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Co-Immunoprecipitation and Pull-Down Assays
  • 00:00Panoramica
  • 00:45Principles of Co-Immunoprecipitation and Pull-Down Assays
  • 03:01Protocol for Co-Immunoprecipitation
  • 04:11Protocol for Pull-Down Assays
  • 05:36Applications
  • 07:47Summary





联合沉淀 (CoIP) 和下拉法是密切相关的方法, 以确定稳定的蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用。这些方法与沉淀有关, 这是一种将靶蛋白与游离蛋白抗体结合的方法。在 CoIP, 抗体结合蛋白本身绑定到另一个不与抗体结合的蛋白质, 这是一个分离过程, 保存蛋白质-蛋白质复合物。下拉法的区别是, 亲和标记的诱饵蛋白取代抗体, 亲和层析是用来分离蛋白蛋白复合物。

这个视频解释 CoIP, 下拉化验, 并在实验室的实施。包括用于纯化和分析束缚蛋白的试剂、仪器和仪器, 涵盖了每种技术的 step-by 步骤协议。此外, 该视频的应用部分描述了一个研究 myxovirus 蛋白如何抑制流感核的过程, 通过下拉法对钙调素的作用进行了调查, 并对表征瞬态蛋白相互作用。

蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用在多种生物功能中起着重要作用。大多数蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用和它们的生物效应尚待确定。联合沉淀, 或 CoIP, 和下拉法是两个密切相关的方法, 以确定稳定的蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用。这段视频将介绍这两种化验方法的原理、它们的一般实验室程序以及这些技术的应用。

CoIP 和下拉法是沉淀的变种, 一种从复杂溶液中选择性分离蛋白质种类的方法。在沉淀的实验中, 特定于靶蛋白的抗体被允许在样本中形成免疫复合物。然后, 在一个坚实的支持, 通常蛋白质 a 绑定到一个琼脂珠的复合。任何未捕获的蛋白质都被离心步骤除去。然后从抗体和固体支持中释放蛋白质, 在减少 SDS 页样本加载缓冲中沸腾。

沉淀是以同样的方式进行的, 除了完整的蛋白质复合物被捕获到坚实的支持。抗体与靶蛋白结合在一起, 这反过来又绑定到另一种不被抗体靶向的蛋白质。在沉淀中, 蛋白质复合体从抗体和固体支持中通过沸腾在减少 SDS 页样本加载缓冲区中释放出来。

下拉式测定类似于 co-immunoprecipitation, 与抗体相反, 只在使用 “诱饵” 蛋白时有所不同。通过分子生物学技术, 这种诱饵蛋白的设计与亲和力标签, 如一系列的组氨酸残留物。这些亲和标记在 “Chromatography-based 生物分离” 中描述。然后在固定的亲和配体上捕获该蛋白质。捕获的蛋白质, 然后孵化的样本, 其中含有蛋白质, 形成配合 “诱饵”。蛋白质复合体是从亲和性支持中释放出来的, 其方法是用含有竞争性分析物的溶液进行洗涤, 其特定于 “诱饵” 蛋白上的标签。下拉法有助于确认 co-immunoprecipitation 预测的蛋白质相互作用, 以及发现未知的蛋白质相互作用。

现在, co-immunoprecipitation 和下拉分析的原理已经讨论过了, 让我们看看他们的实验室程序。

首先让我们讨论 co-immunoprecipitation。对一系列的离心管, 添加了以下内容: PBS 缓冲剂和50% 蛋白 a-琼脂的溶液, 一种与抗体结合的树脂蛋白复合物。离心管被旋转以确保适当的分布, 然后用额外的 PBS 缓冲液冲洗树脂。细胞裂解物, 含有所需的蛋白质, 和2微克的抗体被添加到离心管, 和混合物是旋转1小时在4° c。这些珠子是用离心法颗粒的, 上清液被丢弃, 珠子 re-washed 三次, 用缓冲器除去 non-bound 蛋白。含有抗体-蛋白质复合物的念珠在减少 sds 页样本加载缓冲, 用于从抗体中去除复合物, 并通过 sds 页和免疫进行分析。

