Counting Colony Forming Units (CFUs): Quantifying Bacteria from Fly Bodies

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Koyle, M. L., et al. Rearing the Fruit Fly & Drosophila melanogaster Under Axenic and Gnotobiotic Conditions. J. Vis. Exp. (2016).

Drosophila microbiota impacts the animal's development, immunity and physiology. This video describes a method to quantify bacteria from flies by determining the colony forming units from whole body preparations. The featured protocol demonstrates the technique with flies, reared under gnotobiotic conditions using four bacterial species.


This protocol is an excerpt from Koyle et al., Rearing the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster Under Axenic and Gnotobiotic Conditions, J. Vis. Exp. (2016). 1. Dechorionate Eggs and Transfer to Sterile Diet Prepare the biosafety cabinet by spraying the inside (including sides) with 70% ethanol. Wipe the bottom with a lab tissue, and sterilize the hood with UV light for ~15 min. Sterilize all non-biological supplies (specimen cups, paintbrush, forceps, waste…

Representative Results

Supplemental Code File: Sample Calculations. Please click here to view this file (Right click to download).


Brewer's Yeast MP Biomedicals, LLC. 903312
Glucose Sigma Aldrich 158968-3KG
Agar Fisher–Lab Scientific fly802010
Welch's 100% Grape Juice Concentrate Walmart or other grocery store 9116196
Cage: 32 oz. Translucent Round Deli Container Webstaurant Store 999L5032Y
Translucent Round Deli Container Lid Webstaurant Store 999YNL500
Stock Bottles Genesee Scientific 32-130
Droso-Plugs Genesee Scientific 49-101
Nylon Mesh Genesee Scientific 57-102
Plastic Bushing Home Depot 100404002
Plastic Bushing Cap Home Depot 100153897
Specimen Cup MedSupply Partners K01-207067
Repeater M4 Eppendorf 4982000322
50 ml Centrifuge Tubes TrueLine Centrifuge Tubes TR2003
Food Boxes USA Scientific 2316-5001
Lysing Matrix D Bulk MP Biomedicals, LLC. 116540434
Filter Pipette Tips, 300 µl USA Scientific 1120-9810
Petri Dishes Laboratory Product Sales M089303
Ethanol Decon Laboratories, INC. 2701
Paintbrush Walmart 5133
Forceps Fisher 08-882
Household Bleach (6-8% Hypochlorite) Walmart 550646751
Universal Peptone Genesee Scientific 20-260
Yeast Extract Fisher Scientific BP1422-500
Dipotassium Phosphate Sigma Aldrich P3786-1KG
Ammonium Citrate Sigma Aldrich 25102-500g
Sodium Acetate VWR 97061-994
Magnesium Sulfate Fisher Scientific M63-500
Manganese Sulfate Sigma Aldrich 10034-96-5
MRS Powder Sigma Aldrich 69966-500G
96 Well Plate Reader BioTek (Epoch) NA
1.7 ml Centrifuge Tubes USA Scientific 1615-5500
Filter Pipette Tips, 1,000 µl USA Scientific 1122-1830
96 Well Plates Greiner Bio-One 655101
Ceramic Beads MP Biomedicals, LLC. 6540-434
Tissue Homogenizer MP Biomedicals, LLC. 116004500
Class 1 BioSafety Cabinet Thermo Scientific Model 1395

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Counting Colony Forming Units (CFUs): Quantifying Bacteria from Fly Bodies. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20120, doi: (2023).

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