Stefan Hausberger

Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics

University of technology Graz

Stefan Hausberger
Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Stefan Hausberger is Head of the section “Emissions” at the Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics at University of Technology Graz since 2001 with the main activi-ties:

• measurement of engine and vehicle emissions,

• simulation of emissions and energy consumption from vehicles,

• R&D on reduction of vehicle emissions.

Stefan Hausberger is member of the ERMES steering committee and coordinator of several successful long term international projects, e.g.:

 the development of a CO2 certification procedure for HDV, known as “VECTO”, funded by DG Clima and DG Grow.

 the test and simulation activities for the European “Handbook on road vehicles emission Factors, HBEFA”, which provides real world emissions and fuel consumption data for all vehicle categories .


Измерение Sub-23 Нанометровые реальные выбросы номеров вождения с помощью портативной системы выборки DownToTen

1Institute of Electrical Measurement and Sensor Systems, Graz University of Technology, 2Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamic, Graz University of Technology, 3Ricardo UK Ltd., 4AVL List GmbH

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