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JoVE Core Química
Cell Potential and Free Energy



The standard cell potential indicates a redox reaction’s spontaneity, so does the change in standard Gibbs free energy for a reaction. As both terms are a measure of reaction spontaneity, are they related to each other? In a zinc-copper galvanic cell, the cell potential of 1.10 volts causes an electron flow, which is the maximum electrical work done by the cell. wmax is measured in joules and is expressed as the product of the total charge transferred in coulombs and the cell potential in volts. The total charge, q, depends on n, the number of moles of electrons transferred during the reaction. In the zinc-copper galvanic cell, 2 moles of electrons are transferred from zinc to copper, so n = 2. To get the total charge, N is multiplied by Faraday’s constant, which is the magnitude of electric charge present in 1 mole of electrons: 96,485 coulombs. Thus, the maximum electrical work performed by the zinc-copper galvanic cell is determined from the moles of electrons, Faraday’s constant, and the cell potential. Here, all the energy for the electrical work is supplied by the cell itself, resulting in the system performing work on the surroundings which is denoted by a negative sign.  Recall that Gibbs free energy is associated with a reaction’s energy available to perform work. Under standard-state conditions, the change in Gibbs free energy is a measure of the highest amount of work generated in a reaction. Thus, the maximum work can be substituted with ΔG, allowing the free energy change of an electrochemical reaction to be determined.   For the zinc-copper reaction, ΔG is −212 kilojoules, indicating that it is spontaneous. In comparison, a nickel-manganese redox reaction with a standard cell potential of −0.93 volts yields a value of +179 kilojoules, indicating that it is nonspontaneous. The standard free energy change is also related to the equilibrium constant, K. A large equilibrium constant indicates that the reaction lies to the product side correlating with a negative ΔG value, and vice versa.  Given their relation to ΔG, the standard cell potential and equilibrium constant are also related. This relationship is derived by solving this equation for the cell potential and substituting ΔG with the gas constant, temperature, and the natural log of K.






ギブズ自由エネルギーG°とE°cell  との関係。

ギブズ自由エネルギーとは、一定の温度と圧力に保たれた熱力学系が行う可逆的な仕事の最大量を計算するために用いられる量です。自由エネルギーはGという記号で示され、その変化は ∆Gと表されます。系の標準的な自由エネルギー変化であるΔG°は、系が行う最大の仕事であるwmaxとして定義されます。標準条件でガルバニ電池内で起こる酸化還元反応では、すべての仕事は還元剤から酸化剤への電子移動に関連しており、welecとなります。このように、




ここで、nは移動した電子のモル数、Fは1 molの電子のクーロン電荷を表すファラデー定数、E°cellは標準電極電位です。ΔG°とΔE°cellの関係から、符号と反応の自発性の対応を確認できます。自発的な酸化還元反応は、正の標準電極電位と負の自由エネルギーの値を持ちます。


標準的な自由エネルギー変化 ΔG°は、酸化還元反応の平衡定数Kと次のような関係です。


先に導き出した ΔG°とKの関係と、 ΔG°とE°cellの関係式を組み合わせると、次のようになります。






標準状態での電極電位と熱力学な値である ΔG°およびKとの関係は、以下の図で説明できます。


Figure 1: 3つの重要な熱力学的値の関係

上記の文章は以下から引用しました。 Openstax,Chemistry 2e, Section 17.4: Potential, Free Energy, and Equilibrium.