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JoVE Core Química
Nuclear Fusion



The combination of small nuclei like hydrogen to produce larger ones such as helium is called nuclear fusion. Because nuclei have to overcome electrostatic repulsion, fusion reactions require temperatures of 40 million kelvins or more and so are known as thermonuclear reactions. Nuclides with mass numbers between 40 and 100 have high binding energies per nucleon and are generally stable. Thus, lighter nuclei with low nuclear binding energies per nucleon tend to combine, yielding heavier nuclei with higher binding energies.  The difference between the nuclear binding energies of product and reactant nuclides generates a huge amount of energy. Notably, the energy released during the formation of one gram of helium-4 is significantly larger than that of the fission of one gram of uranium-235. So, is fusion used to produce electricity? Well, not yet! At the high temperatures required for fusion, all molecules dissociate into atoms, which ionize, forming a plasma. For such reactions, a strong, torus-shaped magnetic field serves as a reactor. However, its efficient use is still a technical challenge.  Indeed, the fusion of hydrogen to helium is one of the major hydrogen-burning processes in main-sequence stars like the sun. Once stars begin helium fusion, two helium nuclei combine into beryllium-8. Unlike helium-4, beryllium-8 is highly unstable, making this an endothermic, easily reversed fusion reaction.  As helium fusion accelerates, beryllium-8 becomes more abundant and fuses with helium-4, producing excited-state carbon-12, which occasionally relaxes to stable carbon-12. In massive stars, a chain of fusion reactions initiated by the combination of carbon-12 and helium-4 produces a sequence of elements up to magnesium-24. As further fusion reactions create heavier nuclides, the decreasing difference in binding energies between reactants and products results in less energy being produced from these reactions.  The sequence ends at nickel-56, which has one of the highest binding energies per nucleon. Heavier elements are instead produced by multiple neutron- or proton-capture events just before and during the unique explosions of stars, or supernovae.




ヘリウム原子核の質量は、4個の水素原子核の質量よりも0.7%小さく、この失われた質量は核融合の際にエネルギーに変換されます。この反応は、核融合の経路にもよるが、生成されるヘリウム-4の1″モル”あたり約1.7 × 109から2.6 × 109キロジュールのエネルギーを生み出す。これは、1″モル”のU-235の核分裂によって生成されるエネルギー(1.8 × 1010 kJ)よりもわずかに少ません。しかし、ヘリウム4の1″グラム”の核融合では、約  6.5 × 108 kJが得られ、これはU-235の1″グラム”の核分裂で得られるエネルギー(8.5 × 107 kJ)よりも大きいです。このことは、ヘリウム核融合の反応物質がU-235よりも安価で豊富に存在することから、特に注目されています。

水素の重い同位体である重水素と三重水素の原子核は、超高温で熱核融合を起こし、ヘリウム原子核と中性子を形成することがわかっています。この変化は0.0188amuの質量減少を伴い、形成されるヘリウム-4の1モル当たり1.69 × 109キロジュールの放出に相当します。非常に高い温度は、原子核の正電荷に起因する非常に強い反発力に打ち勝つだけの運動エネルギーを原子核に与え、それらを衝突させるために必要です。

有用な核融合反応を起こすためには、約1,500万 K以上という非常に高い温度が必要です。この温度では、すべての分子が解離して原子になり、その原子がイオン化してプラズマになります。このような状態は、宇宙の非常に多くの場所で発生しており、星の動力源は核融合です。


上記の文章は以下から引用しました。 Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 21.4: Transmutation and Nuclear Energy.