigma 51730-5ML For preparation of heptane glue
Double sided sticky tape (e.g. Scotch) Agar Scientific AGG263 For preparation of heptane glue
50ml tube (for heptane glue) Falcon tubes from Fisher Scientific 14-432-22 For preparation of heptane glue
Glass microscope slides Agar Scientific AGL4244 For dissection of Drosophila pupae
Dissecting stereo microscope with brightfield Leica (or equivalent) M50 For dissection of Drosophila pupae
Microscissors John Weiss International 103123 Miniature Research Scissors (straight)
Laser ablation and imaging
Nitogen ablation laser Spectra-Physics (or Andor equivalent) Model VSL-337ND-S For wounding, this should be attached to a widefield imaging system
Multilaser confocal laser-scanning microscope (CLSM) Leica (or equivalent) TCS AOBS SP8 or SP5-II attached to a Leica DMi8 inverted epifluorescence microscope (or equivalent) Ideally including a motorised stage for multi-site and 'mosaic' scanning, plus 'hybrid' GaAsP detectors (that offer much greater sensitivity and boosting of low signal)
Environmental chamber Life Imaging Services (or equivalent) "Microscope Temperature Control System" Attached to Confocal microscope for temperature control during imaging
Image Analysis Software
FRAP software module Leica (or equivalent) CLSM FRAP software module For performing photoconversion of photoconvertible fluorophores such as Kaede
ImageJ (image analysis software) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Schneider, C.A., Rasband, W.S., Eliceiri, K.W. "NIH Image to ImageJ: 25 years of image analysis". Nature Methods 9, 671-675, 2012.
ImageJ plugin "Manual Tracking" National Institutes of Health (NIH)
ImageJ plugin "TrackMate" ImageJ, NIH Tinevez, JY.; Perry, N. & Schindelin, J. et al. (2016), "TrackMate: An open and extensible platform for single-particle tracking.", Methods 115: 80-90, PMID 27713081
Volocity (high performance 3D imaging software) Perkin Elmer Volocity 6.3 For image analysis
IMARIS (image analysis software) Bitplane IMARIS for Cell Biologists For image analysis


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Citar este artigo
The Photoconversion Technique for Exploring Inflammatory Cell Dynamics in Insect Pupae. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21878, doi: (2024).

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