Silvia Mayoral Rodríguez

Department of Pedagogy

Universitat de Girona

Silvia Mayoral Rodríguez
Assistant professor

Sílvia Mayoral is an Educational Psychologist, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Girona. She received his degree in Pedagogy and a PhD from the University of Girona, Catalunya, Spain.

She has developed an intense R&D activity in the field of education and educational psychology including book chapters, more than 10 national and international papers with JCR impact factor (Web of Science), more than 30 congress contributions at national and international conferences. She contributed to the adaptation to Catalan of the Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) battery by Naglieri and Das. She has published in Cultura y Educación; International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology INFAD Revista de Psicología; Revista de Investigación Educativa; Revista de Neurologia and European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.

She collaborate in the Foundation Carme Vidal Xifre de NeuroPsicoPedagogia and the Institute of Research on Quality of Life of the University of Girona. She is teacher of the Master in diagnosis and intervention in Neuropsychopedagogy at the University of Girona. Within the Institute of Research on Quality of Life of the University of Girona, her research program encompasses the cognitive and emotional neurological mechanisms that explain human behavior and interpersonal communication.


ध्यान घाटे अतिसक्रिय विकार रोगियों में संज्ञानात्मक और भावनात्मक प्रसंस्करण के आधार पर Fundi हस्तक्षेप के एडवेंचर्स

1Institut of Quality of Life, University of Girona, 2Foundation Carme Vidal of Neuropsychology

JoVE 60187