现在我们将讨论下拉化验的程序: “诱饵” 蛋白是用适当的亲和标记在质粒中表达的。在达到对数相生长后, 细胞被裂解, 然后离心。悬浮亲和-琼脂珠, 捕获生物素标记的 “诱饵” 蛋白, pipetted 成一个离心管。然后离心的珠子和上清小心地被抽走。然后用缓冲器、离心和清液去除珠子。

含有假定的 “猎物” 蛋白的细胞, 其对 “诱饵” 蛋白有亲和力, 可通过离心来收获。然后将上清液添加到含有该树脂的离心管中, 并在4° c 下孵育 3 h 在振动筛上。然后将树脂离心, 上清液除去, 树脂洗净以除去 non-bound 蛋白。将洗脱缓冲液添加到树脂中, 并在室温下孵育30分钟的混合物。然后对树脂进行离心, 用免疫分析了含有所需络合物的上清液。

现在我们已经复习了程序, 让我们来看看 co-immunoprecipitation 和下拉分析的一些有用的应用。

沉淀可有助于更好地理解酶的作用机制。Myxovirus, 或 Mx-, 抗性蛋白抑制广泛的病毒, 包括甲型流感, 其机制是不太了解。沉淀用于研究小鼠 Mx1 蛋白与流感核的相互作用。

下拉式分析在研究第二信使的作用方面证明是有用的, 它们是从细胞环境中传达信号的蛋白质。它们是信号通路的一个组成部分, 其中多种蛋白质相互作用以响应环境的提示。钙离子作为次级信使通过结合钙调素, 这反过来, 绑定到多种蛋白质, 调解多种类型的生物反应。如果没有钙, 这种蛋白质就不能结合到钙质钙调素。

在钙离子存在或缺乏的情况下, 进行了下拉试验, 以测试蛋白质是否能结合到调钙素。

共沉淀和下拉法通常用于分析稳定或强蛋白相互作用, 但不是瞬态的。最近的发展, 下拉测定, HaloTag, 简化了研究的瞬态蛋白相互作用;HaloTag 是一种基因编码的蛋白质融合标签, 融合到感兴趣的蛋白质, 能够化学反应与代固体支持。如果需要功能分析, 蛋白质复合物, 减去标签, 在其整体可以通过孵化与烟草蚀刻病毒蛋白酶分离。

你刚刚看了朱庇特的视频 co-immunoprecipitation 和下拉化验。本视频介绍了这两种方法的原理、一般的实验室程序以及它们的一些应用。



Co-immunoprecipitation (CoIP) and pull-down assays are closely related methods to identify stable protein-protein interactions. These methods are related to immunoprecipitation, a method for separating a target protein bound to an antibody from unbound proteins. In CoIP, an antibody-bound protein is itself bound to another protein that does not bind with the antibody, this is followed by a separation process that preserves the protein-protein complex. The difference in pull-down assays is that affinity-tagged bait proteins replace antibodies…


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Protein-protein interactions play a significant role in a wide variety of biological functions. The majority of protein-protein interactions and their biological effects have yet to be identified. Co-immunoprecipitation, or CoIP, and pull-down assays are two closely related methods for the identification of stable protein-protein interactions. This video will cover the principles of the two assays, their general laboratory procedures, and applications of these techniques.

CoIP and pull-down assays are variants of immunoprecipitation, a method for selectively isolating a protein species from a complex solution. In an immunoprecipitation experiment, an antibody specific to a target protein is allowed to form an immune complex with that target in the sample. The complex is then captured on a solid support, typically protein A bound to a sepharose bead. Any proteins not captured are removed by centrifugation steps. The protein is then released from the antibody and solid support by boiling in reducing SDS-PAGE sample-loading buffer.

Co-immunoprecipitation is conducted in the same manner, except that intact protein complexes are captured onto the solid support. The antibody binds to the target protein, which, in turn, is bound to another protein that is not targeted by the antibody. As in immunoprecipitation, the protein complex is released from the antibody and solid support by boiling in reducing SDS-PAGE sample loading buffer.

