

Published: April 07, 2023












全ての工程は、特に断らない限り室温で実施される。使用したすべてのC57BL / 6Jマウスは武漢大学の実験動物センターから入手し、関連するすべての実験は武漢大学の動物実験倫理委員会によって承認されました。マウスの苦痛を最小限に抑えるためにあらゆる努力がなされた。 1.目の核摘出と固定 二酸化炭素窒息でマウスを安楽死させ、歯のないピ?…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.




24-well cell culture cluster Costar Eyeball fixation
24-well hemagglutination plate Labedit Company Incubation antibody
Adhesion microscope slides Citotest Or similar
Anti-fluorescent quenching mountant Servicebio G1401 Slow down fluorescence quenching
BSA (bovine serum albumin) Servicebio GC305010 Blocking reagent
Confocal microscope OLYMPUS Apply 40x objective lens
Curved scissors Jiangsu Kanghua Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. Dissecting tools
Dissecting microscope RWD Life science Co.,LTD  77001S Dissecting tools
Forceps Jiangsu Kanghua Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. Dissecting tools
Methanol Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. 20210624 GC≥99.5%
Nail polish SecheVite Sealing agent
Needles  Shanghai Kindly Enterprises Development Group Co., Ltd. Accelerate the fixation
Paraformaldehyde solution Servicebio G1101 Eyeball fixation
PBS (phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4) Servicebio G0002 Rinse the eyeball 
Primary antibody: guinea pig anti-RNA-binding protein with multiple splicing (RBPMS) PhosphoSolutions Cat. #1832-RBPMS For immunofluorescence. Used at 1:400
Secondary antibody: Cy3 affiniPure donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (H+L) Jackson ImmunoResearch 706-165-148 For immunofluorescence. Used at 1:400
Straight scissors Jiangsu Kanghua Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. Dissecting tools


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Zhang, N., Wang, Z., Lin, P., Xing, Y., Yang, N. Methanol-Based Whole-Mount Preparation for the Investigation of Retinal Ganglion Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (194), e65222, doi:10.3791/65222 (2023).

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