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Relation of DFT to z-Transform

JoVE Core
Electrical Engineering
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JoVE Core Electrical Engineering
Relation of DFT to z-Transform



The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) analyzes the frequency content of discrete-time signals.

It maps the N-sampled discrete time-domain sequence to its discrete frequency-domain sequence, where k represents the frequency index from 0 to N minus one.

For a discrete-time sequence, the z-transform is defined by summing the sequence terms multiplied by powers of the inverse of z.

Consider the z-transform of a discrete sequence. For a causal sequence, the z-transform simplifies to a finite summation.

By sampling the z-transform at equally spaced points on the unit circle, represented by complex exponentials, these values are substituted into the z-transform.

The resulting expression matches the definition of the DFT, showing that the DFT of the sequence is a sampled version of its z-transform on the unit circle.

The DFT is a sampled version of the z-transform evaluated at specific points on the unit circle in the complex plane, linking time-domain sequences to their frequency-domain representations.

This shows that the DFT is a specific case of the z-transform evaluated on the unit circle.


Relation of DFT to z-Transform

The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is a crucial tool for analyzing the frequency content of discrete-time signals. It converts a sequence of N samples from the time domain into its corresponding sequence in the frequency domain, where each sample represents a specific frequency component.

To understand how the DFT works, it's helpful to consider the z-transform, which is a method for representing discrete sequences in the complex frequency domain. The z-transform involves summing the terms of the sequence, each multiplied by the power of a complex number. For sequences that start at a specific point in time and extend forward (causal sequences), the z-transform can be expressed as an infinite or finite sum, depending on the sequence length.

By evaluating the z-transform at N equally spaced points around the unit circle in the complex plane, the values that correspond to the DFT coefficients are obtained. These points are the roots of unity, and evaluating the z-transform at these points effectively samples the frequency content of the signal at those specific frequencies.

So, the DFT can be seen as a specific application of the z-transform, focused on evaluating the sequence at these precise locations on the unit circle. This process translates time-domain sequences into their frequency-domain counterparts, making it possible to analyze the different frequency components of discrete-time signals.

The DFT's ability to reveal the frequency content of signals highlights its importance in digital signal processing and other related fields. It is widely used in applications like audio signal processing, image analysis, and communication systems. Furthermore, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an efficient algorithm commonly used to compute the DFT, enabling real-time processing of signals.