Prepping Conscious Rabbit Model for Simultaneous Video-EEG-ECG-Oximetry-Capnography for Experimental Interventions: A Procedure to Implant EEE-ECG Electrodes and Attach Respiratory Probes in Rabbit Model

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Bosinski, C. et al., Multi-system Monitoring for Identification of Seizures, Arrhythmias and Apnea in Conscious Restrained Rabbits. J. Vis. Exp. (2021).

This video demonstrates the procedure to implant EEG-ECG electrodes and attach respiratory probes in a rabbit model for acquiring and analyzing records of its bio signals.


All procedures involving animal models have been reviewed by the local institutional animal care committee and the JoVE veterinary review board. 1. Implanting EEG-ECG electrodes and attaching respiratory monitors Remove one rabbit from the transport carrier and place in the lap of a seated investigator. Hold the rabbit vertically and keep it close to the investigator's body. Lower the rabbit into a supine position, with the rabbit's…

Representative Results

Figure 1: Picture of EEG and ECG electrodes. (A) Bent ECG electrodes and straight EEG electrodes. (B) How to hook the ECG electrode in the subcutaneous tissue of the rabbit, so that it is through and through. Abbreviations (LL: Left limb, RA: Right arm, RL: Right limb, LA: Left arm, RF: Right frontal, LF: Left frontal, Cz: Center, RO: Right occipital, LO: Left Oc…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Computer Dell Optiplex 5040 Acquisition computer
ECG Electrode RhythmLink RLSND116-2.5 13mm 35-degree bent (0.4 mm diameter) subdermal pin electrodes
EEG Electrode RhythmLink RLSP513 5-twist 13mm straight (0.4mm diameter) subdermal pin electrodes
EEGLAB (2020) Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience Open Access Can perform spectral analysis of EEG
Ethernet-to-ethernet adapter Linksys USB3G16 Adapter for connecting the camera to the computer
Foam padding Generic N/A Reduces pressure applied to the neck of small rabbits by the restrainer in order to prevent the adverse cardiorespiratory effects of neck compression
MATLAB (R2019b, Update 5) MathWorks N/A Required to run EEGLAB
Microphone Sony Stereo ECM-D570P Recording of audible manifestions of seizures
Micropore Medical Tape, Paper, White 3M 1530-1 Used to secure wires and create ear splint
Natus NeuroWorks Natus LC101-8 Acquisition and review software
Photic Stimulator Grass PS22 Stimulator to control frequency, delay, duration, intensity of the light pulses
Plastic wire organizer / bundler LM-12-100-BLK Bundle wires to cut down on noise
PS 22 Photic Stimulator Grass Instruments BZA641035 Strobe light with adjustable flash frequency, delay, and intensity
PVC pipe Generic N/A Prevents small rabbits from kicking their hind legs and causing spinal injury
Rabbit Restrainer Plas-Labs 501-TC Various size rabbit restrainers are available. 6" x 18" x 6" in this study.
Rubber pad (booster) Generic N/A Raises small rabbits up in the restrainer to prevent neck compression
SpO2 ear clip NONIN 61000 PureSAT/SpO2
SpO2 sensor adapter NONIN 13931 XPOD PureSAT/SpO2
Webcol Alcohol Prep, Sterile, Large, 2-ply Covidien 5110 To prepare ear vein before catheterization
LabChart Pro (2019, Version 8.1.16) ADInstruments N/A ECG Analysis
Quantum Amplifier Natus 13926 Amplifier / digitizer
Quantum HeadBox Amplifier Natus 22134 64-pin breakout box
SRG-X120 1080p PTZ Camera with HDMI, IP & 3G-SDI Output Sony SRG-X120 Impela Camera


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Citar este artigo
Prepping Conscious Rabbit Model for Simultaneous Video-EEG-ECG-Oximetry-Capnography for Experimental Interventions: A Procedure to Implant EEE-ECG Electrodes and Attach Respiratory Probes in Rabbit Model. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20823, doi: (2023).

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