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JoVE Core Química
Determining the pH of Salt Solutions



Salt solutions can be acidic, basic, or neutral. The individual ions can be examined to determine if the pH of its solution will be below, above, or equal to seven. Salts that contain pH-neutral cations and anions form neutral solutions. These salts are composed of the counterions of a strong acid and a strong base. A pure aqueous solution of potassium nitrate will have a pH of 7, as neither potassium nor nitrate has acidic or basic properties. Salts that contain a cation that is the counterion of a weak base and an anion that is the counterion of a strong acid will have a pH less than 7. In a solution of ammonium bromide, the bromide ions are pH neutral, whereas the ammonium ions are acidic and donate protons to the water molecules. Salts that contain a cation that is the counterion of a strong base and an anion that is the counterion of a weak acid will have a pH greater than 7. In a sodium acetate solution, the sodium ions are pH neutral, whereas the acetate ions are basic and accept protons from the water molecules. Some salts contain a cation and anion that are counterions of a weak acid and weak base, respectively. The solution will be acidic if the Ka of the cation is larger than the Kb of the anion; basic if the Kb of the anion is larger than the Ka of the cation; or neutral if the Ka and the Kb are equal. In a solution of ammonium nitrite, the Ka for ammonium is higher than the Kb for nitrite ions; therefore, the solution will be acidic. The exact pH of a salt solution containing an acidic or basic ion can be determined using the dissociation constant for the conjugate acid or base of that ion. The pH of 0.35 M sodium cyanide can be determined by calculating the Kb of cyanide from the Ka of its conjugate acid – hydrocyanic acid – and setting up an ICE table to determine the equilibrium concentration.  As sodium cations do not react with water, they do not affect the pH and can be omitted. In contrast, cyanide ions accept protons from water molecules and generate hydroxide ions. The Kb for cyanide ions can be determined using the equation: Ka × Kb = KW. As the Ka for hydrocyanic acid is 4.90 × 10−10, the Kb for cyanide ions is 2.04 × 10−5. The Kb is equal to the concentration of hydrocyanic acid times the concentration of hydroxide ions divided by the concentration of cyanide ions. An ICE table can be constructed to express the initial and equilibrium concentrations. Substituting the equilibrium concentrations into the expression, Kb equals x times x divided by 0.35, which can be verified later by the 5% rule. Upon solving the equation, x equals 2.7 × 10−3 molar.  As x is only 0.77% of 0.35 M, the approximation 0.35 minus x is equal to 0.35 is valid. The pOH of the solution can be calculated by taking the negative log of 2.7 × 10−3 M, which equals 2.57. The pH of the solution is determined using the equation pH plus pOH is equal to 14; therefore, the pH of this sodium cyanide solution is 11.43.




塩の中には、酸性の陽イオンと塩基性の陰イオンの両方を含むものがあります。溶液の全体的な酸性度または塩基性度は、それらの陽イオンと陰イオンの相対的な強さによって決定され、KaKbを用いて比較することができます。例えば、NH4Fでは、NH4+イオンが酸性で、Fイオンが塩基性(弱酸HFの共役塩基)となります。2つの解離定数を比較すると、NH4+Kaは5.6 × 10−10であり、FKbは1. 6 ×10−11なので、Ka >Kbなので、この溶液は酸性です。


アニリンは染料の製造に使われるアミンの一種です。アニリンは、弱塩基のアニリンと塩酸を反応させた塩である塩化アニリニウム[C6H5NH3+]Clとして単離されます。塩化アニリニウムの0.233 M溶液のpHはいくらでしょうか?




Using the provided information, an ICE table for this system is prepared:

C6H5NH3+ (aq) H3O+ (aq) C6H5NH2 (aq)
初期濃度 (M) 0.233 ~0 0
濃度変化 (M) x +x +x
平衡濃度 (M) 0.233 − x x x



Assuming x << 0.233, the equation is simplified and solved for x: 






塩化アルミニウムの0.10 M溶液は、完全に溶解して水和アルミニウムイオン[Al(H2O)6]3+を生成するため、その溶液のpHを計算します。



An ICE table with the provided information is

Al(H2O)63+ (aq) H3O+ (aq) Al(H2O)5(OH)2+ (aq)
初期濃度 (M) 0.10 ~0 0
濃度変化 (M) −x +x +x
平衡濃度 (M) 0.10 − x x x



Assuming x << 0.10 となり、簡略化した式を書くと、




上記の文章は以下から引用しました。 Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 14.4: Hydrolysis of Salts.