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Biologia dello sviluppo
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JoVE Educazione Scientific Biologia dello sviluppo
An Introduction to Aging and Regeneration
  • 00:00Panoramica
  • 01:02A Brief History of the Field
  • 03:26Key Questions
  • 05:12Prominent Methods
  • 06:51Applications
  • 08:40Summary

An Introduction to Aging and Regeneration




Tissues are maintained through a balance of cellular aging and regeneration. Aging refers to the gradual loss of cellular function, and regeneration is the repair of damaged tissue generally mediated by preexisting adult or somatic stem cells. Scientists are interested in understanding the biological mechanisms behind these two complex processes. By doing so, researchers may be able to use somatic stem cells to treat degenerative diseases and develop therapies that could delay the effects of aging.

In this video, we provide a brief history of the field of aging and regeneration, touching upon observations made in ancient Greece, as well as modern-day experiments. Some of the questions being asked in this field, and the prominent methods being used by biologists to answer them, are then explored. Finally, we look at a few specific experiments being conducted in today\’s aging and regeneration research laboratories.


Biologists in the field of aging and regeneration aim to understand the mechanisms of these two complex processes that are implicated in maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Aging, or “senescence,” involves deterioration of cell morphology and loss of functions over time, whereas regeneration refers to replacement of aged or damaged cells. The tissues in our bodies are maintained in a delicate balance between senescence and regeneration. Although most of our tissues have a finite lifespan, some of them do have the…


No conflicts of interest declared.



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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. An Introduction to Aging and Regeneration. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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