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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Acids and Bases

In 1923, the Brønsted–Lowry definition of acids and bases was proposed by Johannes Brønsted and Thomas Lowry. According to this theory, a …
This lesson delves into Lewis acids and bases in the context of the octet rule for electron-deficient compounds. Here, the concept is discussed, …
This lesson delves into a critical aspect of the relative strengths of acids and bases. The strength of an acid is evaluated by the acid dissociation into …
In any solution, the value of pKa indicates whether an acid is completely dissociated or not. A negative pKa corresponds to a stronger acid, whereas a …
An acid can be deprotonated to form a conjugate base or an anion. If the produced anion is more stable, then the acid is stronger. On the contrary, if the …
This lesson defines the leveling effect in acidic and basic solutions and its role in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. It is essential to understand the …
An understanding of the solvating effect helps rationalize the relation between solvation and acidity of the compound. In addition, this also explains the …
The direct functionalization of C-H bonds is an important and long standing goal in organic chemistry. Such transformations can be very powerful in order …
This protocol presents the use of Lewis acidic multi-role reagents to circumvent kinetic trapping observed during the self-assembly of information-encoded …
Lewis acid-activation of carbonyl-containing substrates is a fundamental basis for facilitating transformations in organic chemistry. Historically, …