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Chapter 18

Temperature and Heat

Heat and temperature are essential concepts for everyone every day. The study of heat and temperature is part of an area of physics known as …
Experimentally, if object A is in equilibrium with object B, and object B is in equilibrium with object C, then object A is in equilibrium with object C. …
Any physical property that depends consistently and reproducibly on temperature can be used as the basis of a thermometer. For example, volume increases …
The definition of temperature in terms of molecular motion suggests that there should be a lowest possible temperature, where the average kinetic energy …
The expansion of alcohol in a thermometer is one of many commonly encountered examples of thermal expansion, which is the change in size or volume of a …
If the temperature of an object is changed while it is prevented from expanding or contracting, the object is subjected to stress. The stress is …
Heat is a type of energy transfer that is caused by a temperature difference, and it can change the temperature of an object. Since heat is a form of …
Phase transitions play an important theoretical and practical role in the study of heat flow. In melting or fusion, a solid turns into a liquid; the …
When objects at different temperatures are placed in contact with each other but isolated from everything else, they attain thermal equilibrium. A …
Just as interesting as the effects of heat transfer on a system are the methods by which the heat transfer occur. Whenever there is a temperature …
In convection, thermal energy is carried by the large-scale flow of matter. Ocean currents and large-scale atmospheric circulation, which result from the …
The average temperature of Earth is the subject of much current discussion. Earth is in radiative contact with both the Sun and dark space; it receives …
San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge is exposed to temperatures ranging from -15 °C to 40 °C. At its coldest, the main span of the bridge is …
The rate of heat transfer by emitted radiation is described by the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation: where σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, a …
There are three methods by which heat transfer can take place: conduction, convection, and radiation. Each method has unique and interesting …
The dynamic fracture of a body is a late-stage phenomenon typically studied under simplified conditions, in which a sample is deformed under uniform …
We demonstrate a method for the study of the heat and mass transfer and of the freezing phenomena in a subcooled brine environment. Our experiment showed …
In recent years, a push for developing novel silicon photonic devices for telecommunications has generated a vast knowledge base that is now being …
The microstructure of soft matter directly impacts macroscopic rheological properties and can be changed by factors including colloidal rearrangement …