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Experimental Psychology
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JoVE Science Education Experimental Psychology
Pilot Testing
  • 00:00概要
  • 01:16Experimental Design
  • 03:08Running the Study
  • 04:57結果
  • 05:45Applications
  • 06:46概要

Test pilote




Source : Laboratoires de Gary Lewandowski, Dave Strohmetz et Natalie Ciarocco — Université de Monmouth

Dans toute expérience, les chercheurs ont le défi de créer des expériences pour les participants qui sont conformes (c.-à-d., fiable) et authentique (i.e., valide). Pourtant, il y a plusieurs façons de manipuler n’importe quelle un variable. Par exemple, si vous voulez que les participants de se sentir triste, vous pouvez avoir eux pensent de leur propre mémoire triste, regarder une vidéo triste ou lire une histoire triste.

Les chercheurs doivent trouver la meilleure façon de mettre en œuvre une construction psychologique afin de produire la manipulation plus efficace possible. Souvent, avant de lancer l’étude principale, chercheurs pilotera test (i.e., essayer) leurs manipulations pour vérifier leur efficacité.

Cette vidéo montre comment mettre en œuvre la même variable indépendante (stress aigu) de trois façons différentes. Plus précisément, cette étude vise à identifier le meilleur son (statique, horloge TIC-TAC ou bébé qui pleure) à lire lors d’une tâche difficile (problèmes mathématiques complexes) pour mieux manipuler stress.

Études psychologiques utilisent souvent des tailles d’échantillon plus élevés que les études dans les autres sciences. Un grand nombre de participants permet de s’assurer que la population étudiée est mieux représentée et la marge d’erreur accompagnée d’étudier le comportement humain est suffisamment pris en compte. Dans cette vidéo, nous démontrons cette expérience à l’aide de seulement trois participants, un pour chaque condition. Toutefois, tel que représenté dans les résultats, nous avons utilisé un total de 120 (40 pour chaque condition) aux participants de parvenir à des conclusions de l’expérience reflètent dans la section résultats.


1. définir des variables clés. Créer une définition opérationnelle (c.-à-d., une description claire des exactement quel chercheur moyen par un concept) de son stress. Aux fins de cette expérience, un bruit stressant est tout bruit qui crée une sensation de tension, immédiateté ou l’anxiété au sein des participants. Cela sera manipulé par le biais de trois sons différents : statique, horloge TIC-TAC et un bébé qui pleure. …


The researcher used 40 participants per condition, and as a result, collected data from 120 participants overall. Numbers above reflect the mean reported stress levels that participants indicated on the 1-7 scale for the stressed item in each condition. This multi-group experiment showed how researchers can operationalize the same construct in multiple ways.

A large number of participants is necessary to ensure that the results are reliable. If this research were conducted using just a few participants, it is likely that the results would have been much different and not reflective of the greater population. 

After collecting data from 120 people, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) comparing the static, ticking clock, and crying baby conditions was performed to see how they influenced stress level. As shown in Figure 3, the crying baby condition reported the most stress as hypothesized. 

Figure 3
Figure 3: The effects of different noises on stress levels. Shown are the average stress levels reported by condition.

Applications and Summary

The use of a pilot test helps researchers determine the most effective way to manipulate stress. With this knowledge, researchers can use the best manipulation in their future study.

For example, researchers manipulated stress by having participants do easy or difficult math problems to determine how stress influenced relationship behaviors.1 The results indicated that those under stress were more likely to pay attention to alternate partners and were less likely to give their own partner compliments.

Another study of stress used an entirely different method for manipulating stress.2 In this study, researchers induced stress by having participants immerse their arm in cold water to see how stress influenced long-term memory. Results indicated that exposure to stress led to worse performance on long-term memory tasks. 


  1. Lewandowski, G. W., Jr., Mattingly, B. A., & Pedreiro, A. Under pressure: The effects of stress on positive and negative relationship behaviors. Journal of Social Psychology. 154, 463-473. doi: 10.1080/00224545.2014.933162 (2014).
  2. Trammell, J. P., & Clore, G. L. Does stress enhance or impair memory consolidation? Cognition and Emotion. 28 (2), 361-374. doi:10.1080/02699931.2013.822346 (2014).


