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Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
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JoVE Science Education Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Open Cricothyrotomy
  • 00:00概要
  • 00:53Prepping Steps: Patient and Supplies
  • 02:53Open Cricothyrotomy Procedure
  • 06:21Contraindications and Complications
  • 07:50概要





资料来源: 詹姆斯 W 棒子,MD,急诊医学,耶鲁大学医学院临床医学专业,纽黑文,康涅狄格州,美国


通过气管造口术管建立气道访问。气管造口术管由三部分组成: 外层套管 (或气管造口术管本身),内在的套管和闭孔。在过程中,闭孔被放置在气管造口术管来指导插入,而删除内套管。闭孔神经远端圆形和突出通过气管造口术管,允许医生轻松地导入的地方没有它被抓住对周围结构的管的末端。此外,闭孔可防止管插入时用纸巾或液堵塞。 一旦将管置于,删除闭孔和内套管在气管造口术管内放置。或者,可以执行过程使用改良气管导管,将在这段视频演示。

切开的重要并发症和只时少侵入性的措施显然未能执行。然而,它在气管切开术是首选 (两个气管软骨环之间形成了开口程序),因为相关的并发症,相对速度,它可以执行和该区域的可预测解剖风险更低。

年轻的时候被视为禁忌,打开切开,此过程是与患小儿声门下的狭窄的风险增加相关联。然而,是关于哪个年龄阶段这个做法成为可接受的专家之间的分歧。众说纷纭从 5 岁到 12 岁,和很多人认为这相对禁忌症。在年幼的儿童,气管切开术是首选,和病人可能拖延时间很长时间通过针切开气管喷射通气不足以执行此更多地参与的过程。其他的禁忌症包括裂缝性的喉或环状软骨严重损伤。


1.定位的病人和制备 调整病人仰卧位置与扩展的脖子。 收集所需切开,包括 #11 刀,气管用品钩,嫁妆扩张器、 气管造口术管 (或改良气管插管) 10 消委会注射器笃的袖口和氯己定。 如果没有可用的气管套管,气管插管备卸下面罩阀 (面罩) 适配器在远端和切割管只是远端到哪里袖口注进入的网站。重新连接面罩适配器。 如果情况需要局部麻醉,如当快速序列…

Applications and Summary

A surgical cricothyrotomy is truly an emergency procedure. The procedure itself is straightforward and uncomplicated. Surgical cricothyrotomy is a lifesaving procedure in a patient who would otherwise suffer great morbidity or death from prolonged hypoxia.

Complications from a failed cricothyrotomy can be disastrous, as the loss of airway is loss of life. Most significant complications arise when an artery is lacerated, and the bleeding obscures the surgical field. The superior thyroid arteries run laterally on both sides of the midline and anastomose superficial to the inferior portion of the laryngeal prominence. With anatomic variance, it is not all that infrequent that these vessels may be encountered in the superior portion of the cricothyroid membrane, increasing the risk of laceration during the procedure.

Misplacement of the tracheostomy tube might occur even if the field is not obscured. The tube can be placed in the soft tissue when the opening is not well stabilized with the tracheal hook, or if the Trousseau dilator is not positioned within the incision in the cricothyroid membrane. Several seconds may pass before the complication is recognized, increasing the likelihood that each delivered breath distorts the recognizable anatomy. Therefore, a successful cricothyrotomy requires good knowledge of the surface anatomy, dexterity, and confidence.


Open cricothyrotomy is an emergent surgical procedure of choice in the feared “can’t intubate, can’t ventilate” scenario, which means that all other forms of endotracheal intubation have failed and the spontaneous ventilation is worsening or becoming impossible. It is performed to establish an airway access by passage of a tube through an incision in the cricothyroid membrane, which is located between the thyroid and the cricoid cartilage.

In this presentation, we will review the method for open cricothyrotomy, which includes the prepping steps and the technique for tube insertion. Following that, we will review the contraindications and complications associated with this emergency medicine procedure.

Start by positioning the patient supine with the neck extended. Next, gather all the necessary supplies. This includes: chlorhexidine, number-11 scalpel, tracheal hook, Trousseau dilator, 10cc syringe for inflating the cuff, and a tracheostomy tube.

