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O Complexo Antena

JoVE Core
Cell Biology
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JoVE Core Cell Biology
The Antenna Complex



The reaction center of a photosystem itself is not efficient enough to meet the energy demand of the electron transport chain. Therefore, it is surrounded by a light harvesting complex or LHC that comprises several hundred pigment molecules, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and other accessory pigments. Unlike the reaction center, LHC pigments cannot directly convert light energy into chemical energy and are therefore photochemically inactive. However, these pigments function as an antenna by absorbing photons of varying wavelengths and rapidly transferring energy to the reaction center. The energy transfer from one pigment to another depends on the distance between the molecules. Therefore, antenna pigments are positioned close to each other by a protein scaffold, forming an energy-efficient complex. Within the antenna complex, the absorbed energy can only be transferred from a pigment molecule that absorbs light of a shorter wavelength to another that absorbs a longer wavelength. Thus, the energy is funneled through a network of pigment molecules starting from the periphery to the ones located closer to the reaction center. Finally, the energy is transferred to the reaction center, where the special-pair of chlorophyll molecules absorbs photons of the longest wavelengths. The reaction center can now transmit an adequate number of electrons to the electron transport chain, enhancing its yield.


O Complexo Antena

Plants and other photosynthetic organisms comprise pigments capable of absorption of direct sunlight. These pigments are present in the reaction center – the main site of photochemical reactions as well as in the antenna complex. Under average light conditions, the rate at which reaction center pigments absorb light is far below the electron transport chain's capacity. As a result, the reaction center alone cannot provide enough energy to drive photosynthesis. The photosynthetic efficiency can be increased with an antenna complex where hundreds of pigment molecules absorb different wavelengths of light. The energy thus accumulated over a larger surface is then transferred to the reaction center.

The antenna complex, also known as the light-harvesting complex (LHC), comprises hundreds of chlorophyll molecules and dozens of carotenoids. The antenna pigments are organized into protein scaffolds that hold the pigments in the right position and orientation. The major function of the antenna complex is to transfer excitation energy to the reaction center. Another important function is to safely dissipate excess absorbed energy as heat.

In plants and most algae, the chlorophyll a and b molecules are integral components of the light-harvesting complex. The relative concentration of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b is used as an indicator of the antenna size. Seasonal changes in light intensity may cause variation in the ratio of chlorophyll a/b, thus altering the antenna size. For instance, in LHCII (for photosystem II), low light conditions trigger the synthesis of chlorophyll b. As a consequence, the antenna size increases, allowing increased absorption of available light. In contrast, the antenna size must be reduced under high-light intensities to prevent excess light capture.

Leitura Sugerida

  1. Jia, Ting, Hisashi Ito, and Ayumi Tanaka. "Simultaneous regulation of antenna size and photosystem I/II stoichiometry in Arabidopsis thaliana." Planta 244, no. 5 (2016): 1041-1053.
  2. Mirkovic, Tihana, Evgeny E. Ostroumov, Jessica M. Anna, Rienk Van Grondelle, and Gregory D. Scholes. "Light absorption and energy transfer in the antenna complexes of photosynthetic organisms." Chemical  Reviews 117, no. 2 (2017): 249-293.