Pull-down assays are similar to co-immunoprecipitation, differing only in the use of a “bait” protein, as opposed to an antibody. Through molecular biology techniques, this bait protein is engineered with an affinity tag, such as a series of histidine residues. These affinity tags are described in “Chromatography-based Biomolecule Separations.” The protein is then captured on an immobilized affinity ligand specific for the tag. The captured protein is then incubated with a sample that contains proteins that form complexes with the “bait”. The protein complex is released from the affinity support by washing with a solution containing a competitive analyte specific for the tag on the “bait” protein. Pull-down assays are useful for confirming protein interactions predicted by co-immunoprecipitation, and for discovering unknown protein interactions.

Now that the principles of co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down assays have been discussed, let’s look at their laboratory procedures.

First let’s discuss co-immunoprecipitation. To a series of microfuge tubes, the following is added: PBS buffer, and a 50% solution of protein A-sepharose, a resin-protein complex that binds to the antibody. The microfuge tubes are rotated to ensure proper distribution, and then the resin is washed with additional PBS buffer. Cell lysate, containing the desired protein, and 2 μg of antibody are added to the microfuge tubes, and the mixture is rotated for 1 h at 4 °C. The beads are pelleted by centrifugation, the supernatant is discarded, and the beads re-washed three times with buffer to remove non-bound protein. The beads containing the antibody-protein complex are in reducing SDS-PAGE sample-loading buffer, for removal of the complex from the antibody and for analysis by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting.

Now we will discuss the procedure for pull-down assays: The “bait” protein is expressed in a plasmid with the appropriate affinity tag. After reaching log-phase growth, the cells are lysed, and then centrifuged. Suspended streptavidin-sepharose beads, which capture biotin-tagged “bait” protein, are pipetted into a microfuge tube. The beads are then centrifuged and the supernatant carefully removed by aspiration. The beads are then washed with buffer, centrifuged, and the supernatant removed.

Cells containing the putative “prey” protein, which has an affinity for the “bait” protein, are harvested by centrifugation. The supernatant is then added to the microfuge tube containing the resin, and incubated at 4 °C for 3 h on a shaker. The resin is then centrifuged, the supernatant removed, and the resin washed to remove non-bound protein. Elution buffer is added to the resin, and the mixture is incubated at room temperature for 30 min on a shaker. The resin is then centrifuged, and the supernatant containing the desired complex is analyzed by immunoblotting.

Now that we’ve reviewed the procedures, let’s look at some of the useful applications of co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down assays.

Co-immunoprecipitation can be useful in better understanding of enzymes’ mechanism of action. Myxovirus-, or Mx-, resistance proteins inhibit a wide range of viruses, including influenza A, for which the mechanism is poorly understood. Co-immunoprecipitation was used to study the interaction between mouse Mx1 protein and influenza nucleoprotein.

Pull-down assays have proven useful in studying the effects of second messengers, which are proteins that communicate a signal from the cellular environment. They are a component of a signaling pathway where multiple proteins interact in response to environmental cues. Calcium ions act as secondary messengers by binding to calmodulin, which, in turn, binds to a wide variety of proteins, mediating many types of biological responses. Without the calcium, the protein can’t bind to the calmodulin. A pull-down assay was conducted to test the ability of proteins to bind to calmodulin in the presence or absence of calcium ions.

Co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down assays are generally used for analyzing stable or strong protein interactions, but not transient ones. A recent development in pull-down assays, the HaloTag, has simplified the study of transient protein interactions; HaloTag is a genetically-encoded protein fusion tag, fused to the protein of interest, capable of chemically reacting with a haloalkane solid support. If functional analysis is desired, the protein complex, minus the tag, in its entirety could then be isolated by incubating with tobacco etch virus protease.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down assays. This video described the principles of the two methods, the general laboratory procedures, and some of their applications.

Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Co-Immunoprecipitation and Pull-Down Assays. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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