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Frequency Response of BJT

JoVE Core
Electrical Engineering
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JoVE Core Electrical Engineering
Frequency Response of BJT



A common-emitter amplifier's DC bias point is determined by the base-emitter voltage, base current, and collector current. The load line is determined by the applied voltage and load resistance.

When a small AC signal is added to the input voltage, the base current varies over time, resulting in a corresponding variation in the output current. This amplification effect occurs when the peak AC values are smaller than the DC values.

The low-frequency equivalent circuit includes resistances and transconductance as important parameters for AC analysis.

Transconductance represents the relationship between changes in iC and VBE, while input conductance relates to changes in iB and VBE.

At higher frequencies, the equivalent circuit undergoes modification by introducing depletion and diffusion capacitances for the emitter-base junction and a depletion capacitance for the collector-base junction.

Considering the base width modulation effect, there exists a finite output conductance.

The high-frequency equivalent circuit encompasses all elements, including resistances, offering a comprehensive view of the transistor's behavior at higher frequencies.


Frequency Response of BJT

The frequency response of a Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) in a common-emitter configuration is critical to its functionality, especially in applications involving amplification of alternating current (AC) signals. This response can be analyzed through low-frequency and high-frequency equivalent circuits, considering various internal parameters and external conditions.

Low-Frequency Response: At low frequencies, the behavior of the BJT is determined by its DC bias point, which is set by the emitter-base voltage, base current, and collector current. The load line, which influences the amplifier's operation, is also defined by the applied voltage and load resistance. In this range, when a small AC signal is superimposed on the input voltage, the base current fluctuates over time, leading to corresponding variations in the output current. Critical parameters in the low-frequency equivalent circuit include resistances and transconductance—the latter describing the relationship between changes in collector current (IC) and emitter-base voltage (VEB).

High-Frequency Response: As the input signal frequency increases, the BJT's equivalent circuit needs to account for additional elements such as depletion and diffusion capacitances at the emitter-base junction and a depletion capacitance at the collector-base junction. These capacitances introduce phase shifts and frequency-dependent losses, complicating the BJT's behavior. High frequencies also bring into consideration the base width modulation effect, resulting in finite output conductance.

The high-frequency equivalent circuit integrates these complexities, providing a comprehensive view of the transistor's performance under rapid signal changes. This enhanced circuit is crucial for accurately predicting the transistor's behavior in high-speed applications, making it fundamental for designing practical amplifiers and other electronic devices.