This tube consists of an outer cannula, which is the tracheostomy tube itself, an inner cannula, and an obturator. Note that the distal end of the obturator is rounded and when it is placed inside the tube the distal tip protrudes through the open end. This allows, one, easy insertion of the tube into place without it being caught in the neighboring structures, and two, prevention of tube clogging with the surrounding tissue or fluids. If the tracheostomy tube is not available, one can use a modified endotracheal tube. To prepare this, remove the Bag Valve Mask adapter at the distal end. Next, cut the tube just distal to the site where the cuff insufflator would enter. Then reattach the adapter.

If the situation calls for local anesthesia such as when rapid sequence intubation medications have not been administrated, and the patient is awake and alert, then gather 5cc syringe with a 25G needle and 1% lidocaine with epinephrine.

If full sterile technique is observed then one should also have sterile towels, facemask, bonnet, sterile gown and sterile gloves. As with all truly emergent procedures, complete sterile technique is optional based on the time pressure of the situation.

Now let’s review the procedural steps. Clean the anterior neck with chlorhexidine by vigorous scrubbing. Full barrier precautions should be undertaken if clinically possible. This includes donning a mask, bonnet, sterile gown and gloves. To optimize the access to the site, stand on the patient’s side that matches your dominant hand, which in this case is “left” , and place sterile towels around the cleaned site to create a complete sterile field.

To locate the insertion site, first palpate the laryngeal prominence or the “Adam’s Apple”, and then move your fingers inferiorly into the depression below to find the cricothyroid membrane. If the palpation is difficult due to body habitus or pathology, the location of the cricothyroid membrane may be estimated as being four fingerbreadths above the sternal notch.

If the patient is awake, administer local anesthesia by inserting the 25-gauge needle just into the skin and creating a wheal in the midline of the expected cricothyroid membrane location. Extend the wheal by 3 cm in both superior and inferior directions.

To start, using the number 11-scalpel, make a 3-5 cm vertical incision in the midline through the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Next, with your non-dominant finger, attempt to feel the cricothyroid membrane through the incision, and then extend the incision superiorly or inferiorly to fully expose the cricothyroid membrane. Now make a 1cm horizontal incision across the cricothyroid membrane at its inferior aspect.

Next, take the tracheal hook and pull the superior portion of the incision upwards. Then using your non-dominant hand, insert the Trousseau dilator through the opening in the cricothyroid membrane, placing the bills on the superior and inferior portions of the incision. Note that the dilator handle would be on the same side as yours. Next, open the bills and rotate the handle to 90° so that it is vertical in relation to the patient. Notice that the dilator bills are now spreading away from the midline. Now, with your dominant hand place the tracheostomy tube with the obturator through the cricothyroid membrane…and remove the Trousseau dilator. Once the tube is in place, remove the obturator, insert the inner cannula of the tube and inflate the cuff using a 10 cc syringe. Next, attach a bag valve unit and ventilate the patient. Lastly, secure the tube in place using the neckties.

If using a modified endotracheal tube, the procedure is the similar. Following incision, place the tube through the cricothyroid membrane…remove the dilator…inflate the cuff… attach the bag valve unit…and secure the tube in place with an endotracheal tube holder.

“Young age is considered a contraindication to open cricothyrotomy as this procedure is associated with an increased risk of developing subglottic stenosis in children. The alternative is temporizing with transtracheal jet ventilation through a needle cricothyrotomy for long enough to perform the more involved tracheotomy procedure. Other contraindications include fractured larynx or severe injury to the cricoid cartilage.”

“Most significant complications related to this procedure arise when an artery is lacerated, and the bleeding obscures surgical field. Note that the superior thyroid arteries run laterally on both sides of the midline, and anastomose superficial to the inferior portion of the laryngeal prominence.”

“With anatomic variance, it is not all that infrequent that these vessels may be encountered in the superior portion of the cricothyroid membrane, increasing the risk of laceration during the procedure.”

“Misplacement of the tracheostomy tube might occur even if the field is not obscured. The tube can be placed in the soft tissue when the opening is not well stabilized with the tracheal hook, or if the Trousseau dilator is not positioned within the incision in the cricothyroid membrane. Several seconds may pass before the complication is recognized, increasing the likelihood that each delivered breath distorts the recognizable anatomy.”

You’ve just watched JoVE’s illustration of surgical or open cricothyrotomy. This is a lifesaving emergency procedure, but the complications from a failed cricothyrotomy can be disastrous, as loss of airway is loss of life. Although the steps are straightforward and uncomplicated, a successful procedure requires good knowledge of the surface anatomy, dexterity, and confidence. As always, thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Open Cricothyrotomy. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).