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Materials Engineering
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JoVE Science Education Materials Engineering
Directional Solidification and Phase Stabilization
  • 00:07概要
  • 00:50Principles of Directional Solidification
  • 03:19Sample Preparation
  • 04:15Measurements
  • 05:13Sample Polishing and Analysis
  • 06:21結果
  • 07:09Applications
  • 08:05概要

Solidificación direccional y estabilización de fase




Fuente: Sina Shahbazmohamadi y Peiman Shahbeigi-Roodposhti-Roodposhti, Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad de Connecticut, Storrs, CT

La fusión de la zona de solidificación direccional es un proceso metalúrgico en el que se funde una región estrecha de un cristal (generalmente en forma de barra). El horno se mueve a lo largo de la muestra de forma de varilla, lo que significa que la zona fundida se mueve a lo largo del cristal y la zona fundida se mueve de un extremo de la barra al otro. Este mecanismo es ampliamente utilizado en aleaciones, sin embargo los átomos de soluto tienden a segregarse a la fusión. En este tipo de aleación, las impurezas también se concentran en la fusión, y se mueven a un extremo de la muestra junto con la zona fundida en movimiento. Por lo tanto, la fusión de zonas se utiliza más ampliamente para el refinado de material comercial. 1. muestra cómo la zona fundida de alta impureza se mueve de un lado de la barra al otro. El eje vertical es la concentración de impureza y el eje horizontal es la longitud de la muestra. Debido a la tendencia de las impurezas a segregarse a la región fundida, su concentración en la fusión es mayor que en el sólido. Por lo tanto, a medida que los materiales fundidos viajan hasta el final de la barra, la impureza será transportada al final de la barra y dejar el material sólido de alta pureza detrás de ella.

Figure 1
Figura 1: Esquema del cambio de composición durante la solidificación direccional de fusión de zona.

En este estudio, se empleará un aparato de solidificación direccional de fusión de zona para sintetizar estructuras estables de aleaciones Pb-Cd.



Inserte un termopar cromo-alumel de 100 mm (en un tubo de protección contra mullita de doble diámetro de 0,1 cm) en un tubo Pyrex de 8 mm de diámetro exterior. La longitud del tubo debe ser de alrededor de 30 cm. La punta del termopar debe estar recubierta con una suspensión de nitruro de boro. Formar varillas de la composición deseada mediante la fusión de la aleación en un crisol, y el dibujo de la aleación fundida en el tubo Pyrex por medio de un vacío parcial. Para ello, utilice una bombilla unida al extremo del t…


Figs. 5 and 6 show the microstructures developed from directional zone melting solidification of Pb-55Cd alloy revealed by optical microscope, at two different G/V ratios (G: thermal gradient, V: velocity of the furnace movement along the Pyrex tube).

At low ratio (G/V=1.03×106 (oC.Sec/Cm2)) the microstructure consisted of branched dendrites of α phase in the matrix of ß phase. At moderate G/V ratio (G/V=1.55×106 (oC.Sec/Cm2) however, aligned stable microstructures (unbranched dendrites or cells) of α phase in matrix of ß phase are developed.

Figure 5
Figure 5: Longitudinal (left) and transverse (right) micrographs of Pb-55Cd alloy, taken at low ratio G/V=1.03×106 (oC.Sec/Cm2), showing how the stable microstructures develop during zone melting directional solidification.

Figure 6
Figure 6: Longitudinal micrograph of Pb-55Cd alloy, taken at moderate ratio G/V=1.55×106 (oC.Sec/Cm2), and showing how the aligned stable microstructures develop during zone melting directional solidification.

Applications and Summary

This experiment demonstrates to employ a specific type of zone melting freezing directional solidification furnace to develop stable microstructures. Unlike the two phase unstable microstructure that is not in equilibrium at room temperature and the structure degrade over a period of months by diffusion at room temperature, the single phase structure obtained in sample grown does not undergo any change.

Sample with stable phases, developed by mentioned furnace may have wide applications in various industries including biosensors and semiconductors in which alloys with stable phases are necessary to avoid degradation during long time application. Moreover, the furnace may be employed at researches aimed to find the influence of convection on stable and metastable phase’s formations.


Zone melting directional solidification is a metallurgical method employed to prepare stable phases in solid materials. During the solidification process, a melted alloy cools into various phases that form the solid. Using a directional solidification furnace, the process of phase formation and stabilization inside a solid material, is well controlled. This video will illustrate the principles of directional solidification and show how to apply them in the laboratory setting, to develop stable microstructures in a solid sample.