Before administering any experiment it is beneficial to perform a smaller preliminary analysis, or a pilot study, to test and refine the experimental procedure. Pilot testing is the assessment of one aspect of a pilot study.

In psychological experiments, researchers have the challenge of creating experiences for participants that are consistent and authentic; however, there are many ways to manipulate any one variable. For example, if you want participants to feel sad you can have them think of their own sad memory, watch a sad video, or read a sad story.

Researchers must find the best way to modify a psychological construct in order to produce the most effective manipulation. Often, before running the main study, researchers will “pilot test” their manipulations to check their effectiveness.

This video demonstrates how to design and execute a pilot test with an example that seeks to identify the best sound to play during a difficult task to maximally manipulate acute stress.

Before performing a pilot test, proper experimental design is essential. This process includes creation of operational definitions, or clear descriptions of specific concepts.

In this experiment, several stressful sounds are being piloted as acute stress inducers for the participant while they complete a difficult task.

For the purposes of this experiment, the operational definition of a stressful sound is any noise that creates a feeling of tension, immediacy, or anxiety within participants.

This will be manipulated through three different sounds—static, ticking clock, and crying baby—which are subjected to three experimental groups.

Next an operational definition is created for acute stress. For the purposes of this experiment, acute stress is defined as the stress or feeling of tension and strain resulting from recent demands or pressures.

Here, pressure is applied through administration of complex math problems.

In order to measure acute stress accurately, participants will be asked about their own stress levels using a straightforward question on a survey.

The item “stressed” appears embedded within several other distractor items and is rated on a 1 to 7 scale.

Distractor items are not related to the present study but are included to make the true purpose of the study less obvious.

From this scale, the experimenter will evaluate the different sounds to find which one most consistently results in the highest level of acute stress in the participant.

To conduct the study, first meet the participant at the lab. Provide the participant with informed consent. This is a brief description of the research, a sense of the procedure, an indication of potential risks and benefits, the freedom of withdrawal at any time, and a manner to get help if they experience discomfort.

To run the condition, tell the participant that they will receive a series of math problems that should be easy to solve, and they are to complete as many as possible in the 2 min time limit. Tell the participant to try to concentrate and ignore any sounds they may hear.

Next, give the participant the math problem sheet. Start the timer and immediately play the sound being tested. Now, indicate to the participant that they may start.

Following the math task, measure the dependent variable of acute stress by giving the participant a form that asks them to indicate how they currently feel.

After the experiment, debrief the participant by telling them the nature of the study. Specifically, explain that to determine what type of sound led to the most stress, three different groups worked on the same math problems for 2 min while listening to one of three sounds.

Further debrief the participant by explaining that deception was used in this experiment by indicating that the study was about concentration and that the math problems were easy.

Explain that in both cases, deception was necessary to capture the participants’ natural reaction. Divulging that the study was actually about inducing stress and that difficult math problems would be used would likely increase initial stress levels.

In a large-scale pilot study, 40 participants were tested for each sound used. This number of participants was necessary to ensure that the results are reliable and reflective of the greater population.

After collecting data from 120 people, an analysis of variance comparing the static, ticking clock, and crying baby conditions was performed to see how they influenced stress level. The numbers presented here reflect the mean reported stress levels that participants indicated on the 1 to 7 scale for the “stressed” item in each condition.

As seen in the figure, the crying baby condition reported the most stress as hypothesized.

Now that you are familiar with how researchers conduct pilot experiments, let’s take a look at how these data are incorporated into future studies.

For example, based on the results of this pilot study, researchers expanded upon the type of math problems given—easy or difficult—to induce different levels of stress and then examined the effects on relationship behaviors.

The results indicated that those under more stress were more likely to pay attention to alternate partners and were less likely to give their own partner compliments.

In another study, pilot data were collected to test the feasibility of using a multimedia mobile phone program for youth smoking cessation intervention.

As the program’s content was found to be appropriate and technically easy to distribute to the target audience, the study was designed for a larger population of youth and revealed its benefits to help youth quit smoking.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to pilot testing. Now you should have a good understanding of how to modify a variable to determine the best manipulation for an experiment. The video demonstrated how to conduct a pilot test, as well as how to evaluate the results, and concluded with examples of larger studies informed by pilot tests. 


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Pilot Testing. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).