JoVE Educazione Scientific
Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
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JoVE Educazione Scientific Coronavirus / COVID-19 Procedures
COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: Donning Personal Protective Equipment Before Entering A Patient Room

COVID-19 / 冠状病毒爆发:在进入病人室前穿上个人防护设备






助理应观察并协助进行连接程序,直到您能够独立执行。 在抓距离内拆开保护眼镜,将防护眼镜放在表面上。 进行系统彻底的手工消毒。用你的肘部获得三个突飞猛进的消毒剂,并揉到你的手,直到干燥。 您的姓名、时间和日期应写在新使用的掩码上(在计划重复使用时)。面罩可用于整个工作班次。 不要穿防护服,把两根绳子都固定上。 戴上一副手套,确保手套被拉过来,盖住防护服的袖子。 可以戴保护帽,但这不是强制性的。 戴上面具如果您以前使用过面罩,请将其从挂钩上取下,注意不要触摸可能受污染的外部表面。 接下来,将弹性带分开,将面罩放在嘴和鼻子上,从下巴开始向上移动。拉一个弹性带,一个在你的耳朵下。 将金属鼻夹按到鼻子形状上,使面罩紧贴。 通过有力地呼气,进行泄漏测试。 戴上防护眼镜。 在避免接触眼镜的内侧时,轻轻拉开镜框,将眼镜放在耳朵上向内向。 也可以佩戴保护面遮阳板。 其他建议: 始终戴上手套并消毒双手。 更换手套时,请始终对双手进行消毒,并始终让消毒剂完全干燥。


No conflicts of interest declared.


Dearest colleagues. We have produced this film in order to highlight several important precautions which must be taken due to the current situation regarding COVID-19. It is of particular importance to clarify the reusage of protective face masks.

Remaining composed, and maintaining concentration is also of high importance. An assistant should observe and assist with the donning procedure of personal protection equipment until you are secure in your ability to carry this out independently. The recommendations in this film are based on international guidelines and recommendations.

They apply solely to COVID-19. Unpack and load the protective glasses on a surface within grabbing distance. Carry out a systematic and thorough hand disinfection.

Use the elbow to attain three squirts of disinfectant and rub this into the hands until dry. Your name, the time, and date should be written on a newly utilized mask. The face mask should be used for one entire work shift.

Now wear the protective gown and fasten both cords. Put on a pair of non-sterile gloves. Ensure these are pulled over and cover the sleeves of the protective gown.

A protective cap can be worn, however this is not obligatory. Now the new and labeled protective mask may be worn. If you have used a mask previously, remove this carefully from the hook and be careful not to touch the potentially contaminated exterior surface.

Next spread apart the elastic straps and place the mask over the mouth and nose, starting from the chin and then upwards. Pull one elastic strap over the ears and one under the ears. Press the metal nose grip to the shape of your nose so that the mask is tight fitting.

Carry out a leak test by breathing out powerfully. Now put on the protective glasses. Do not touch the inner side of the glasses.

Pull the frame gently apart and place the glasses over the ears in an inward direction. Additionally you now have the possibility of wearing a protective face visor. Before we end we have several recommendations.

For invasive procedures, such as intubation or bronchosocpy, an FFP3 masks should be used instead of an FFP2. Please do not touch cabinets, door handles, respirators, PCs, or work surfaces with contaminated hands or gloves. Always remove gloves beforehand and disinfect your hands.

When changing gloves it is also essential to disinfect the hands allowing time for the disinfectant to dry. Always place reusable materials, such as needle holders or clamps, in the white boxes in the room. Thank you very much.


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. COVID-19 / Coronavirus Outbreak: Donning Personal Protective Equipment Before Entering A Patient Room. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2020).