Impedance-Based Cellular Assay to Measure Multiplicity of Infection of Influenza Virus

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Labadie, T., et al., Monitoring Influenza Virus Survival Outside the Host Using Real-Time Cell Analysis. J. Vis. Exp. (2021)

In this video, we discuss the correlation between the CIT50 and the multiplicity of viral infections. The virus-infected cells display cytopathic effects, causing their death and detachment from the gold microelectrode, which in turn, reduces the impedance.


1. Correlation between CIT50 values and multiplicity of infection

  1. Add 100 µL of sterile 1x MEM culture medium in each well of the E-plate. Insert the E-plate into the cradle pocket of the instrument at 35°C.
  2. Measure the background as described:
  3. Open the software.
    1. In "Default experiment pattern setup", choose the selected cradle(s) and double-click on the top page, then enter the name of the experiment. Click "Layout" and enter the necessary sample information for each selected well of the plate; then, click "Apply" when finished. Click "Schedule" | "Steps" | "Add a step". The software automatically adds a step of 1s to measure the background impedance (CI).
    2. Click on "Start/Continue" in the "Execute" tab. Click on "Plot," add all samples by selecting the appropriated wells, and ensure CI is between -0.1 and 0.1 before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Remove the E-plate from the cradle.
  5. Seed 3 x 104 of freshly split MDCK cells on each well of the electronic microtiter plate and grow them for 24h at 35°C with 5% CO2 so that they are in a replicative phase during IAV infection.
  6. Infect MDCK cells with different 10-fold dilutions of a known 6log10TCID50/mL titer of H1N1 virus, using reverse pipetting for reproducibility by following the steps below:
    1. Rinse MDCK cells 2x with 100 µL of MEM with no FCS (virus propagation media). Be aware of removing all media after the second wash to avoid further dilution of the inoculum.
    2. Add 100 µL of viral suspension in each well using a single-channel pipette. To avoid contamination, proceed by starting from left to right, then top-to-bottom in the plate while covering the remaining wells with the lid.
    3. Insert the plate into the cradle pocket of the instrument at 35°C. Be gentle to avoid sudden movements potentially leading to contamination.
    4. Start to monitor cell impedance every 15 min during at least 100 h as described:
      1. Insert the E-plate into the cradle pocket. Click "Schedule" | "Add step" in the software and enter values to monitor cells every 30 min for 200 repetitions. Then, select "Start/Continue".
    5. After the two cycles of measurements (i.e., 30 min), pause the apparatus by clicking on "Pause" in the "Execute" tab and remove the E-plate from the cradle.
    6. Add 1µg/mL TPCK-trypsin to the virus propagation media to cleave the viral hemagglutinin.
    7. Add 100 µL of virus propagation media containing TPCK-trypsin into each well and insert the E-plate into the cradle pocket.
    8. Click "Start/Continue" in the "Execute" tab.
      NOTE: Do not forget to create a negative control corresponding to mock-infected cells by replacing viral suspension with virus propagation media.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


E-Plate 16 (6 plates) ACEA Biosciences, Inc 5469830001 E-plates are available in different packaging
MEM 1X Life technologies (gibco) 31095029
TPCK-Trypsin Worthington LS003740
xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis Instrument S16 ACEA Biosciences, Inc 380601310 The xCELLigence RTCA S16 instruments are available in different formats (16-well, 96-well, single or multi-plate)


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Impedance-Based Cellular Assay to Measure Multiplicity of Infection of Influenza Virus. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21324, doi: (2023).

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