To begin, let us have a closer look at the process of solidification itself, which involves the cooling of a liquid. As the temperature decreases, particles of the liquid move slower and start to nucleate, to form what is called “the solid phase.” This principle is illustrated in a phase diagram that shows the different phases of the material as the temperature varies. In the vicinity of the solid-liquid interphase, the process of particle diffusion in the liquid occurs. This may cause mixing, and a convection current in the melt, leading to the formation of unstable microstructures. The alloy in this video is formed of two types of solid phases: an alpha phase, and a beta phase. In the particular case of a peritectic reaction, a solid phase alpha interacts with a liquid, to form a second solid-phase beta. At low growth rate, alternating bands of alpha and beta phases form.

This is called the “banding process.” The banding structure is the result of the oscillatory modes of convection inside the liquid. The composition range, the convection in the liquid, the nucleation temperature, and the growth velocity will dictate the characteristics of the banding results. These are defined by the width of the individual bands, the space between them, and their stability. Using a zone melting-freezing furnace in a vertical direction, is a neat way to control the solidification process. In this experiment, a solid is moved to the furnace where a liquid is prepared, then it is transferred immediately to a cooling zone that freezes the melted material. This transition can be performed rapidly enough to avoid the convection inside the liquid phase. The thermal gradient between the hot and cold zones and the velocity can be easily adjusted to control the growth conditions of the solid phases. We will now see how these principles apply in an experiment using a zone-melting directional solidification furnace.

First, take a 30cm long Pyrex tube, having an 8mm outside diameter. Choose a 100-micron Chromel Alumel thermocouple, covered in a 0.1cm double-bore mullite protection tube and having its tip coated with a boron-nitride slurry. Then carefully insert the thermocouple in the Pyrex tube. Next, weigh the alloy samples and place them in a crucible. Leave the crucible inside a furnace until the alloy is melted. Attache a bulb to the end of the Pyrex tube, then use the bulb to apply suction and draw the melt into the glass tube. The rode formed inside the tube will be used in our next experiment.

Place the sample inside the custom-built apparatus specifically designed and developed for vertical solidification. This setup consists of a furnace sandwiched between two cooling systems. The distance between the heating element and the following Cho Zone is set at 0.5cm. Connect the thermocouple to the data acquisition module and then connect this module to the computer. From the bottom to top, proceed to a vertical run of the furnace. Record the run time and determine the velocity of the furnace movement along the Pyrex tube. Determine the thermal gradient by taking the difference between the temperature of the melted alloy inside the furnace, and the temperature in the chill zone.

First, break the glass tube to remove this sample. Use the band saw to cut the sample into the desired length, and then mount the sample using epoxy resin. Proceed to polishing the sample in the following steps. First, use a silicon-carbide paper of grade 600, then polish with a silicon-carbide paper of grade 800, and finally of grade 1200. Now use Alumina Abrasive Particles to finish the polishing. Use, in order, 3-micron, 1-micron, and 0.05-micron size particles. The sample is now ready to be analyzed by imaging its microstructures. Using an optical microscope, images of a lead-55 cadmium alloy sample are obtained in longitudinal and transversal axes. Microstructures are revealed, which originate from directional zone melting solidification.

Let’s now take a look at the images obtained. Longitudinal and transverse micrographs of lead-55 cadmium alloy sample show composite-like microstructures develop during zone-melting directional solidification. These microstructures depend on the thermal gradient and velocity ratio. First, from a measurement at low ratio, one sees branched dendrites, and cells of alpha phase, in the matrix of beta phase. Second, at moderate ratio, aligned, stable, unbranched microstructures of alpha phase in matrix of beta phase are developed.

The zone melting freezing directional solidification furnace is a powerful tool to control the development of stable microstructures in materials for various applications. In this metallurgical process, the furnace moves along the rod-shaped sample and melts a narrow region of the solid. Since the impurities tend to segregate inside the melt, they are moved to one end of the sample, along with the moving molten zone. Thus, the zone melting freezing directional solidification furnace is routinely used in commercial alloy refining. The solar panels technology also takes advantage of alloys with stable solid phases. In fact, high quality semi-conductors are essential to ensure longer bulk lifetime and increase the efficiency of solar cells.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to directional solidification and phase stability. You should now understand how microstructure development in materials is controlled with a directional solidification furnace, based on the zone melting and freezing principal. Thanks for watching.


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Directional Solidification and Phase Stabilization. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).